Created at 10/09/2024 11:52

Rockin Red, Steeple Grey, Village Crier, Rapakivi Granite, Kindleflame, Honey Glow, Thicket Green, Vivid Imagination, Blue Zephyr,

Rockin Red
Steeple Grey
Village Crier
Rapakivi Granite
Honey Glow
Thicket Green
Vivid Imagination
Blue Zephyr
Purple Ode
Pond's Edge
Vanilla Ice Smoke
Solar Light
Pearly White
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Glacier #78b1bf and Pearly White #feefd3. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Rockin Red, Steeple Grey, Village Crier, Rapakivi Granite, Kindleflame, Honey Glow, Thicket Green, Vivid Imagination, Blue Zephyr, has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #bc363c, RGB: (188, 54, 60); HEX: #827e7c, RGB: (130, 126, 124); HEX: #ab9769, RGB: (171, 151, 105)
HEX: #d28239, RGB: (210, 130, 57); HEX: #e9967a, RGB: (233, 150, 122); HEX: #e8b447, RGB: (232, 180, 71)
HEX: #93840f, RGB: (147, 132, 15); HEX: #5c9f59, RGB: (92, 159, 89); HEX: #5b6676, RGB: (91, 102, 118)
HEX: #6ba5a9, RGB: (107, 165, 169); HEX: #40507a, RGB: (64, 80, 122); HEX: #2d2d24, RGB: (45, 45, 36)
HEX: #78b1bf, RGB: (120, 177, 191); HEX: #b6c9b8, RGB: (182, 201, 184); HEX: #c9dae2, RGB: (201, 218, 226)
HEX: #faf0c9, RGB: (250, 240, 201); HEX: #feefd3, RGB: (254, 239, 211)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of crimson, Tint of Grey, Tint of tan, Tint of peru, darksalmon, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of Olive, Tint of mediumseagreen, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of cadetblue, Shade of darkslateblue, Shade of Black, Tint of skyblue, Shade of darkseagreen, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of lemonchiffon, Tint of papayawhip
Color scheme was created by colorhunt

Colors codes in palette

Rockin Red, Steeple Grey, Village Crier, Rapakivi Granite, Kindleflame, Honey Glow, Thicket Green, Vivid Imagination, Blue Zephyr, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#bc363c RGB(188, 54, 60)Rockin Red
#827e7c RGB(130, 126, 124)Steeple Grey
#ab9769 RGB(171, 151, 105)Village Crier
#d28239 RGB(210, 130, 57)Rapakivi Granite
#e9967a RGB(233, 150, 122)KindleflameDarksalmon
#e8b447 RGB(232, 180, 71)Honey Glow
#93840f RGB(147, 132, 15)Thicket Green
#5c9f59 RGB(92, 159, 89)Vivid Imagination
#5b6676 RGB(91, 102, 118)Blue Zephyr
#6ba5a9 RGB(107, 165, 169)Fairstar
#40507a RGB(64, 80, 122)Purple Ode
#2d2d24 RGB(45, 45, 36)Karaka
#78b1bf RGB(120, 177, 191)Glacier
#b6c9b8 RGB(182, 201, 184)Pond's Edge
#c9dae2 RGB(201, 218, 226)Vanilla Ice Smoke
#faf0c9 RGB(250, 240, 201)Solar Light
#feefd3 RGB(254, 239, 211)Pearly White

Color Palette Contrast

69 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Rockin Red, Steeple Grey, Village Crier, Rapakivi Granite, Kindleflame, Honey Glow, Thicket Green, Vivid Imagination, Blue Zephyr, png