Created at 10/10/2024 21:43

Confetti, Chestnut Shell, Spring Forth, Modal, Affair, Little Blue Heron, Texas Sage, Play Time, Blende Blue, Radiant Rouge, Seed

Chestnut Shell
Spring Forth
Little Blue Heron
Texas Sage
Play Time
Blende Blue
Radiant Rouge
Seed Pearl
Pale Pink
Peach Surprise
Smell of Lavender
Silky Pink
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Chestnut Shell #adff2f and Silky Pink #ffddf4. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Confetti, Chestnut Shell, Spring Forth, Modal, Affair, Little Blue Heron, Texas Sage, Play Time, Blende Blue, Radiant Rouge, Seed has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #ddcb46, RGB: (221, 203, 70); HEX: #adff2f, RGB: (173, 255, 47); HEX: #11bb22, RGB: (17, 187, 34)
HEX: #31a6d1, RGB: (49, 166, 209); HEX: #745085, RGB: (116, 80, 133); HEX: #3c4378, RGB: (60, 67, 120)
HEX: #b9a77c, RGB: (185, 167, 124); HEX: #b39ba9, RGB: (179, 155, 169); HEX: #a9c4c4, RGB: (169, 196, 196)
HEX: #d7b1b2, RGB: (215, 177, 178); HEX: #e6dac4, RGB: (230, 218, 196); HEX: #efcddb, RGB: (239, 205, 219)
HEX: #f3e3d1, RGB: (243, 227, 209); HEX: #dce0ea, RGB: (220, 224, 234); HEX: #ffddf4, RGB: (255, 221, 244)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of gold, greenyellow, Tint of limegreen, Tint of deepskyblue, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of tan, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of lightblue, Tint of Pink, Tint of antiquewhite, Shade of thistle, Tint of antiquewhite, Shade of gainsboro, Shade of thistle
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Confetti, Chestnut Shell, Spring Forth, Modal, Affair, Little Blue Heron, Texas Sage, Play Time, Blende Blue, Radiant Rouge, Seed color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ddcb46 RGB(221, 203, 70)Confetti
#adff2f RGB(173, 255, 47)Chestnut ShellGreenyellow
#11bb22 RGB(17, 187, 34)Spring Forth
#31a6d1 RGB(49, 166, 209)Modal
#745085 RGB(116, 80, 133)Affair
#3c4378 RGB(60, 67, 120)Little Blue Heron
#b9a77c RGB(185, 167, 124)Texas Sage
#b39ba9 RGB(179, 155, 169)Play Time
#a9c4c4 RGB(169, 196, 196)Blende Blue
#d7b1b2 RGB(215, 177, 178)Radiant Rouge
#e6dac4 RGB(230, 218, 196)Seed Pearl
#efcddb RGB(239, 205, 219)Pale Pink
#f3e3d1 RGB(243, 227, 209)Peach Surprise
#dce0ea RGB(220, 224, 234)Smell of Lavender
#ffddf4 RGB(255, 221, 244)Silky Pink

Color Palette Contrast

68 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Confetti, Chestnut Shell, Spring Forth, Modal, Affair, Little Blue Heron, Texas Sage, Play Time, Blende Blue, Radiant Rouge, Seed png