Created at 10/12/2024 12:21

Citrine Brown, Tawny Brown, Rustic City, Wobbegong Brown, Flat Earth, June Bugs, Ethiopian Wolf, Cerulean, Coastal Jetty, Eccentri

Citrine Brown
Tawny Brown
Rustic City
Wobbegong Brown
Flat Earth
June Bugs
Ethiopian Wolf
Coastal Jetty
Eccentric Magenta
Chestnut Peel
Buffed Plum
Versatile Taupe
Mountain Laurel
Sweet Ariel
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Citrine Brown #933709 and Coastal Jetty #006e7f. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Citrine Brown, Tawny Brown, Rustic City, Wobbegong Brown, Flat Earth, June Bugs, Ethiopian Wolf, Cerulean, Coastal Jetty, Eccentri has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #933709, RGB: (147, 55, 9); HEX: #ab856f, RGB: (171, 133, 111); HEX: #ba9a67, RGB: (186, 154, 103)
HEX: #c19a6b, RGB: (193, 154, 107); HEX: #aa5533, RGB: (170, 85, 51); HEX: #bb6633, RGB: (187, 102, 51)
HEX: #985629, RGB: (152, 86, 41); HEX: #55aaee, RGB: (85, 170, 238); HEX: #006e7f, RGB: (0, 110, 127)
HEX: #b576a7, RGB: (181, 118, 167); HEX: #343837, RGB: (52, 56, 55); HEX: #6d3c32, RGB: (109, 60, 50)
HEX: #aeafb9, RGB: (174, 175, 185); HEX: #c1b6ab, RGB: (193, 182, 171); HEX: #f4c8d5, RGB: (244, 200, 213)
HEX: #e5eae3, RGB: (229, 234, 227)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of saddlebrown, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of tan, Tint of tan, Shade of sienna, Tint of chocolate, Tint of sienna, Shade of dodgerblue, Tint of Teal, Tint of orchid, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of Maroon, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of Silver, Shade of Pink, Tint of mintcream
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Citrine Brown, Tawny Brown, Rustic City, Wobbegong Brown, Flat Earth, June Bugs, Ethiopian Wolf, Cerulean, Coastal Jetty, Eccentri color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#933709 RGB(147, 55, 9)Citrine Brown
#ab856f RGB(171, 133, 111)Tawny Brown
#ba9a67 RGB(186, 154, 103)Rustic City
#c19a6b RGB(193, 154, 107)Wobbegong Brown
#aa5533 RGB(170, 85, 51)Flat Earth
#bb6633 RGB(187, 102, 51)June Bugs
#985629 RGB(152, 86, 41)Ethiopian Wolf
#55aaee RGB(85, 170, 238)Cerulean
#006e7f RGB(0, 110, 127)Coastal Jetty
#b576a7 RGB(181, 118, 167)Eccentric Magenta
#343837 RGB(52, 56, 55)Charcoal
#6d3c32 RGB(109, 60, 50)Chestnut Peel
#aeafb9 RGB(174, 175, 185)Buffed Plum
#c1b6ab RGB(193, 182, 171)Versatile Taupe
#f4c8d5 RGB(244, 200, 213)Mountain Laurel
#e5eae3 RGB(229, 234, 227)Sweet Ariel

Color Palette Contrast

59 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Citrine Brown, Tawny Brown, Rustic City, Wobbegong Brown, Flat Earth, June Bugs, Ethiopian Wolf, Cerulean, Coastal Jetty, Eccentri png

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