Created at 10/12/2024 16:33

Greek Olive, Hamtaro Brown, Pumpkin Soup, Radiant Sun, Peacock Silk, Revival, Hollyhock Bloom, Exuberant Pink, Baltic Prince, Insi

Greek Olive
Hamtaro Brown
Pumpkin Soup
Radiant Sun
Peacock Silk
Hollyhock Bloom
Exuberant Pink
Baltic Prince
Insignia Blue
Ball Gown
Salty Seeds
Bidwell Blue
Winsome Orchid
Ghostly Green
Soft Vellum
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Pumpkin Soup #e17701 and Baltic Prince #135952. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Greek Olive, Hamtaro Brown, Pumpkin Soup, Radiant Sun, Peacock Silk, Revival, Hollyhock Bloom, Exuberant Pink, Baltic Prince, Insi has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #a08650, RGB: (160, 134, 80); HEX: #b07426, RGB: (176, 116, 38); HEX: #e17701, RGB: (225, 119, 1)
HEX: #f0cc50, RGB: (240, 204, 80); HEX: #6da893, RGB: (109, 168, 147); HEX: #5f81a4, RGB: (95, 129, 164)
HEX: #b7737d, RGB: (183, 115, 125); HEX: #b54d7f, RGB: (181, 77, 127); HEX: #135952, RGB: (19, 89, 82)
HEX: #2f3e55, RGB: (47, 62, 85); HEX: #525661, RGB: (82, 86, 97); HEX: #c1b993, RGB: (193, 185, 147)
HEX: #a9b9b5, RGB: (169, 185, 181); HEX: #d4b9cb, RGB: (212, 185, 203); HEX: #d9d7b8, RGB: (217, 215, 184)
HEX: #dddebe, RGB: (221, 222, 190)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of peru, Shade of chocolate, Tint of gold, Shade of cadetblue, Shade of steelblue, Tint of palevioletred, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of tan, Tint of Silver, Tint of thistle, Tint of beige, Tint of beige
Color scheme was created by colorstudio

Colors codes in palette

Greek Olive, Hamtaro Brown, Pumpkin Soup, Radiant Sun, Peacock Silk, Revival, Hollyhock Bloom, Exuberant Pink, Baltic Prince, Insi color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#a08650 RGB(160, 134, 80)Greek Olive
#b07426 RGB(176, 116, 38)Hamtaro Brown
#e17701 RGB(225, 119, 1)Pumpkin SoupPumpkin
#f0cc50 RGB(240, 204, 80)Radiant Sun
#6da893 RGB(109, 168, 147)Peacock Silk
#5f81a4 RGB(95, 129, 164)Revival
#b7737d RGB(183, 115, 125)Hollyhock Bloom
#b54d7f RGB(181, 77, 127)Exuberant Pink
#135952 RGB(19, 89, 82)Baltic Prince
#2f3e55 RGB(47, 62, 85)Insignia Blue
#525661 RGB(82, 86, 97)Ball Gown
#c1b993 RGB(193, 185, 147)Salty Seeds
#a9b9b5 RGB(169, 185, 181)Bidwell Blue
#d4b9cb RGB(212, 185, 203)Winsome Orchid
#d9d7b8 RGB(217, 215, 184)Ghostly Green
#dddebe RGB(221, 222, 190)Soft Vellum

Color Palette Contrast

61 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Greek Olive, Hamtaro Brown, Pumpkin Soup, Radiant Sun, Peacock Silk, Revival, Hollyhock Bloom, Exuberant Pink, Baltic Prince, Insi png