Created at 10/15/2024 21:43

Quartersawn Oak, Tia Maria, Peanut Butter Biscuit, Lima Sombrio, Evening Hush, Splendor and Pride, Phthalo Blue, Upper Crust, Midn

Quartersawn Oak
Tia Maria
Peanut Butter Biscuit
Lima Sombrio
Evening Hush
Splendor and Pride
Phthalo Blue
Upper Crust
Midnight Melancholia
Zeus Palace
San Juan
Bonsai Garden
March Tulip Green
Alexandra Peach
Melt with You
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Quartersawn Oak and Tia Maria. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Quartersawn Oak, Tia Maria, Peanut Butter Biscuit, Lima Sombrio, Evening Hush, Splendor and Pride, Phthalo Blue, Upper Crust, Midn has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #85695b, RGB: (133, 105, 91); HEX: #97422d, RGB: (151, 66, 45); HEX: #f7b565, RGB: (247, 181, 101)
HEX: #7aac21, RGB: (122, 172, 33); HEX: #7b8ca8, RGB: (123, 140, 168); HEX: #5870a4, RGB: (88, 112, 164)
HEX: #000f89, RGB: (0, 15, 137); HEX: #a3758b, RGB: (163, 117, 139); HEX: #002266, RGB: (0, 34, 102)
HEX: #3c343d, RGB: (60, 52, 61); HEX: #445761, RGB: (68, 87, 97); HEX: #9e9e7c, RGB: (158, 158, 124)
HEX: #d4c978, RGB: (212, 201, 120); HEX: #db9785, RGB: (219, 151, 133); HEX: #e3cfab, RGB: (227, 207, 171)
HEX: #f8f5e9, RGB: (248, 245, 233)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Shade of brown, Shade of sandybrown, Tint of Yellowgreen, Shade of lightslategrey, Shade of royalblue, Shade of darkblue, Tint of palevioletred, Tint of midnightblue, Shade of Black, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of darkkhaki, Tint of darksalmon, Tint of wheat, Tint of floralwhite
Color scheme was created by coolor

Colors codes in palette

Quartersawn Oak, Tia Maria, Peanut Butter Biscuit, Lima Sombrio, Evening Hush, Splendor and Pride, Phthalo Blue, Upper Crust, Midn color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#85695b RGB(133, 105, 91)Quartersawn Oak
#97422d RGB(151, 66, 45)Tia Maria
#f7b565 RGB(247, 181, 101)Peanut Butter Biscuit
#7aac21 RGB(122, 172, 33)Lima Sombrio
#7b8ca8 RGB(123, 140, 168)Evening Hush
#5870a4 RGB(88, 112, 164)Splendor and Pride
#000f89 RGB(0, 15, 137)Phthalo Blue
#a3758b RGB(163, 117, 139)Upper Crust
#002266 RGB(0, 34, 102)Midnight Melancholia
#3c343d RGB(60, 52, 61)Zeus Palace
#445761 RGB(68, 87, 97)San Juan
#9e9e7c RGB(158, 158, 124)Bonsai Garden
#d4c978 RGB(212, 201, 120)March Tulip Green
#db9785 RGB(219, 151, 133)Alexandra Peach
#e3cfab RGB(227, 207, 171)Melt with You
#f8f5e9 RGB(248, 245, 233)Risotto

Image palette Quartersawn Oak, Tia Maria, Peanut Butter Biscuit, Lima Sombrio, Evening Hush, Splendor and Pride, Phthalo Blue, Upper Crust, Midn png