Created at 10/16/2024 06:59
Pumpkin Choco, Aloe, Rattan, Lotus Red, Mature Grape, Grey Grain, Roquefort Blue, Only Olive, Rosy Highlight, Medlar, Tuft Bush pa
Pumpkin Choco
Lotus Red
Mature Grape
Grey Grain
Roquefort Blue
Only Olive
Rosy Highlight
Tuft Bush
White Currant
White Sail
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Roquefort Blue #aec6cf and Rosy Highlight #f7d994. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Pumpkin Choco, Aloe, Rattan, Lotus Red, Mature Grape, Grey Grain, Roquefort Blue, Only Olive, Rosy Highlight, Medlar, Tuft Bush pa has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #8d2d13, RGB: (141, 45, 19); HEX: #817a60, RGB: (129, 122, 96); HEX: #a58e61, RGB: (165, 142, 97)
HEX: #d1717b, RGB: (209, 113, 123); HEX: #5f3f54, RGB: (95, 63, 84); HEX: #a9bdbf, RGB: (169, 189, 191)
HEX: #aec6cf, RGB: (174, 198, 207); HEX: #cbccb5, RGB: (203, 204, 181); HEX: #f7d994, RGB: (247, 217, 148)
HEX: #d5d7bf, RGB: (213, 215, 191); HEX: #f9d3be, RGB: (249, 211, 190); HEX: #f9ebc5, RGB: (249, 235, 197)
HEX: #ebebe7, RGB: (235, 235, 231)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Tint of Grey, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of lightcoral, Shade of Purple, Tint of Silver, Tint of lightblue, Tint of beige, Tint of navajowhite, Tint of beige, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of papayawhip, Tint of whitesmoke
Color scheme was created by palettespicker
Colors codes in palette
Pumpkin Choco, Aloe, Rattan, Lotus Red, Mature Grape, Grey Grain, Roquefort Blue, Only Olive, Rosy Highlight, Medlar, Tuft Bush pa color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#8d2d13 | RGB(141, 45, 19) | Pumpkin Choco | — | |
#817a60 | RGB(129, 122, 96) | Aloe | — | |
#a58e61 | RGB(165, 142, 97) | Rattan | — | |
#d1717b | RGB(209, 113, 123) | Lotus Red | — | |
#5f3f54 | RGB(95, 63, 84) | Mature Grape | — | |
#a9bdbf | RGB(169, 189, 191) | Grey Grain | — | |
#aec6cf | RGB(174, 198, 207) | Roquefort Blue | — | |
#cbccb5 | RGB(203, 204, 181) | Only Olive | — | |
#f7d994 | RGB(247, 217, 148) | Rosy Highlight | — | |
#d5d7bf | RGB(213, 215, 191) | Medlar | — | |
#f9d3be | RGB(249, 211, 190) | Tuft Bush | — | |
#f9ebc5 | RGB(249, 235, 197) | White Currant | — | |
#ebebe7 | RGB(235, 235, 231) | White Sail | — |
Color Palette Contrast
38 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#8d2d13 | #817a60 | 1.94 |
#8d2d13 | #5f3f54 | 1.08 |
#817a60 | #a58e61 | 1.35 |
#817a60 | #d1717b | 1.3 |
#a58e61 | #d1717b | 1.04 |
#a58e61 | #a9bdbf | 1.61 |