Created at 10/30/2024 10:32

Sneezy, Gordal Olive, Radiant Yellow, Citrine, Berta Blue, Sea Cave, Cinnapink, Green Brown, Tuscan Brown, Crabby Apple, Tusi Grey

Gordal Olive
Radiant Yellow
Berta Blue
Sea Cave
Green Brown
Tuscan Brown
Crabby Apple
Tusi Grey
Light Terracotta
Summer Solstice
Peach Nectar
Honeydew Melon
Winter Doldrums
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Berta Blue #45dcff and Peach Nectar #ffb59b. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Sneezy, Gordal Olive, Radiant Yellow, Citrine, Berta Blue, Sea Cave, Cinnapink, Green Brown, Tuscan Brown, Crabby Apple, Tusi Grey has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #9d7938, RGB: (157, 121, 56); HEX: #bf852b, RGB: (191, 133, 43); HEX: #fc9e21, RGB: (252, 158, 33)
HEX: #e4d00a, RGB: (228, 208, 10); HEX: #45dcff, RGB: (69, 220, 255); HEX: #005986, RGB: (0, 89, 134)
HEX: #a6646f, RGB: (166, 100, 111); HEX: #696006, RGB: (105, 96, 6); HEX: #6f4c37, RGB: (111, 76, 55)
HEX: #753531, RGB: (117, 53, 49); HEX: #9996b3, RGB: (153, 150, 179); HEX: #df9b81, RGB: (223, 155, 129)
HEX: #ded1a3, RGB: (222, 209, 163); HEX: #ffb59b, RGB: (255, 181, 155); HEX: #e6eccc, RGB: (230, 236, 204)
HEX: #f5f1ea, RGB: (245, 241, 234)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darkgoldenrod, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of Orange, Tint of gold, Tint of skyblue, Tint of royalblue, Tint of indianred, Tint of darkolivegreen, Tint of saddlebrown, Tint of brown, Shade of lightslategrey, Shade of darksalmon, Tint of wheat, Shade of lightsalmon, Tint of beige, Tint of floralwhite
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Sneezy, Gordal Olive, Radiant Yellow, Citrine, Berta Blue, Sea Cave, Cinnapink, Green Brown, Tuscan Brown, Crabby Apple, Tusi Grey color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#9d7938 RGB(157, 121, 56)Sneezy
#bf852b RGB(191, 133, 43)Gordal Olive
#fc9e21 RGB(252, 158, 33)Radiant Yellow
#e4d00a RGB(228, 208, 10)Citrine
#45dcff RGB(69, 220, 255)Berta Blue
#005986 RGB(0, 89, 134)Sea Cave
#a6646f RGB(166, 100, 111)Cinnapink
#696006 RGB(105, 96, 6)Green BrownGreeny brown
#6f4c37 RGB(111, 76, 55)Tuscan Brown
#753531 RGB(117, 53, 49)Crabby Apple
#9996b3 RGB(153, 150, 179)Tusi Grey
#df9b81 RGB(223, 155, 129)Light Terracotta
#ded1a3 RGB(222, 209, 163)Summer Solstice
#ffb59b RGB(255, 181, 155)Peach Nectar
#e6eccc RGB(230, 236, 204)Honeydew Melon
#f5f1ea RGB(245, 241, 234)Winter Doldrums

Color Palette Contrast

58 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Sneezy, Gordal Olive, Radiant Yellow, Citrine, Berta Blue, Sea Cave, Cinnapink, Green Brown, Tuscan Brown, Crabby Apple, Tusi Grey png