Created at 11/04/2024 10:43

Indiscreet, Shutterbug, April Hills, Tropical Tree, Old Lavender, Sea Pine, Cheddar Pink Mauve, Dill Seed, Polo Blue, Bloomsberry,

April Hills
Tropical Tree
Old Lavender
Sea Pine
Cheddar Pink Mauve
Dill Seed
Polo Blue
Blue Charm
Sand Ripples
Steamed Chai
Hawkes Blue
Impatiens Petal
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Tropical Tree #20aea7 and Impatiens Petal #f1d2d7. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Indiscreet, Shutterbug, April Hills, Tropical Tree, Old Lavender, Sea Pine, Cheddar Pink Mauve, Dill Seed, Polo Blue, Bloomsberry, has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #ac3b3b, RGB: (172, 59, 59); HEX: #bba262, RGB: (187, 162, 98); HEX: #909245, RGB: (144, 146, 69)
HEX: #20aea7, RGB: (32, 174, 167); HEX: #796878, RGB: (121, 104, 120); HEX: #4c6969, RGB: (76, 105, 105)
HEX: #b67daf, RGB: (182, 125, 175); HEX: #b3b295, RGB: (179, 178, 149); HEX: #8aa7cc, RGB: (138, 167, 204)
HEX: #a598c4, RGB: (165, 152, 196); HEX: #82c2db, RGB: (130, 194, 219); HEX: #c1b7b0, RGB: (193, 183, 176)
HEX: #e0d4bd, RGB: (224, 212, 189); HEX: #d8cdc8, RGB: (216, 205, 200); HEX: #d2daed, RGB: (210, 218, 237)
HEX: #f1d2d7, RGB: (241, 210, 215)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of Olive, Tint of lightseagreen, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of orchid, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of cornflowerblue, Tint of plum, Tint of skyblue, Tint of Silver, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of lavender, Tint of mistyrose
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Indiscreet, Shutterbug, April Hills, Tropical Tree, Old Lavender, Sea Pine, Cheddar Pink Mauve, Dill Seed, Polo Blue, Bloomsberry, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ac3b3b RGB(172, 59, 59)Indiscreet
#bba262 RGB(187, 162, 98)Shutterbug
#909245 RGB(144, 146, 69)April Hills
#20aea7 RGB(32, 174, 167)Tropical Tree
#796878 RGB(121, 104, 120)Old Lavender
#4c6969 RGB(76, 105, 105)Sea Pine
#b67daf RGB(182, 125, 175)Cheddar Pink Mauve
#b3b295 RGB(179, 178, 149)Dill Seed
#8aa7cc RGB(138, 167, 204)Polo Blue
#a598c4 RGB(165, 152, 196)Bloomsberry
#82c2db RGB(130, 194, 219)Blue Charm
#c1b7b0 RGB(193, 183, 176)Sand Ripples
#e0d4bd RGB(224, 212, 189)Steamed Chai
#d8cdc8 RGB(216, 205, 200)Thought
#d2daed RGB(210, 218, 237)Hawkes Blue
#f1d2d7 RGB(241, 210, 215)Impatiens Petal

Color Palette Contrast

81 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Indiscreet, Shutterbug, April Hills, Tropical Tree, Old Lavender, Sea Pine, Cheddar Pink Mauve, Dill Seed, Polo Blue, Bloomsberry, png