Created at 11/17/2024 06:35

King's Court, Cathay Spice, Talipot Palm, Charcoal Plum, Sail Away, Hippie Pink, Petroleum, Garden Path, Deep Pine palette

King's Court
Cathay Spice
Talipot Palm
Charcoal Plum
Sail Away
Hippie Pink
Garden Path
Deep Pine
Apple Turnover
New Moss
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors King's Court and Cathay Spice. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette King's Court, Cathay Spice, Talipot Palm, Charcoal Plum, Sail Away, Hippie Pink, Petroleum, Garden Path, Deep Pine palette has combination of 11 codes colors:
HEX: #706d5e, RGB: (112, 109, 94); HEX: #99642c, RGB: (153, 100, 44); HEX: #648149, RGB: (100, 129, 73)
HEX: #6a6a6f, RGB: (106, 106, 111); HEX: #55b4de, RGB: (85, 180, 222); HEX: #ab495c, RGB: (171, 73, 92)
HEX: #21211d, RGB: (33, 33, 29); HEX: #424330, RGB: (66, 67, 48); HEX: #557138, RGB: (85, 113, 56)
HEX: #e8c194, RGB: (232, 193, 148); HEX: #c6d6c7, RGB: (198, 214, 199)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Shade of sienna, Shade of darkolivegreen, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of deepskyblue, Tint of indianred, Shade of Black, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of darkolivegreen, Shade of burlywood, Tint of honeydew
Color scheme was created by colorstudio

Colors codes in palette

King's Court, Cathay Spice, Talipot Palm, Charcoal Plum, Sail Away, Hippie Pink, Petroleum, Garden Path, Deep Pine palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#706d5e RGB(112, 109, 94)King's Court
#99642c RGB(153, 100, 44)Cathay Spice
#648149 RGB(100, 129, 73)Talipot Palm
#6a6a6f RGB(106, 106, 111)Charcoal Plum
#55b4de RGB(85, 180, 222)Sail Away
#ab495c RGB(171, 73, 92)Hippie Pink
#21211d RGB(33, 33, 29)Petroleum
#424330 RGB(66, 67, 48)Garden Path
#557138 RGB(85, 113, 56)Deep Pine
#e8c194 RGB(232, 193, 148)Apple Turnover
#c6d6c7 RGB(198, 214, 199)New Moss

Image palette King's Court, Cathay Spice, Talipot Palm, Charcoal Plum, Sail Away, Hippie Pink, Petroleum, Garden Path, Deep Pine palette png