Created at 11/18/2024 04:47
Neon 2
Amarillo dorado
Azul ultravioleta
Coral luminoso
Magenta fluorescente
Cian resplandeciente
Verde fosforescente
Rosa chicle neon
Morado escarlata
Anaranjado radiante
Verde limo
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Amarillo dorado #ffd700 and Cian resplandeciente #00ced1. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Neon 2 has combination of 10 codes colors:
HEX: #ffd700, RGB: (255, 215, 0); HEX: #8a2be2, RGB: (138, 43, 226); HEX: #ff7f50, RGB: (255, 127, 80)
HEX: #ff00ff, RGB: (255, 0, 255); HEX: #00ced1, RGB: (0, 206, 209); HEX: #76ff7a, RGB: (118, 255, 122)
HEX: #ff6fff, RGB: (255, 111, 255); HEX: #8b00ff, RGB: (139, 0, 255); HEX: #ff5733, RGB: (255, 87, 51)
HEX: #7fff00, RGB: (127, 255, 0)
Simplified version of palette colors
gold, blueviolet, coral, magenta, darkturquoise, Tint of palegreen, Tint of violet, Tint of blueviolet, Tint of tomato, chartreuse
Color scheme was created by Brandol Dussan
Colors codes in palette
Neon 2 color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#ffd700 | RGB(255, 215, 0) | Amarillo dorado | Gold | |
#8a2be2 | RGB(138, 43, 226) | Azul ultravioleta | Bright Blue Violet | |
#ff7f50 | RGB(255, 127, 80) | Coral luminoso | Coral | |
#ff00ff | RGB(255, 0, 255) | Magenta fluorescente | Magenta | |
#00ced1 | RGB(0, 206, 209) | Cian resplandeciente | Jade Glass | |
#76ff7a | RGB(118, 255, 122) | Verde fosforescente | Goblin Green | |
#ff6fff | RGB(255, 111, 255) | Rosa chicle neon | Blush Pink | |
#8b00ff | RGB(139, 0, 255) | Morado escarlata | — | |
#ff5733 | RGB(255, 87, 51) | Anaranjado radiante | — | |
#7fff00 | RGB(127, 255, 0) | Verde limo | Radium |
Color Palette Contrast
27 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#ffd700 | #ff7f50 | 1.78 |
#ffd700 | #00ced1 | 1.39 |
#ffd700 | #76ff7a | 1.09 |
#ffd700 | #ff6fff | 1.66 |
#ffd700 | #7fff00 | 1.08 |
#8a2be2 | #ff00ff | 1.89 |