Created at 11/25/2024 08:12

Pottery Red, Wild Poppy, Autumn Gourd, Orange Pink, Green Symphony, Charter Blue, Raspberry Yogurt, Berry Chocolate, Alpine Green,

Pottery Red
Wild Poppy
Autumn Gourd
Orange Pink
Green Symphony
Charter Blue
Raspberry Yogurt
Berry Chocolate
Alpine Green
Kimono Grey
Daiquiri Green
Dusky Lilac
First Crush
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Orange Pink #ff6f52 and Alpine Green #005f56. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Pottery Red, Wild Poppy, Autumn Gourd, Orange Pink, Green Symphony, Charter Blue, Raspberry Yogurt, Berry Chocolate, Alpine Green, has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #b05d59, RGB: (176, 93, 89); HEX: #b85b57, RGB: (184, 91, 87); HEX: #e6ae76, RGB: (230, 174, 118)
HEX: #ff6f52, RGB: (255, 111, 82); HEX: #66aa22, RGB: (102, 170, 34); HEX: #546e91, RGB: (84, 110, 145)
HEX: #e30b5d, RGB: (227, 11, 93); HEX: #3f000f, RGB: (63, 0, 15); HEX: #005f56, RGB: (0, 95, 86)
HEX: #3d4c51, RGB: (61, 76, 81); HEX: #c9d77e, RGB: (201, 215, 126); HEX: #ed9987, RGB: (237, 153, 135)
HEX: #d6cbda, RGB: (214, 203, 218); HEX: #f6e2ea, RGB: (246, 226, 234)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of indianred, Tint of indianred, Tint of burlywood, Shade of tomato, Shade of olivedrab, Tint of steelblue, Shade of crimson, Tint of Maroon, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of Khaki, Shade of darksalmon, Shade of thistle, Tint of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Pottery Red, Wild Poppy, Autumn Gourd, Orange Pink, Green Symphony, Charter Blue, Raspberry Yogurt, Berry Chocolate, Alpine Green, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#b05d59 RGB(176, 93, 89)Pottery Red
#b85b57 RGB(184, 91, 87)Wild Poppy
#e6ae76 RGB(230, 174, 118)Autumn Gourd
#ff6f52 RGB(255, 111, 82)Orange PinkOrange pink
#66aa22 RGB(102, 170, 34)Green Symphony
#546e91 RGB(84, 110, 145)Charter Blue
#e30b5d RGB(227, 11, 93)Raspberry Yogurt
#3f000f RGB(63, 0, 15)Berry Chocolate
#005f56 RGB(0, 95, 86)Alpine Green
#3d4c51 RGB(61, 76, 81)Kimono Grey
#c9d77e RGB(201, 215, 126)Daiquiri Green
#ed9987 RGB(237, 153, 135)Whimsy
#d6cbda RGB(214, 203, 218)Dusky Lilac
#f6e2ea RGB(246, 226, 234)First Crush

Color Palette Contrast

43 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Pottery Red, Wild Poppy, Autumn Gourd, Orange Pink, Green Symphony, Charter Blue, Raspberry Yogurt, Berry Chocolate, Alpine Green, png