Created at 12/02/2024 08:41
Rattlesnake, Pinkish Orange, Tomato Scepter, Midori, Amaranth Blossom, Victorian, Mohair Soft Blue Grey, Malabar, Mud Berry, Silve
Pinkish Orange
Tomato Scepter
Amaranth Blossom
Mohair Soft Blue Grey
Mud Berry
Silver Spruce
Cotton Field
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Pinkish Orange #ff724c and Midori #2a603b. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Rattlesnake, Pinkish Orange, Tomato Scepter, Midori, Amaranth Blossom, Victorian, Mohair Soft Blue Grey, Malabar, Mud Berry, Silve has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #7f7667, RGB: (127, 118, 103); HEX: #ff724c, RGB: (255, 114, 76); HEX: #e44458, RGB: (228, 68, 88)
HEX: #2a603b, RGB: (42, 96, 59); HEX: #7b2331, RGB: (123, 35, 49); HEX: #988f97, RGB: (152, 143, 151)
HEX: #97b2b7, RGB: (151, 178, 183); HEX: #cfbea9, RGB: (207, 190, 169); HEX: #d0c8c4, RGB: (208, 200, 196)
HEX: #cadfdd, RGB: (202, 223, 221); HEX: #d8d7d3, RGB: (216, 215, 211); HEX: #faf0be, RGB: (250, 240, 190)
HEX: #f2f0e8, RGB: (242, 240, 232)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Tint of coral, Tint of indianred, Shade of darkgreen, Tint of brown, Shade of Grey, Tint of lightblue, Shade of tan, Shade of Silver, Tint of lightcyan, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of lemonchiffon, Tint of floralwhite
Color scheme was created by palettespicker
Colors codes in palette
Rattlesnake, Pinkish Orange, Tomato Scepter, Midori, Amaranth Blossom, Victorian, Mohair Soft Blue Grey, Malabar, Mud Berry, Silve color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#7f7667 | RGB(127, 118, 103) | Rattlesnake | — | |
#ff724c | RGB(255, 114, 76) | Pinkish Orange | Pinkish orange | |
#e44458 | RGB(228, 68, 88) | Tomato Scepter | — | |
#2a603b | RGB(42, 96, 59) | Midori | — | |
#7b2331 | RGB(123, 35, 49) | Amaranth Blossom | — | |
#988f97 | RGB(152, 143, 151) | Victorian | — | |
#97b2b7 | RGB(151, 178, 183) | Mohair Soft Blue Grey | — | |
#cfbea9 | RGB(207, 190, 169) | Malabar | — | |
#d0c8c4 | RGB(208, 200, 196) | Mud Berry | — | |
#cadfdd | RGB(202, 223, 221) | Silver Spruce | — | |
#d8d7d3 | RGB(216, 215, 211) | Cloudy | — | |
#faf0be | RGB(250, 240, 190) | Blond | — | |
#f2f0e8 | RGB(242, 240, 232) | Cotton Field | — |
Color Palette Contrast
40 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#7f7667 | #ff724c | 1.65 |
#7f7667 | #e44458 | 1.12 |
#7f7667 | #2a603b | 1.65 |
#7f7667 | #988f97 | 1.43 |
#7f7667 | #97b2b7 | 1.99 |
#ff724c | #e44458 | 1.47 |