Created at 12/23/2024 17:44

Clear Red, Mochaccino, Mirage, Roycroft Pewter, Showcase Blue, Desert Mist, Hideaway palette

Clear Red
Roycroft Pewter
Showcase Blue
Desert Mist
Clear Sand
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Mochaccino #945200 and Showcase Blue #93aebc. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Clear Red, Mochaccino, Mirage, Roycroft Pewter, Showcase Blue, Desert Mist, Hideaway palette has combination of 9 codes colors:
HEX: #ce261c, RGB: (206, 38, 28); HEX: #945200, RGB: (148, 82, 0); HEX: #373f43, RGB: (55, 63, 67)
HEX: #616564, RGB: (97, 101, 100); HEX: #93aebc, RGB: (147, 174, 188); HEX: #e0b589, RGB: (224, 181, 137)
HEX: #c8c0aa, RGB: (200, 192, 170); HEX: #f4f09b, RGB: (244, 240, 155); HEX: #eae7da, RGB: (234, 231, 218)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of firebrick, Shade of saddlebrown, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of burlywood, Shade of tan, Shade of Khaki, Tint of oldlace
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Clear Red, Mochaccino, Mirage, Roycroft Pewter, Showcase Blue, Desert Mist, Hideaway palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ce261c RGB(206, 38, 28)Clear Red
#945200 RGB(148, 82, 0)Mochaccino
#373f43 RGB(55, 63, 67)Mirage
#616564 RGB(97, 101, 100)Roycroft Pewter
#93aebc RGB(147, 174, 188)Showcase Blue
#e0b589 RGB(224, 181, 137)Desert Mist
#c8c0aa RGB(200, 192, 170)Hideaway
#f4f09b RGB(244, 240, 155)Portofino
#eae7da RGB(234, 231, 218)Clear Sand

Color Palette Contrast

15 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Clear Red, Mochaccino, Mirage, Roycroft Pewter, Showcase Blue, Desert Mist, Hideaway palette png