Created at 01/01/2025 12:26

Red Sentinel, Inca Temple, Birchy Woods, Cressida, Lucid Blue, Nightfall in Suburbia, Montana Grape, Maiden Pink, Ancient Olive, S

Red Sentinel
Inca Temple
Birchy Woods
Lucid Blue
Nightfall in Suburbia
Montana Grape
Maiden Pink
Ancient Olive
Stone Hearth
Death Guard
Wilderness Grey
Yellow Jubilee
The palette consists of Dark, Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Nightfall in Suburbia #0011dd and Yellow Jubilee #ffd379. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Red Sentinel, Inca Temple, Birchy Woods, Cressida, Lucid Blue, Nightfall in Suburbia, Montana Grape, Maiden Pink, Ancient Olive, S has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #b9090f, RGB: (185, 9, 15); HEX: #8c7b6c, RGB: (140, 123, 108); HEX: #806843, RGB: (128, 104, 67)
HEX: #8aae7c, RGB: (138, 174, 124); HEX: #7e8d9f, RGB: (126, 141, 159); HEX: #0011dd, RGB: (0, 17, 221)
HEX: #6c5971, RGB: (108, 89, 113); HEX: #ff2feb, RGB: (255, 47, 235); HEX: #6a5536, RGB: (106, 85, 54)
HEX: #636869, RGB: (99, 104, 105); HEX: #9eb37b, RGB: (158, 179, 123); HEX: #91b6ac, RGB: (145, 182, 172)
HEX: #c2baa8, RGB: (194, 186, 168); HEX: #ffd379, RGB: (255, 211, 121); HEX: #cbc2ad, RGB: (203, 194, 173)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of firebrick, Tint of Grey, Shade of saddlebrown, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of lightslategrey, Shade of mediumblue, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of magenta, Shade of saddlebrown, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of cadetblue, Tint of Silver, Tint of navajowhite, Shade of tan
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Red Sentinel, Inca Temple, Birchy Woods, Cressida, Lucid Blue, Nightfall in Suburbia, Montana Grape, Maiden Pink, Ancient Olive, S color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#b9090f RGB(185, 9, 15)Red Sentinel
#8c7b6c RGB(140, 123, 108)Inca Temple
#806843 RGB(128, 104, 67)Birchy Woods
#8aae7c RGB(138, 174, 124)Cressida
#7e8d9f RGB(126, 141, 159)Lucid Blue
#0011dd RGB(0, 17, 221)Nightfall in Suburbia
#6c5971 RGB(108, 89, 113)Montana Grape
#ff2feb RGB(255, 47, 235)Maiden Pink
#6a5536 RGB(106, 85, 54)Ancient Olive
#636869 RGB(99, 104, 105)Stone Hearth
#9eb37b RGB(158, 179, 123)Death Guard
#91b6ac RGB(145, 182, 172)Treetop
#c2baa8 RGB(194, 186, 168)Wilderness Grey
#ffd379 RGB(255, 211, 121)Yellow Jubilee
#cbc2ad RGB(203, 194, 173)Tuft

Color Palette Contrast

57 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Red Sentinel, Inca Temple, Birchy Woods, Cressida, Lucid Blue, Nightfall in Suburbia, Montana Grape, Maiden Pink, Ancient Olive, S png