Created at 01/04/2025 13:53

Castellina, Valencia, Blazing Autumn, Maximum Yellow Red, Golden Cream, Saltbox Blue, Pink Flamingo, Velvet Cape, Gaia Stone, Deco

Blazing Autumn
Maximum Yellow Red
Golden Cream
Saltbox Blue
Pink Flamingo
Velvet Cape
Gaia Stone
Hisoku Blue
Wafting Grey
Navajo White
Still Morning
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Hisoku Blue #abced8 and Still Morning #fff8e1. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Castellina, Valencia, Blazing Autumn, Maximum Yellow Red, Golden Cream, Saltbox Blue, Pink Flamingo, Velvet Cape, Gaia Stone, Deco has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #a27040, RGB: (162, 112, 64); HEX: #d4574e, RGB: (212, 87, 78); HEX: #f3ad63, RGB: (243, 173, 99)
HEX: #f2ba49, RGB: (242, 186, 73); HEX: #f7b768, RGB: (247, 183, 104); HEX: #65758a, RGB: (101, 117, 138)
HEX: #ff66ff, RGB: (255, 102, 255); HEX: #623941, RGB: (98, 57, 65); HEX: #a4be8d, RGB: (164, 190, 141)
HEX: #8fcbc0, RGB: (143, 203, 192); HEX: #abced8, RGB: (171, 206, 216); HEX: #cdbdba, RGB: (205, 189, 186)
HEX: #ffdead, RGB: (255, 222, 173); HEX: #fff8e1, RGB: (255, 248, 225)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of sienna, Tint of indianred, Shade of sandybrown, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of sandybrown, Tint of slategrey, Tint of violet, Tint of brown, Shade of darkseagreen, Shade of mediumturquoise, Tint of lightblue, Shade of Silver, navajowhite, Shade of cornsilk
Color scheme was created by colorday

Colors codes in palette

Castellina, Valencia, Blazing Autumn, Maximum Yellow Red, Golden Cream, Saltbox Blue, Pink Flamingo, Velvet Cape, Gaia Stone, Deco color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#a27040 RGB(162, 112, 64)Castellina
#d4574e RGB(212, 87, 78)Valencia
#f3ad63 RGB(243, 173, 99)Blazing Autumn
#f2ba49 RGB(242, 186, 73)Maximum Yellow Red
#f7b768 RGB(247, 183, 104)Golden Cream
#65758a RGB(101, 117, 138)Saltbox Blue
#ff66ff RGB(255, 102, 255)Pink Flamingo
#623941 RGB(98, 57, 65)Velvet Cape
#a4be8d RGB(164, 190, 141)Gaia Stone
#8fcbc0 RGB(143, 203, 192)Deco-Rate
#abced8 RGB(171, 206, 216)Hisoku Blue
#cdbdba RGB(205, 189, 186)Wafting Grey
#ffdead RGB(255, 222, 173)Navajo WhiteNavajowhite1
#fff8e1 RGB(255, 248, 225)Still Morning

Color Palette Contrast

51 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Castellina, Valencia, Blazing Autumn, Maximum Yellow Red, Golden Cream, Saltbox Blue, Pink Flamingo, Velvet Cape, Gaia Stone, Deco png