Created at 01/04/2025 19:29

Saucisson, Hong Kong Taxi, Gaharā Lāl, Light Mahogany, Edgy Gold, Terrain, Sweet Escape, Rose Chintz, Rocky Road, Dried Plum, Deep

Hong Kong Taxi
Gaharā Lāl
Light Mahogany
Edgy Gold
Sweet Escape
Rose Chintz
Rocky Road
Dried Plum
Deep Mystery
Alienator Grey
Spa Blue
Iris Isle
My Sweetheart
The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Sweet Escape #8844ff and Whitetail #f4eee5. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Saucisson, Hong Kong Taxi, Gaharā Lāl, Light Mahogany, Edgy Gold, Terrain, Sweet Escape, Rose Chintz, Rocky Road, Dried Plum, Deep has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #882c17, RGB: (136, 44, 23); HEX: #a8102a, RGB: (168, 16, 42); HEX: #ac0c20, RGB: (172, 12, 32)
HEX: #9b8b7c, RGB: (155, 139, 124); HEX: #b1975f, RGB: (177, 151, 95); HEX: #708157, RGB: (112, 129, 87)
HEX: #8844ff, RGB: (136, 68, 255); HEX: #c77579, RGB: (199, 117, 121); HEX: #5a3e36, RGB: (90, 62, 54)
HEX: #683332, RGB: (104, 51, 50); HEX: #494c59, RGB: (73, 76, 89); HEX: #9790a4, RGB: (151, 144, 164)
HEX: #d3dedf, RGB: (211, 222, 223); HEX: #e8e5ec, RGB: (232, 229, 236); HEX: #f8e7df, RGB: (248, 231, 223)
HEX: #f4eee5, RGB: (244, 238, 229)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Tint of brown, Tint of brown, Shade of Grey, Tint of tan, Shade of darkolivegreen, Shade of blueviolet, Shade of indianred, Tint of saddlebrown, Shade of Maroon, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of Grey, Tint of gainsboro, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of linen, Tint of floralwhite
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Saucisson, Hong Kong Taxi, Gaharā Lāl, Light Mahogany, Edgy Gold, Terrain, Sweet Escape, Rose Chintz, Rocky Road, Dried Plum, Deep color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#882c17 RGB(136, 44, 23)Saucisson
#a8102a RGB(168, 16, 42)Hong Kong Taxi
#ac0c20 RGB(172, 12, 32)Gaharā Lāl
#9b8b7c RGB(155, 139, 124)Light Mahogany
#b1975f RGB(177, 151, 95)Edgy Gold
#708157 RGB(112, 129, 87)Terrain
#8844ff RGB(136, 68, 255)Sweet Escape
#c77579 RGB(199, 117, 121)Rose Chintz
#5a3e36 RGB(90, 62, 54)Rocky Road
#683332 RGB(104, 51, 50)Dried Plum
#494c59 RGB(73, 76, 89)Deep Mystery
#9790a4 RGB(151, 144, 164)Alienator Grey
#d3dedf RGB(211, 222, 223)Spa Blue
#e8e5ec RGB(232, 229, 236)Iris Isle
#f8e7df RGB(248, 231, 223)My Sweetheart
#f4eee5 RGB(244, 238, 229)Whitetail

Color Palette Contrast

43 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Saucisson, Hong Kong Taxi, Gaharā Lāl, Light Mahogany, Edgy Gold, Terrain, Sweet Escape, Rose Chintz, Rocky Road, Dried Plum, Deep png