Created at 01/24/2025 23:08
Pomodoro, Imagine, Hyacinth Red, Burst of Gold, Crude Banana, Aggressive Baby Blue, Cleopatra, Coming up Roses, Nora's Forest, Che
Hyacinth Red
Burst of Gold
Crude Banana
Aggressive Baby Blue
Coming up Roses
Nora's Forest
Cheddar Pink Mauve
Ajwain Green
Watery Sea
Chewing Gum Pink
Minified Blue
Shell Haven
The palette consists of Dark, Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Pomodoro #c30232 and Aggressive Baby Blue #6fffff. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Pomodoro, Imagine, Hyacinth Red, Burst of Gold, Crude Banana, Aggressive Baby Blue, Cleopatra, Coming up Roses, Nora's Forest, Che has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #c30232, RGB: (195, 2, 50); HEX: #af9468, RGB: (175, 148, 104); HEX: #a75536, RGB: (167, 85, 54)
HEX: #deb368, RGB: (222, 179, 104); HEX: #21c40e, RGB: (33, 196, 14); HEX: #6fffff, RGB: (111, 255, 255)
HEX: #007590, RGB: (0, 117, 144); HEX: #de7485, RGB: (222, 116, 133); HEX: #003333, RGB: (0, 51, 51)
HEX: #b67daf, RGB: (182, 125, 175); HEX: #c2a593, RGB: (194, 165, 147); HEX: #d3de7b, RGB: (211, 222, 123)
HEX: #88bfe7, RGB: (136, 191, 231); HEX: #e292b6, RGB: (226, 146, 182); HEX: #b3dbea, RGB: (179, 219, 234)
HEX: #ebdfc0, RGB: (235, 223, 192)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of crimson, Tint of tan, Shade of sienna, Tint of burlywood, Tint of limegreen, Shade of cyan, Tint of Teal, Shade of palevioletred, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of orchid, Tint of tan, Tint of Khaki, Tint of lightskyblue, Shade of palevioletred, Shade of lightblue, Tint of papayawhip
Color scheme was created by bad_colors
Colors codes in palette
Pomodoro, Imagine, Hyacinth Red, Burst of Gold, Crude Banana, Aggressive Baby Blue, Cleopatra, Coming up Roses, Nora's Forest, Che color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#c30232 | RGB(195, 2, 50) | Pomodoro | — | |
#af9468 | RGB(175, 148, 104) | Imagine | — | |
#a75536 | RGB(167, 85, 54) | Hyacinth Red | — | |
#deb368 | RGB(222, 179, 104) | Burst of Gold | — | |
#21c40e | RGB(33, 196, 14) | Crude Banana | — | |
#6fffff | RGB(111, 255, 255) | Aggressive Baby Blue | — | |
#007590 | RGB(0, 117, 144) | Cleopatra | — | |
#de7485 | RGB(222, 116, 133) | Coming up Roses | — | |
#003333 | RGB(0, 51, 51) | Nora's Forest | — | |
#b67daf | RGB(182, 125, 175) | Cheddar Pink Mauve | — | |
#c2a593 | RGB(194, 165, 147) | Pragmatic | — | |
#d3de7b | RGB(211, 222, 123) | Ajwain Green | — | |
#88bfe7 | RGB(136, 191, 231) | Watery Sea | — | |
#e292b6 | RGB(226, 146, 182) | Chewing Gum Pink | — | |
#b3dbea | RGB(179, 219, 234) | Minified Blue | — | |
#ebdfc0 | RGB(235, 223, 192) | Shell Haven | — |
Color Palette Contrast
66 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#c30232 | #a75536 | 1.18 |
#c30232 | #007590 | 1.16 |
#c30232 | #b67daf | 1.93 |
#af9468 | #a75536 | 1.81 |
#af9468 | #deb368 | 1.48 |
#af9468 | #21c40e | 1.23 |