Created at 07/29/2020 17:32

Design lifestyle horoscope app colors

The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors #fb8b07 and #fc9c3c. Palette has Warm, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Design lifestyle horoscope app colors has combination of 6 codes colors:
HEX: #fb8b07, RGB: (251, 139, 7); HEX: #fc9c3c, RGB: (252, 156, 60); HEX: #c06a16, RGB: (192, 106, 22)
HEX: #acacac, RGB: (172, 172, 172); HEX: #c2bfbe, RGB: (194, 191, 190); HEX: #40372e, RGB: (64, 55, 46)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darkorange, Tint of sandybrown, Tint of chocolate, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of Silver, Shade of Black
Color scheme was created by colorswall

Colors codes in palette

Design lifestyle horoscope app colors color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#fb8b07 RGB(251, 139, 7)
#fc9c3c RGB(252, 156, 60)
#c06a16 RGB(192, 106, 22)
#acacac RGB(172, 172, 172)
#c2bfbe RGB(194, 191, 190)
#40372e RGB(64, 55, 46)

Image palette Design lifestyle horoscope app colors png