Criado em 02/18/2023 14:53
#0080ff HEX Cor Brescian Blue Informação
Cor | HEX | RGB |
#0080ff | RGB(0, 128, 255) |
RGB os valores são RGB(0, 128, 255)
#0080ff cor contém Vermelho 0%, Verde 50.2% e Azul 100%.
Nomes de cores de #0080ff HEX código
Brescian Blue, Blue, dodger blue Cor
Cores alternativas de Brescian Blue #0080ff
A cor oposta para Brescian Blue é #ff8000
#0080ff Conversão de cores
Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #0080ff Brescian Blue
hsl(210, 100%, 50%)
hsla(210, 100%, 50%, 1)
RGB(0, 128, 255)
RGBA(0, 128, 255, 1)
Paletas para cores #0080ff:
Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #0080ff
a cor mais escura é #000d19 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #e6f2ff dos tons
Paleta de tons de #0080ff:
Paleta de tons de #0080ff:
Paleta complementar de #0080ff:
Paleta triádica de #0080ff:
Paleta quadrada de #0080ff:
Paleta análoga de #0080ff:
Paleta complementar dividida de #0080ff:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #0080ff:
Cor Brescian Blue #0080ff usado em paletas (48)
12 Color Rainbow 12 Rainbow Colors 12 Monthly Rainbow Colors 16 RGB Colors (2) Rainbow(extended) asdfghj Emotion Colors 8 Visolit, scale 50 shades of Visolit 13 DORDMV Chart Rainbow 24 Rainbow Colors Palak Paneer, Star Command Blue, Brescian Blue, Delft Blue, Herb Garden palette Redsurrection palette Refined Chianti, Fleshtone Shade Wash, Young Tangerine, Drably Olive, Deep Smoke Signal, Tangent Periwinkle, Azraq Blue, Adonis, A Sparkling Red, Clay Creek, Exotic Life, Orioles Orange, Mary's Garden, Snake River, Brescian Blue, Jet, Mood Indigo, Arcane Red, P Sun Baked Earth, Rucksack Tan, Co Pilot, Brescian Blue, Old Rose, Zeus, Burnished Metal palette Show Business, Captain Kirk, Kumquat, Aloe Vera, Wild Caribbean Green, Scholarship, Brescian Blue, Pink Flamingo, Rum Riche, Tiram Ketchup Later, Hammered Silver, Stratford Sage, Gold Spike, BBQ, Amazonite, Croquet Blue, Brescian Blue, Star Command Blue, Heavy Chocolate Stain, Brescian Blue, Pondscape palette 12 Rainbow Colors (with names) Melbourne Cup, Brescian Blue, Ice Cream Cone palette Bindi Red, Brescian Blue, New Kenyan Copper, Single Origin, Teton Blue palette Hong Kong Taxi, Teri-Gaki Persimmon, Mossy Green, Brescian Blue, Blue Wing Teal, Velvet Plum, Stone's Throw, Armada, Forest Moss, Bricks of Hope, Spanish Olive, Brescian Blue, Burning Steppes, Lilas, Wild Lilac palette веселка Saucisson, Farm Straw, Queen of Gardens, Coney Island, Shakespeare, Brescian Blue, Wildflower, Moonrose, Garden Green, Davy's Grey Beaver Kit, Banana Flash, Shandy, Scarabœus Nobilis, Brescian Blue, Trapper Green, Teal Dark Green, Deep Marine, Nightfall, Taos T Fire Axe Red, Karacha Red, Cressida, Labradorite Green, Brescian Blue, Daisy Leaf, Fountain City, Lavender Blessing, Cream Snap pa Majolica Earthenware, Iguana Green, A Hint of Incremental Blue, Brescian Blue, Chimney palette Chinchilla, Alert Tan, Pine Garland, Hedge Garden, Livid, Brescian Blue, Timeless Ruby, Sambuca, Charadon Granite, Purple Statice, Metroid Red, Chocolaty, Almond Frost, Green Olive, Moroccan Ruby, Topaz Mountain, White Oak, Bright Yellow Green, Tree Python, Bre Gilded Pear, Brescian Blue, Chubby Kiss, Cozy Summer Sunset, Sundown, Water Leaf, Silver Sands palette rainbow colors Shepherd's Warning, Veranda Green, Brescian Blue, Cruel Sea, Hereford Bull, Cedar Glen palette Beaver Kit, Brescian Blue, Honed Steel, Poisonberry palette Hemoglobin Red, Brescian Blue, Stirland Mud, Key Largo, Bethany palette Goblin Blue, Wethers Field, Brescian Blue, Bloodstain palette Shimmering Glade, Atlantis, Sea Swimmer, Brescian Blue, Fioletowy Purple, Snappy Violet, Phosphorus palette Brescian Blue, Falcon Grey, Cracker Bitz, White Grape, Crescendo palette Number #369 Brandy Punch, Pecan Veneer, Brescian Blue, Tardis Blue, Perseverance palette Cherry Red, Traffic Red, Hazelnut, Blue Dude, Brescian Blue, Oceanside, Matte Grey, Cold Pink palette Sunny Yellow, Brescian Blue palette color constancy 'additive' (Cyan) color constancy 'additive' (Blue)