Criado em 02/22/2023 18:11

#4d0082 HEX Cor Pigment Indigo Informação

#4d0082 RGB(77, 0, 130)

RGB os valores são RGB(77, 0, 130)
#4d0082 cor contém Vermelho 30.2%, Verde 0% e Azul 50.98%.

Nomes de cores de #4d0082 HEX código

Pigment Indigo Cor

Classificação da cor #4d0082

#4d0082 é Escuro e Legal Cor
Sombra de indigo

Cores alternativas de Pigment Indigo #4d0082

A cor oposta para Pigment Indigo é #338000

#4d0082 Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #4d0082 Pigment Indigo

hsl(276, 100%, 25%)
hsla(276, 100%, 25%, 1)
RGB(77, 0, 130)
RGBA(77, 0, 130, 1)

Paletas para cores #4d0082 Pigment Indigo:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #4d0082

a cor mais escura é #08000d dos tons e a cor mais clara é #ede6f3 dos tons

Paleta de tons de #4d0082:
Paleta de tons de #4d0082:
Paleta complementar de #4d0082:
Paleta triádica de #4d0082:
Paleta quadrada de #4d0082:
Paleta análoga de #4d0082:
Paleta complementar dividida de #4d0082:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #4d0082:

Cor Pigment Indigo #4d0082 usado em paletas (49)

Cowgirl Boots, Craft Paper, Warm Cider, Warm Cream Spirit, Lemon Dream, Nervy Hue, Sagebrush Green, Pickled Purple, Pigment Indigo Electric Orange, Alfalfa Bug, Blue Shoal, Stillwater, Magic Fountain, Pigment Indigo, Dirty Purple, Raspberry Pink, Spanish Purple Pigment Indigo, Cherry Cobbler, Classic French Grey, Craggy Skin, Flip-Flop palette Pigment Indigo, Fruit Bowl palette Pigment Indigo, Digital Garage, Grey Nickel, Cool Concrete, Lower Linen, High Reflective White palette Ski Patrol, Vandyck Brown, Rubber, Tory Red, Intense Yellow, Cumin Ochre, Night Rendezvous, Jay Wing Feathers, Blue Beret, Pigment Hawthorn Berry, Cafe Ole, Kaffee, Go Go Lime, Poseidon's Territory, Pigment Indigo, Golden Coin, Kamenozoki Grey, Lolly Ice, Willo Ibis Wing, Spa Dream, Pigment Indigo, Fuscous Gray, Covered Bridge, Gleaming Shells, November Pink palette Pigment Indigo, Noir Fiction, Dirty Leather, Sweet Dough palette Copper Brown, Pigment Indigo, Codex Grey, Ash Tree, French Bustle palette Dolphin Daze, Pigment Indigo, Bara Red, Fashion Mauve, Tamboon, Peach Nougat, Canoe, Darling Lilac palette Bungalow Brown, Pretty Parasol, Clay Brown, California Chamois, Brimstone, Yule Tree, Pigment Indigo, Monsoon, Slate Rose, Tree Ba Aztec Gold, Liquid Lime, Stormy Strait Grey, Pigment Indigo, Fiji Coral, Drifting Dream, Princess Bride, Spatial White palette Baby Frog, Mountain Flower Mauve, Denim, Pigment Indigo, Raspberry Mousse, Endless Galaxy, Tusi Grey palette Candy Green, Purple Emperor, Pigment Indigo, Fresh Sod, Ocean Kiss palette Chivalry Copper, Untamed Orange, Lava Grey, Grape Harvest, Pigment Indigo, Rich Purple, Liver Brown, Castellan Green palette Shiraz, Capocollo, Jade Gravel, Polished Steel, Flying Fish Blue, Twilight Purple palette New England Brick, Caribbean Coral, River of Gold, Plain Old Brown, Fire Ant, Copen Blue, Benitoite, Lucid Dream, Pigment Indigo, Leather Loafers, Mecca Orange, Caramel Macchiato, Leopard, Viameter, Parakeet, Voluptuous Violet, Pigment Indigo, Dark Humor, Shad Pigment Indigo, Psychedelic Purple, The Sickener, Kali Blue, Copacabana Sand, Mirador, Garden Rose White palette Smoky Trout, Tussock, Simpson Surprise, Dusty Turquoise, Blue Screen of Death, Pigment Indigo, Pink Parakeet, Frosted Fern, Proper Derby Brown, Glitter is not Gold, Sea Life, Viennese Blue, Pigment Indigo, Spring Crocus, Raspberry Pudding, Philippine Violet, Ba Vermillion, Shojo's Blood, Red Craft, Sun Baked, Demonic Yellow, Mamba, Pigment Indigo, Currant Jam, Vivid Cerise, Quicksand, Silv Retro Vibe, Underwater Falling, Pigment Indigo, Lustrian Undergrowth, Steam Engine, Forever Lilac, Cozy Cover, Clay Dust, Minified Pigment Indigo, Brandied Apricot, Peacock Green, Drip Coffee, Philosophically Speaking, Scorpion, Squash Bisque, Lime Granita pale Yamabuki Gold, Pigment Indigo, Minuette, Pine Crush, Amber Tide palette Cranapple, Curry Bubbles, Enduring, Mountain Lake, Riviera Blue, Iridescent Peacock, Kahu Blue, Pigment Indigo, Purple Feather Boa Brazen Brass, Exotic Flower, Sandpiper Cove, Kimberley Sea, Pigment Indigo, Berry Smoothie, Flesh Fly, Camellia Pink, Incremental Beige Intuition, Orange Avant-Garde, Plant Green, Pigment Indigo, Geyser Pool palette Man Cave, Dechant Pear Yellow, Bracken Green, Beech Fern, Sea Lettuce, Violet Storm, Chronus Blue, Ultramarine Highlight, Snowstor Spring Forth, Pigment Indigo, Cola Bubble, Abstract, Mistral, Almond Biscuit palette Oxide, Sango Red, Cliff Blue, Tufts Blue, Pigment Indigo palette Love for All, Hot and Spicy, Sockeye, Coral Quartz, Livid, Blue Lust, Pigment Indigo, Anarchist palette Pigment Indigo, Keen Green, Dusty Pink, Morning Moor palette Clay Ridge, Partridge, Drab Green, Evora, Pigment Indigo, Italian Plum palette Secret Path, California Chamois, Prairie Sun, Techno Turquoise, Moody Indigo, Pigment Indigo, Hidden Mask palette Coriander Powder, Show Business, Sunshine Surprise, Harvest Night, Pigment Indigo, Pink Poppy, Woodland Grass, Dark Spell palette River Mud, Tuscan Soil, Caliente, Wild Pigeon, Pigment Indigo, Black Queen, Berry Wine, Cornwall Slate palette Paw Print, Chicory Green, Country Lane Red, Royal Blue Tang, Pigment Indigo palette Raging Raisin, Bilious Green, Pigment Indigo, Fresh Ivy Green, Loren Forest, Southern Belle, Aida, Mauvelous, Oyster, White Blue p Carriage Red, Encarnado, Exploring Khaki, Majolica Earthenware, Pigment Indigo, Carbon Fiber, Palace Arms, Smoky Tone, Icicles, Re Vampire Bite, Yellow-Green Grosbeak, Trooper, Singapore Orchid, Pigment Indigo, Pulp, Persian Luxury Purple, Weathered Bamboo, Alo Martina Olive, Plantain, Brassy Brass, Green Tea Mochi, Unimaginable, Pigment Indigo, Kind Magenta, Black Rooster, Boeing Blue, Ba Caramelized Pecan, Golgfag Brown, Wasabi Green, Green Moray, Slate Tile, Pigment Indigo, Magentella, Registration Black, Tarawera, Palomino Pony, Chagall Green, Pigment Indigo, Celtic Clover, Moncur, Pepperberry, Aqua Island, Sweet Surrender palette Rare Red, Rich Walnut, Shutter Copper, Orangina, Canary Diamond, Heavenly Sky, Pigment Indigo, Rubine Red, Quicksand, Alga Moss, M Hotter Butter, Vinca, Pigment Indigo, Lingonberry Red, Badab Black Wash, Black Soap, Imperial Primer, Brown Coffee, Tardis, Vesuvi Sunset Gold, Lagoon Rock, Pigment Indigo, Rare Happening, Smooth Satin, Garden Snail, Reindeer, Matt Lilac, Impatiens Pink, Minifi Nut Brown, Wine Barrel, Lime Twist, Scatman Blue, Pigment Indigo, Casa Talec palette

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #4d0082 com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Pigment Indigo #4d0082 cor png