Criado em 02/20/2023 17:17
#747880 HEX Cor Grey Cloud Informação
Cor | HEX | RGB |
#747880 | RGB(116, 120, 128) |
RGB os valores são RGB(116, 120, 128)
#747880 cor contém Vermelho 45.49%, Verde 47.06% e Azul 50.2%.
Nomes de cores de #747880 HEX código
Grey Cloud Cor
Cores alternativas de Grey Cloud #747880
A cor oposta para Grey Cloud é Ricochet
#747880 Conversão de cores
Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #747880 Grey Cloud
hsl(220, 5%, 48%)
hsla(220, 5%, 48%, 1)
RGB(116, 120, 128)
RGBA(116, 120, 128, 1)
Paletas para cores #747880 Grey Cloud:
Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #747880
a cor mais escura é #0c0c0d dos tons e a cor mais clara é #f1f2f2 dos tons
Paleta de tons de #747880:
Paleta de tons de #747880:
Paleta complementar de #747880:
Paleta triádica de #747880:
Paleta quadrada de #747880:
Paleta análoga de #747880:
Paleta complementar dividida de #747880:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #747880:
Cor Grey Cloud #747880 usado em paletas (50)
Shades of Storm Grey color #747880 hex Tints of Storm Grey color #747880 hex Crypto web design neon minimalist palette Logodesign technology logo Hickory Branch, Oro, Blossoming Dynasty, Fading Ember, Sun Crete, Primrose Yellow, Cigar Smoke, Grey Cloud, Riviera Blue, Cyan Sky Goji Berry, Red Willow, Orange Spice, Forest Spirit, Key Lime Pie, Aggressive Baby Blue, Grey Cloud, Polished Steel, Sky Lodge, An Molten Caramel, Grey Cloud, Blue Dove, Magnificence, Bazooka Pink palette Grey Cloud, June Bug, Marzipan, Sunday Best, Magnolia Petal palette Oak Brown, Brown Mustard, Hawaiian Sunset, Aromango, Philips Green, Grey Cloud, Oasis Spring, Purple Starburst, Baby Berries, Ship Yardbird, Coral Burst, Grey Cloud, Hóng Zōng Brown, Aluminium Snow, Aged Cotton palette Grey Cloud, Bondi, Arizona Stone, Luna Pier, Blood Rose, Time Warp, Hideaway, Plume Grass, Getting Wet, Poodle Pink, Puffy Pillow, Grey Cloud, Deep Indigo palette Fresh Acorn, Yellow Jasper, Grey Cloud, Blue Heist, Plankton Green palette Greystoke, The Fifth Sun, Grey Cloud, Tangent Periwinkle, Paradise Pink, Country Squire, Library Red, Green Essence palette Ancient Earth, Antique Rose, Coco Rum, Cheery, Grey Cloud, Huelveño Horizon, Red Paracentrotus, Black Violet, Joyful Ruby, Crater Adaptive Shade, Deli Yellow, Yellow Orange, Absolute Apricot, Polished Pine, Grey Cloud, Blue Prince, Ai Indigo, Clinker Red, Stum Red Prairie, Emperor Cherry Red, Heart of Gold, Vivid Orange Peel, Grey Cloud, Before the Storm, Allure, Purplish Red, Shale Grey, Center Stage, Grey Cloud, Shipyard, Beijing Blue, Scorched Brown, Tornado Cloud, Machine Oil, Rosy Fluffy Bedspread, Hisoku Blue p Garret Brown, Khemri Brown, Warm Cider, Cloudberry, Cala Benirrás Blue, Grey Cloud, Bay Wharf, Scatman Blue, Coastal Calm, Amethys Sandpit, Times Square Screens, Grey Cloud, Vienna Roast palette Underwater Fern, Beautiful Darkness, Grey Cloud, Purple Toolbox, Pink Insanity, Ironbreaker, Black Kite, Henna, Citrus Butter, Yah Goulash, Copper Mountain, Grey Cloud, Brooding Storm, Blue Fin, Midnight Merlot, DaVanzo Beige, Pewter Vase, Bread Flavour, Anonym Kombu, Red Maple Leaf, Full Of Life, Exotic Flower, Cold Spring, Grey Cloud, British Grey Mauve, Wild Geranium, Stargate, Light Bl Treasure Isle, Devil's Grass, Aqua Cyan, Grey Cloud, Raiden Blue, Lick and Kiss, Sweet Nothings palette Casandora Yellow, Grey Cloud, China Seas, Sultan's Silk, Black Marlin, Black Suede, Capulet Olive, Classical Gold, Northern Landsc Tosty Crust, Brown Beige, Dolly, Yellowish Green, Grey Cloud, Earthy Khaki Green, Lava Stone, Wasabi, Sand Blast, Grandma's Pink T Viking Castle, Wright Brown, Matador's Cape, Rusty, Hot Caramel, Golden Lion, Retreat, Grey Cloud, Resonant Blue, Canary Grass, Pe Rust Coloured, Bretzel Brown, Paarl, Fresh Cantaloupe, Sulfuric, Grey Cloud, Zahri Pink, Treasured Wilderness, Over the Hills, Mos Hollandaise, Mountain Meadow, Grey Cloud, Burnt Bamboo, Antique Viola, Retro Mint, Informative Pink, Rain Check palette Muddy River, Sahara Shade, Bilbao, Sea Lettuce, Grey Cloud, Twilight Twinkle, Indigo Purple, Quinacridone Magenta, Aztec, Powdered Cherokee Dignity, Grey Cloud, Winter Solstice, Purple Reign palette Bradford Brown, Ceramic Pot, Yellowy Green, Grey Cloud, Jean Jacket Blue, Noodles, Silver Setting palette Young Grass, Monument Grey, Straightforward Green, Grey Cloud, Windy Seas, Planetarium, Twinberry, Dove Tail, Astroscopus Grey pal Grey Cloud, Blue Flame, Black Violet, Posy Green, Chathams Blue palette Moss Ring, Indubitably Green, Lime Candy Pearl, Illuminati Green, Grey Cloud, Kandinsky Turquoise, Reddish Black, Academic Blue, S Sweet Sparrow, Prison Jumpsuit, Cheese, Grey Cloud, Turtle Skin, Garden Gate palette Tupelo Tree, Fire Coral, Mindaro, Sage Green Grey, Swanndri, Grey Cloud, Cocoa Bean, Antoinette, Lime Spritz, Salty Ice palette Common Jasper, Mythical Orange, Bee Cluster, Snarky Mint, Grey Cloud, High Altar, Royal Velvet, Forest Ridge, Peachy Tint, Coral B Immortelle Yellow, Bullfrog, Snot, Grey Cloud, Blue Intrigue, Philippine Bronze, Tyrian, Seeress, Spruce Stone, Coastal Crush, Fac Bricky Brick, Hardware, Unmellow Yellow, Grey Cloud, Ethereal Blue, Feather Star, Anemone, After Eight, Ship Steering Wheel, Pine Tobacco Leaf, Underpass Shrine, Peeps, Grey Cloud, Seachange, Cyanite, Voluptuous Violet, Endless Galaxy, Nato Blue, Black Bamboo, Barrel, Grey Cloud, Wandering Willow, Marshy Habitat, Minuet palette Grey Cloud, Caviar Black, Mulberry Mauve Black, Red Rock Panorama, Sunny Mimosa palette Garret Brown, Burning Orange, Juniper Oil, Eva Green, Grey Cloud, Ryegrass, Lime Ice, Red Lilac Purple palette Roman Brick, Sacred Ground, Paarl, Grey Cloud, Benevolence, Linden Spear palette Sawshark, Dark Jade, Grey Cloud, Rennie's Rose, Petrol, Desert Morning, Wisley Pink, Rubber Radish palette Gingko Tree, 24 Carrot, Grey Cloud, Bracken, Mocha Black, Bourbon Spice, Angela Bay, French Limestone palette Nomad Grey, Hot Butter, Kaltes Klares Wasser, Grey Cloud, It's Your Mauve, Grape Gatsby, Sky Watch, Bubble Algae palette Nude Flamingo, Grey Cloud, Raspberry Shortcake, Abyssal Depths, Call It a Night, Jasper Park, Wrought Iron palette Cacodemon Red, Sun Orange, Virgo Green Goddess, Grey Cloud, Blue Antarctic, Nelson's Milk Snake, Green Tone Ink, Masterpiece palet
Contraste de Cor
Combinações de cores #747880 com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.
#747880 Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
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Texto pequeno: |
#747880 Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
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Texto pequeno: |