Criado em 02/24/2023 17:59

#7b8285 HEX Cor Scattered Showers Informação

#7b8285 RGB(123, 130, 133)

RGB os valores são RGB(123, 130, 133)
#7b8285 cor contém Vermelho 48.24%, Verde 50.98% e Azul 52.16%.

Nomes de cores de #7b8285 HEX código

Scattered Showers Cor

Classificação da cor #7b8285

#7b8285 é Luz e Legal Cor
Sombra de Cinza
A cor oposta para Scattered Showers é #857d7a

#7b8285 Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #7b8285 Scattered Showers

hsl(198, 4%, 50%)
hsla(198, 4%, 50%, 1)
RGB(123, 130, 133)
RGBA(123, 130, 133, 1)

Paletas para cores #7b8285 Scattered Showers:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #7b8285

a cor mais escura é #0c0d0d dos tons e a cor mais clara é #f2f3f3 dos tons

Paleta de tons de #7b8285:
Paleta de tons de #7b8285:
Paleta complementar de #7b8285:
Paleta triádica de #7b8285:
Paleta quadrada de #7b8285:
Paleta análoga de #7b8285:
Paleta complementar dividida de #7b8285:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #7b8285:

Paletas de cores sugeridas para #7b8285 HEX:

Paleta de cores com cor #7b8285 #1:
Paleta de cores com cor #7b8285 #2:
Paleta de cores com cor #7b8285 #3:
Paleta de cores com cor #7b8285 #4:
Paleta de cores com cor #7b8285 #5:

Cor Scattered Showers #7b8285 usado em paletas (50)

Downing Earth, Scattered Showers, Shadow Lime, Camel Hair, Doctor palette Lush Bamboo, Scattered Showers, Purple Sky, Bold Eagle, Flattery, Shrimp Boat, Himalayan Poppy, Hydrangea Purple, Amour Frais pale Peaches à La Crème, Misty Moor, Scattered Showers, Sultry Sea, Kashmir Blue, Dragon Fruit, Careys Pink, Valor, Riverdale, Silver P Scattered Showers, Old Glory Blue palette Culpeo, Crisp Lettuce, Scattered Showers, Spring Tide, Winter Haze, Lunar Rays, Delicate Rose, Whitetail palette Scattered Showers, Spanish Violet, Russian Red, Ensign Blue, Diversion, Green Gaze, Mont Blanc, Stargate palette Alabama Crimson, Salamander, Scattered Showers, Sea Note, Mountain Range Green palette Shell Pink, Majorelle Gardens, Scattered Showers, Sea Drifter, Cardinal Pink palette Mossy, Corn Snake, Scattered Showers, Chieftain, Rookwood Sash Green, Crowning, Runefang Steel, Wisdom palette Baked Apple, John Lemon, Scattered Showers, Basilica Blue, Dried Plum, Wooed, Tulle Grey, Modern Mint, Shimmering Blush, Southern Dull Green, Scattered Showers, Mineral Green, Harmonious palette Wicker Basket, Saddlebag, Khardic Flesh, Scattered Showers, Gleeful palette Amberglow, Harvest Haze, Scattered Showers, Goshawk Grey, Water Ouzel, Mud, Herbalist, Chic Taupe, Desert Lights, Cargo Green, Bri Tsar, Scattered Showers, Liquid Mercury, Purple Starburst, Lickedy Lick, Secret Passage, Vampire Hunter, Letter Grey, Cortex, Fren Bronze Fig, Stock Horse, Coral Rose, Candy Corn, Scattered Showers, Vibrant Purple, Pink Fever, Green Kelp, Chinese Ink, Wild Bamb African Mud, Farmhouse Ochre, Scattered Showers, Strawberry Daiquiri, Endless Galaxy, Wine Stain, Grand Avenue, Waiting, Vinalhave Hot Caramel, Yellow Gold, Scattered Showers, Purple Ode, Teal Moiré, Verified Black, Pullman Green, Brik Dough, Strawberry Rose, P Modern Mocha, Drifting Downstream, Scattered Showers, Cape Cod Bay, Cliff Blue, Mulberry, Brattle Spruce, Hiking Boots, Tennis Blu Backcountry, Muskrat, Big Cypress, Polished Brown, Strike It Rich, Eye Catching, Opulent Orange, Scattered Showers, Kurobeni, Futa Marsh Grass, High Strung, Deep Fried, Squeaky, Scattered Showers, Tomb Blue, Briar Rose, Kinky Koala, Vacherin Cheese, Kul Sharif Left on Red, Funchal Yellow, Before Winter, Split Pea Soup, Fly the Green, Scattered Showers, Wedgewood, Purple Opulence, Ninja, S Rufous, Bosc Pear, Sunset, Pistou Green, Scattered Showers, Royal Blue, Dreamy Heaven, Glacier, Wasabi Powder palette Light Tomato, Silver Willow Green, Grassy Field, Scattered Showers, Puddle Jumper, Seljuk Blue, Glamour Pink, Corundum Red, Razzmi Hotspot, Limone, Seraphinite, Scattered Showers, Summer Lake, Pink Overflow, After Eight, Little Blue Heron, Prairie Sage palette Wistman's Wood, Herbal Green, Emberglow, Vermilion Bird, Rally Green, Scattered Showers, Magical Merlin, Mauve Jazz, Pomegranate R Cranberry Tart, Golden Grass, Knockout Orange, Flash of Orange, Spear Shaft, Scattered Showers, Carmoisine, Night Folly, Chamois T Stop, Scattered Showers, Grand Canal, Black Safflower, Fiery Brown, Iron Fixture, Ghost Grey, Grauzone, Moleskin, Glasgow Fog, But Devilish, Scattered Showers, Dying Storm Blue, Even Growth, Meditative, Wise Owl, Pancake Mix palette Garden Lettuce Green, Leisure Green, Scattered Showers, Fiesta Rojo, Rum Raisin, Pitter Patter palette Fifth Olive-Nue, Banyan Tree, Scattered Showers, Thulian Pink, Poppy Petal, Caro palette Luau Green, Coral Rose, Scattered Showers, Kings of Sea, Pale Lychee, Trailing Vine, Lemon Ice palette Talipot Palm, Scattered Showers, Attorney, Magos, Sapphire Fog, Tamago Egg, Hybrid palette Scattered Showers, Yacht Blue, Mystifying Magenta, Pine Mountain, Teal Wave, Brocade, Silk Sox palette Dull Gold, Larch Bolete, Scattered Showers palette Honey Maple, Knockout Orange, Rust Orange, Scattered Showers, Forever Denim, Wild Pansy, KSU Purple palette Grey Tote, Different Gold, Scattered Showers, Eastern Bluebird, Pink Panther, Blonde, Solstice palette Badlands Sunset, Scattered Showers, Blue Rose, British Khaki, Bridal Rose, Favorite Lavender, Understated palette Sunspark, Scattered Showers, Jugendstil Pink palette Scattered Showers, Olympic Range, Gretchin Green, Queer Blue, Burnished Clay palette Number #952 Drive-In Cherry, Mesa Tan, Scattered Showers, Beach Blue, Tourmaline, Bay Water, Innocent Blue, Flamingo Red, Malted Mint, Chalk P Shadow Woods, Wavy Glass palette Snake Eyes, Thick Yellow, Scattered Showers, Topinambur Root, Tropical Forest, Fired Brick, Subtle Violet palette Brandy Punch, Terra Orange, Red Damask, Scattered Showers, Cool Touch, Velvet Wine, Aqua Zing palette Tangled Twine, Safflower Kite, Buff Leather, Enchanted Eve, Scattered Showers, Mornington palette Dash of Curry, Ginger, Daisy, Scattered Showers palette Scattered Showers, Brigade, Safe Harbour, Zuni, Wine Red, Sand palette Vegan Villain, Vegan, Scattered Showers, Faded Jeans, Sparkling Purple, Haunted Purple, Pastel Peach, Italian Sky Blue palette Astorath Red, Fire Flower, Filthy Brown, Scattered Showers, Liquid Mercury, Bright Navy Blue, Pewter, Orecchiette palette Doe, Meerkat, Copper Creek, Corn Harvest, Curry, Biohazard Suit, Scattered Showers, Fate, Duvall, Digital Violets, Indian Silk, Na

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #7b8285 com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Scattered Showers #7b8285 cor png

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