Criado em 02/24/2023 22:39

#8f4438 HEX Cor Flower Pot Informação

#8f4438 RGB(143, 68, 56)

RGB os valores são RGB(143, 68, 56)
#8f4438 cor contém Vermelho 56.08%, Verde 26.67% e Azul 21.96%.

Nomes de cores de #8f4438 HEX código

Flower Pot Cor

Classificação da cor #8f4438

#8f4438 é Semi escuro e Esquentar Cor
Sombra de brown
A cor oposta para Flower Pot é #38848f

#8f4438 Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #8f4438 Flower Pot

hsl(8, 44%, 39%)
hsla(8, 44%, 39%, 1)
RGB(143, 68, 56)
RGBA(143, 68, 56, 1)

Paletas para cores #8f4438 Flower Pot:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #8f4438

a cor mais escura é #0e0706 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #f4eceb dos tons

Paleta de tons de #8f4438:
Paleta de tons de #8f4438:
Paleta complementar de #8f4438:
Paleta triádica de #8f4438:
Paleta quadrada de #8f4438:
Paleta análoga de #8f4438:
Paleta complementar dividida de #8f4438:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #8f4438:

Cor Flower Pot #8f4438 usado em paletas (50)

Saveloy, Vintage Gold, Flower Pot, Succulent Lime, Colony Blue, Amnesia Blue, Altdorf Sky Blue, Gladiola Violet, Blacklist, Blue-B Warm Up, Flower Pot, Spring Frost, Sang de Boeuf, Tropical Cyclone palette Flower Pot, Ruby Dust, Ice Floe, Slightly Peach, Aquarelle Pink palette Dry Dock, Light Mahogany, Mother Lode, Flower Pot, Species, Chinese Green, Stormy Mauve, Modal, Cyan Cornflower Blue, Bauhaus Blue Flower Pot, Cinnamon Roll, Hill Giant palette Flower Pot, Stormy Grey, Fondue palette Flower Pot, Holland Tulip, Crude Banana, Eggplant Ash, Sailor's Bay, Blue Oasis, Umbra, Grim Reaper, Underwater Realm, Armada, Mat Flower Pot, Capricorn Golden Key, Exploration Green, Magic, Salon Bleu, Azalea, Candied Blueberry, Hereford Bull, Minstrel Rose, V Walnut Shell Brown, Medium Wood, Flower Pot, Play 'til dawn, Rebounder, Artesian Water, Red Violet, Zia Olive, Walnut Wood, Carria Ridgecrest, Flower Pot, Fool’s Gold, Festive Green, Half Baked, Come Sail Away, Je T’aime, Cockscomb Red, Olive Night, Cilantro, B Eagle's Meadow, Turned Leaf, Flower Pot, Brassy, Gold Orange, Tangerine Dream, Onsen, Cousteau, Plum Swirl, Shadow Azalea Pink, Pe Flower Pot, Chrome Yellow, Cumin Ochre, Indian Green, Salem, Cozumel, Berry Syrup, Neon Purple, Industrial Black, Heavy Heart, Tib Flower Pot, Yellow Brick Road, Sago Garden, International, New Forest palette Flower Pot, Glitzy Gold, Sepia Wash, Glimpse of Void, Dark Mineral, Asphalt Grey, Roman Snail palette Allura Red, Westminster, Rojo Dust, Sappanwood Incense, Flower Pot, Dusk Green, Waikawa Grey, Blue Lechery, Caviar, Sea Challenge, Flower Pot, Jubilant Jade, Shamrock, Shimmering Expanse Cyan palette Burnt Grape, Tuscan Mosaic, Flower Pot, Campfire, Night Thistle, Sky Dancer, Raspberry Shortcake, Naval Night, Buckeye, Red Octopu Mannered Gold, Flower Pot, Pan Purple, Gemstone Blue, Northgate Green, Camping Tent, Pastel Grey Green, Tea Room, Mystified palett Lye Tinted, Flower Pot, Chamois Yellow, Chestnut Shell, Keppel, Plum Jam, Burnt Coffee, Zucchini, Modish Moss, Twinkle, Green Alab Arts and Crafts, Flower Pot, First Lady, Golden Mary, Balor Brown, Citron Goby, Office Green, Clairvoyance, Akebi Purple, God’s Ow Gibraltar Grey, Bauhaus Gold, Flower Pot, Lisbon Lemon, Light Birch Green, Yellowish Green, Medium Orchid, Forbidden Fruit, Church Hacienda Tile, Flower Pot, Rapeseed Oil, Military Green, Pinkinity, Deserted Path, Birthday Candle, Guava Juice, Echelon Ecru pale Flower Pot, Camel, Turmeric Brown, Costa Rican Palm, Beaten Purple, Rose Mauve, Spaghetti Carbonara palette Lumberjack, Flower Pot, Caramel Infused, Lucky, Downwell, British Mauve, Grand Sunset, Sweetwood, Orchid Bloom, Glacier Grey palet Keystone, Flower Pot, Summerset, Jokaero Orange, Siyâh Black, Poppy's Whiskers palette Bean Pot, Flower Pot, Outback, Mexican Spirit, Yule Tree, True Green, Rainford, Spring Forest, Wildness Mint, Scuff Blue, Pitch Ma Salami, Flower Pot, Loden Yellow, Golden Sprinkles, Welsh Onion, Chrysocolla Dark Green, Buckwheat Mauve, Petals Unfolding, Cocoa Tuscan Soil, Flower Pot, Lexington Blue, Moonlight Blue, Traditional Blue, Cranbrook, Lusty Lips, Prussian, Water Scrub, Poppy Lea Flower Pot, Corn, Ogryn Camo, Sparky Blue, Artesian Water, Gǔ Tóng Hēi Copper, Canoe, Melon Sorbet, Azul Primavera palette Flower Pot, Orange Tiger, Dancing Daisy, Night Thistle, Raftsman, Pearly Purple, Pink Ink, Gameboy Contrast, Sinister Minister, Co Flower Pot, Pompeii Red, Lush Hosta, Tropic Sea, Merlot Fields, Dreaming Blue, Chowder Bowl palette Flower Pot, Paradise City, Adrift, Fig Leaf, Latte, Yucca White palette Flower Pot, Buttercup, Garish Blue, Seance, Freefall, Grape Ivy, Cucumber Cream, Rajah Rose palette Flower Pot, Light Brown, Who-Dun-It, Aqua Blue palette Red Ink, Flower Pot, Caspian Sea, English Coral, Zeus Palace, Nine Iron palette Mephiston Red, Flower Pot, Cherry Race, Courgette Yellow, Twenty Carat, Night Black, Cadmium Green, Blissfully Mine palette Red Bell Pepper, Sorrell Brown, Flower Pot, Sparkling Green, Hopeful Dream, Exquisite, Artesian Pool palette Organic, Ayrshire, Flower Pot, Admiral Blue, Water Sports, Concealed Green, Deep Teal, Juggernaut palette Opera Red, Tibetan Orange, Flower Pot, Spectra Green, Egyptian Red, Blood, Chestnut Red palette Cardboard, Flower Pot palette Rural Green, Flower Pot, Evening Sunset, Berry Boost, Little Valley, Golden Churro palette Flower Pot, Stirland Battlemire, Soft Pumpkin, Green Field, Modern History palette Flower Pot, Sheffield, Aqua Experience, Port Wine Red, Carbon, Soft Beige, Salmon Glow, Wine Bottle palette Leather Bound, Flower Pot, Cajun Spice, Victorian Gold, Aoife's Green, Prominent Blue, LED Blue, Dark Grey, Dry Catmint palette Koke Moss, Flower Pot, Lima Bean Green palette New Sled, Flower Pot, Orange Brown, Reef Encounter, Deep Larkspur palette Maple, Flower Pot, Mincemeat, Fire Yellow, Paradise Island, Tropicana palette Caribou, Flower Pot, Byzantine palette Flower Pot, Misty Moor, Pinehurst, Eight Ball palette Mississippi Mud, Flower Pot, Calypso, Wine Stroll, Shade of Violet, Broken Tube, Dark Limestone, Logan, Rugby Tan, Cuddle, Mint Fr

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #8f4438 com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Flower Pot #8f4438 cor png