Criado em 02/25/2023 04:30
#a7a5a3 HEX Cor Smokey Wings Informação
Cor | HEX | RGB |
#a7a5a3 | RGB(167, 165, 163) |
RGB os valores são RGB(167, 165, 163)
#a7a5a3 cor contém Vermelho 65.49%, Verde 64.71% e Azul 63.92%.
Nomes de cores de #a7a5a3 HEX código
Smokey Wings Cor
Cores alternativas de Smokey Wings #a7a5a3
A cor oposta para Smokey Wings é #a4a6a8
#a7a5a3 Conversão de cores
Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #a7a5a3 Smokey Wings
hsl(30, 2%, 65%)
hsla(30, 2%, 65%, 1)
RGB(167, 165, 163)
RGBA(167, 165, 163, 1)
Paletas para cores #a7a5a3 Smokey Wings:
Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #a7a5a3
a cor mais escura é #111010 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #f6f6f6 dos tons
Paleta de tons de #a7a5a3:
Paleta de tons de #a7a5a3:
Paleta complementar de #a7a5a3:
Paleta triádica de #a7a5a3:
Paleta quadrada de #a7a5a3:
Paleta análoga de #a7a5a3:
Paleta complementar dividida de #a7a5a3:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #a7a5a3:
Cor Smokey Wings #a7a5a3 usado em paletas (48)
Bonnie Antique Silver Kandinsky Turquoise, Smokey Wings, Candlestick Point Monk's Cloth, Smokey Wings palette Green Jeans, Mamba Green, Stonewash, Breathtaking, Ocean Ridge, Interdimensional Blue, Black Mesa, Black Power, Smokey Wings, Mind Palace Purple, Passionate Pink, Smokey Wings, Kundalini Bliss, Reduced Green palette Handmade, Gambol Gold, Mysterious Depths, Blue Exult, Smokey Wings palette Eye Grey, Bermuda Triangle, Blueberry Muffin, Heritage Taffeta, Candy Drop, Verdigris Foncé, Art Nouveau Violet, Radiant Lilac, Sm Red Dead Redemption, Filthy Brown, Somnambulist, Shakespeare, Anime Blush, Smokey Wings, Opus palette MVS Red, Striking Purple, Ruby, Smokey Wings, Cherished palette Vampiric Council, Manzanita, Smokey Wings palette Rose Dawn, November Green, Skinny Jeans, Pacific Queen, Smokey Wings, May Mist, Coco-Lemon Tart palette Toasted, Sail On, Smokey Wings, Sweet Lavender, Moon Valley palette Happy New Year Black Charleston Chocolate, Decaying Leave, Devil’s Butterfly, Bright Marigold, Citrus Sugar, Pīlā Yellow, Danube, Forbidden Fruit, Leek Terra Cotta Clay, Magic Sage, Sumire Violet, Je T’aime, Smokey Wings, Sidekick, Jodhpur Blue, Winter Scene palette Shakshuka, Gathering Field, English Custard, Brewing Storm, Apollo Bay, Femme Fatale, Smokey Wings, Silver Lining, Frozen Mint pal Relief, Mississippi Mud, Hey Blue!, Cinnamon Satin, Oleander Pink, Blackish Grey, Aqua Blue, Smokey Wings, Sonoma Sky palette Aspiration, Camel, Golden Age Gilt, Sun God, Goblin Blue palette Tangara, Secret Garden, Water Baby, Opium Mauve, Regal Rose, Kinky Koala, Restless Sea, White Scar, Smokey Wings, Eclectic, Seacre Rogan Josh, Crusta, Poisonous Pesticide, Aztec Jade, Poblano, Wine Tour, Maison De Campagne, Mystique, Smokey Wings, Whipped Mint, Vermilion Scarlet, Red, Almond Truffle, Gorse Yellow Orange, Flaming Orange, Spanish Blue, Very Grape, Beastly Flesh, Ivy, Black B Burdock, Amazon Jungle, Grauzone, Smokey Wings palette Spicy and Oriental, Bright Yellow, Phosphorescent Blue, Brooding Storm, Ocean View, Scintillating Violet, Broken Tube, Gluon Grey, Yriel Yellow, Dark Lemon Lime, O'grady Green, Sargasso Sea palette Drab Green, Night Flight, Smokey Wings, Sweet Peach, White Sesame palette Old Glory Red, Ruskie, Cranberry Red, Prayer Flag, Ethiopian Wolf, Bockwurst, Sanskrit, Before the Storm, Celadon Blue, US Air For Blood Red, Ragin' Cajun, Calico Cat, Honey Wax, Caustic Green, Allegiance, Otter Brown, Dark Reaper, Catwalk, Smokey Wings, Atelie Brick-A-Brack, Retro Orange, Pumpkin Skin, Venomous Green, Passion Plum, Dark Forest palette Deserted Island, Outdoor Cafe, Brownstone, Sequoia, Yellow Sumac, Faded Green, Snowstorm Space Shuttle, Blue Purple, Moss Vale, De Desert Coral, Ninjin Orange, Ripe Pumpkin, Moping Green, Manitou Blue, Celestial Plum, Chive Blossom, Elegant Midnight, Tides of D Yellow Brown, Sultry Smoke, Begonia Rose palette Blood Mahogany, Smokey Wings, Eggshell Blue palette Clay Pot, Orange Poppy, Precious Persimmon, Kimono, Maui, Powder Room, Blue Wing Teal, Smokey Wings palette Conker, Therapeutic Toucan, Firecracker, Herbery Honey, Sea Radish, Rusty Chainmail, Smokey Wings palette Tandoori, Spice Cake, Portsmouth, Honky Tonk Blue, Smokey Wings palette Wet Sand, Techno Turquoise, Alaea, Smokey Wings, Apricot Cream, Timeless Seafoam palette Dijon, Great Coat Grey, Deep Atlantic Blue, Silver Storm, Smokey Wings palette Pumpkin Bread, Swamp Shrub, Iceland Green, Silver Surfer, Lingonberry Punch, Smokey Wings, Milton, Soft Sienna palette Enchanted Wood, Cheese It Up, Píng Gǔo Lǜ Green, Kinlock, Fuji Purple, Smokey Wings, Frosted Jade, Stardust Ballroom palette Favorite Fudge, Orange Fire, Plutonium, Mondrian Blue, Sci-Fi Takeout, Noble Honor, Ripening Grape, Capulet Olive, Pachyderm, Smok Walker Lake, Art House Pink, Downing to Earth palette Socialist, Tropical Light, Indulgence, Smokey Wings palette Royal Consort, Searing Gorge Brown, Roasted Nuts, Navy Damask, Smokey Wings, Albuquerque, Purple Cream palette Crackled Leather, Smokey Wings, Smoke Screen, Soft Putty palette Portabella, Ochre Spice, Genoa, Kingfisher Bright, Blue-Black, Baal Red Wash, Smokey Wings palette Lady in Red, Tango, Baritone, Smokey Wings palette Dramatical Red, Sepia Yellow, Bright Yellow, Denver River, Calypso, Attorney, Anthracite Blue, Smokey Wings, Martian Haze palette
Contraste de Cor
Combinações de cores #a7a5a3 com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.
#a7a5a3 Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
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Texto pequeno: |
#a7a5a3 Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
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Texto pequeno: |