Criado em 02/24/2023 12:07
#add0b3 HEX Cor Pastel Mint Green Informação
Cor | HEX | RGB |
#add0b3 | RGB(173, 208, 179) |
RGB os valores são RGB(173, 208, 179)
#add0b3 cor contém Vermelho 67.84%, Verde 81.57% e Azul 70.2%.
Nomes de cores de #add0b3 HEX código
Pastel Mint Green Cor
Cores alternativas de Pastel Mint Green #add0b3
A cor oposta para Pastel Mint Green é #d0aecb
#add0b3 Conversão de cores
Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #add0b3 Pastel Mint Green
hsl(130, 27%, 75%)
hsla(130, 27%, 75%, 1)
RGB(173, 208, 179)
RGBA(173, 208, 179, 1)
Paletas para cores #add0b3 Pastel Mint Green:
Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #add0b3
a cor mais escura é #111512 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #f7faf7 dos tons
Paleta de tons de #add0b3:
Paleta de tons de #add0b3:
Paleta complementar de #add0b3:
Paleta triádica de #add0b3:
Paleta quadrada de #add0b3:
Paleta análoga de #add0b3:
Paleta complementar dividida de #add0b3:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #add0b3:
Cor Pastel Mint Green #add0b3 usado em paletas (50)
Snakepong Coloe Pallete Fireball, Essential Brown, Autumn Apple Yellow, Pitmaston Pear Yellow, Duck Butter, French Fry, Confident Yellow, Laird, Fairy Tal Somber Green, Pastel Mint Green, Pumpkin Mousse, Tiffany Light, Cool Frost palette Amethyst Smoke, Pastel Mint Green, Light Saffron Orange, Inked Silk palette Conker Brown, Milk Thistle, Bud, Grey Mist, Pastel Mint Green palette Environmental Green, Kingfisher Grey, Pastel Mint Green, Cotton Fiber palette Bakery Brown, Oxide, Red Stage, Mustard Crusted Salmon, Welcoming Wasp, Mystic Red, Up in Smoke, Fierce Mantis, Reboot, Pleasant S Teatime, Moroccan Sky, Ornery Tangerine, Saffron Mango, Golden Nectar, Loud Lime, Florida Keys, Ming Green, Bilberry, Bluebird's B Orange Avant-Garde, Evening Emerald, Abyss, Quicksilver, Pastel Mint Green, Morning Mist palette Coffee Kiss, Applegate, Blue Plaza, Shearwater Black, Kaffir Lime, Crystal Oasis, Pastel Mint Green, Sweet Mint Pesto palette Resonant Blue, Oasis, Pink Hibiscus, Charm, Pastel Mint Green, September Sun palette Pastel Mint Green Midnight in Saigon, Chrysocolla Green, Brown Stone, Wood Brown, Molten Lead, Stone Mill, Keystone Grey, Ravioli al Limone, Pastel Red Card, Mossy Pavement, Rhode Island Red, Turmeric, The Real Teal, Heritage Taffeta, Umemurasaki Purple, Radish Lips, Overgrown Ceramic Brown, Golden Handshake, Vitalize, Oasis Spring, Red Bean, Evergreen palette Peri Peri, Wheat Penny, Wonton Dumpling, Petrel, Tile Blue, Lacrosse, Country Weekend, Salvia, Pastel Mint Green, Blue To You, San Arrowtown, Gold Earth, Tiny Seedling, Emerald Dream, Platinum Grey, Purple Spot, Scarlet Ribbons, Enduring Bronze, Pompeii Ruins, Deep Indigo, Chicory Coffee, Belly Fire, Midnight Blush, Pastel Mint Green, Weathered Hide palette Pluviophile, Reddest Red, Vienna Roast, Japanese Indigo, Okroshka, Inviting Veranda, Pastel Mint Green, Blue Effervescence, Distan Gladiola, Question Mark Block, Jade Mountain, Slime Girl, Ultraviolet Berl, Gala Pink, Anthracite Grey, Siren, Evening Fog palette Gladiator Leather, Beasty Brown, Cochineal Red, Plains, Still Moment, Pastel Mint Green, Shanghai Jade, Pink Linen, Alice White pa Brown Rabbit, Rudraksha Beads, Chinook Salmon, Wakatake Green, Summer Garden, Baritone, Nautical Creatures, Lavender Crystal, Virt Secret Safari, Stellar, Aquella, Strong Blue, Indigo Purple, Biltong, Pastel Mint Green palette CG Red, Steamed Salmon, Seabuckthorn Yellow Brown, Mulberry Wine, Into the Night, Jittery Jade, Pastel Mint Green palette Favorite Fudge, Succulent Lime, Golden Tainoi, Nero's Green, Soulmate, Mulberry, Washed Blue palette Lazy Lichen, Topiary, Truth, King Kong, Kona, Harbourmaster, Hillary, Pastel Mint Green, Argento palette Muse, Corralize, Exploration Green, Provocative, Chinese Bellflower, Polar Ice, Palatinate Blue, Rose Vale, Nettle Green, Blackber Autumn Russet, Hot Hazel, Kimberlite, Ocean Spray, Amethyst Gem, Mauvewood, Pulp, Serpentine Shadow, Underground Stream, Diisha Gr Jungle Palm, Dry Clay, Lighthouse Glow, Celtic Queen, Camaron Pink, Duck Hunt, Judge Grey, Winning Ticket, Dechala Lilac, Pastel M Tan-Gent, Relic Bronze, Blueberry Patch, Vampire Hunter, Crystal Dark Red, Pastel Mint Green, Ambitious Amber, Clear Sky, Light Pe Kosher Khaki, Tuscan Red, Texas Hills, Ivy Wreath, Frontier Shadow, Buccaneer, Bachelor Blue, Healing Aloe, Pastel Mint Green pale Cherry Bark, Happy Trails, Copper-Metal Red, Flaming Orange, Maui Blue, Evil Eye, Prunus Avium, Adept, Pimento Grain Brown, Marine Twine, Sierra Pink, Sainsbury, Oracle, Plum Kitten, Beachwalk, Crushed Stone, Jovial Jade, Piezo Blue, Pastel Mint Green palette Butterscotch Syrup, Oxley, Jitterbug Jade, Cherry On Top, Wimbledon, Uptown Girl, Proper Grey, Amber Grey, Pastel Mint Green palet Timeless Copper, Trinket Gold, Heavy Ochre, Cajun Spice, Gingerline, Lisbon Lemon, Azurite Water Green, Madonna Blue, Common Teal, Sun Dried, Midnight Garden, Fern Canopy, Holbein Blue Grey, Star Spangled, Pharaoh's Seas, Worn Denim, Bosporus, Veronica, Charcoa Cocoa Pecan, Gingko Leaf, Deadsy, Meat, Squash, Pico Orange, Trade Secret, Surfie Green, Harrow's Gate, Ancient Magenta, Fibonacci Shinshu, Honey and Thyme, Pickled Capers, Earl Grey, May Mist palette Drippy Honey, Pastel Mint Green, Alesan palette Di Sierra, Exotic Orange, Treetop, Mountain Main, Pastel Mint Green, Flower of Oahu palette colortile Cobra Leather, Pont Moss palette Assassin's Red, Western Reserve, Klaxosaur Blue, Old Truck, Mandy, Cafe Expreso, Pastel Mint Green, Wind Fresh White palette Bubonic Brown, Punk Rock Purple, Zinfandel Red, Mesa Ridge, Pastel Mint Green palette Red Alert, Dubbin, Sweet Potato Peel, Illustrious Indigo, Liche Purple, Spelunking, Pastel Mint Green palette Habitat, Copper Mining, Chamoisee, Wulfenite, Venous Blood Red, Alloy, Atlantic Tulip, Pastel Mint Green palette Bridle Leather, Rainforest Glow, Flamingo Queen, Muddled Basil palette Tea Leaf, Allium, Dark Side, Mermaid Blues, Alpine Duck Grey, Pastel Mint Green, Hawthorne, Premium Pink palette Ice Dark Turquoise, Trekking Blue, Middy's Purple, Pastel Mint Green, Pond's Edge, Sonoma Sky palette Artesian Well, Neutral Grey, Pastel Mint Green palette
Contraste de Cor
Combinações de cores #add0b3 com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.
#add0b3 Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
Texto Grande: | ||
Texto pequeno: |
#add0b3 Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
Texto Grande: | ||
Texto pequeno: |