Criado em 02/23/2023 12:55
#b7bb6b HEX Cor Citrus Peel Informação
Cor | HEX | RGB |
#b7bb6b | RGB(183, 187, 107) |
RGB os valores são RGB(183, 187, 107)
#b7bb6b cor contém Vermelho 71.76%, Verde 73.33% e Azul 41.96%.
Nomes de cores de #b7bb6b HEX código
Citrus Peel Cor
Cores alternativas de Citrus Peel #b7bb6b
A cor oposta para Citrus Peel é #706cbc
#b7bb6b Conversão de cores
Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #b7bb6b Citrus Peel
hsl(63, 37%, 58%)
hsla(63, 37%, 58%, 1)
RGB(183, 187, 107)
RGBA(183, 187, 107, 1)
Paletas para cores #b7bb6b Citrus Peel:
Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #b7bb6b
a cor mais escura é #12130b dos tons e a cor mais clara é #f8f8f0 dos tons
Paleta de tons de #b7bb6b:
Paleta de tons de #b7bb6b:
Paleta complementar de #b7bb6b:
Paleta triádica de #b7bb6b:
Paleta quadrada de #b7bb6b:
Paleta análoga de #b7bb6b:
Paleta complementar dividida de #b7bb6b:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #b7bb6b:
Paletas de cores sugeridas para #b7bb6b HEX:
Cor Citrus Peel #b7bb6b usado em paletas (50)
Sami-Norway Option 3 Citrus Peel, Citrus, Fish Net Blue, Defense Matrix palette Citrus Peel, Jasper Stone, Toasted Cashew palette Beating Around the Bush, Citrus Peel, Golden Mist, Chino Green, French White palette Citrus Peel, Postwar Boom, Blue Bird Day, Velvet Slipper palette Red Wrath of Zeus, Highland Ridge, Dusted Clay, Goldie, Salmon Nigiri, Mandarin Sorbet, Citrus Peel, Zephyr Green, Ocean Call, Spi Option 1 Heating Lamp, Citrus Peel, Atlantic Gull, Lilac Mauve palette Option 2 Citrus Peel, Adamite Green, Crushed Velvet, Ancient Royal Banner, Frosted Pomegranate, Chocolate Lab, Matterhorn, Light Caramel, S Citrus Peel, Adrift, Exotic Eggplant, Velveteen Crush, Pink Tulip, Bagpiper, Tsunami, Aero palette Cornell Red, Fire Engine, Chocolate Moment, Tantanmen Brown, University of California Gold, Camo, Citrus Peel, Nightly Blade, Baro Citrus Peel, Queen of the Night, Moonlit Ocean, Your Majesty, Coquina, Silverware, Fresh Cream palette J88 Fennel Seed, Festival, Citrus Peel, Silverado, Boerewors, Slice of Watermelon, Tribeca, Ecru, Hearth, Milan, Rite of Spring, Mothe Jules, Molasses Cookie, Citrus Peel, Reef Escape, Dark Shadow, Broomstick, Exotic Evening, Chateau Grey, Mothra Wing, Blossom Blue Citrus Peel, Violet Storm, Blue Cruise, Pomace Red, Spelunking, Iwaicha Brown, Mallard Blue, Hawaiian Cinder, Island Sea, Fynbos L Vetiver, Harrison Rust, Orange Ochre, Fresh Cinnamon, Citrus Peel, Sporty Blue, Pion Purple, Green Moonstone, Evolution, Dorado, B Golden Blond, Citrus Peel, Ginkgo Green, Unmarked Trail, Rice Grain, Golden Syrup, Alright Then I Became a Princess, Vanity Pink, Hickory Branch, Café Au Lait, Burmese Gold, Peeled Asparagus, Citrus Peel, Mariner, Crushed Grape, Black Velvet, Wine Leaf, Ceil, Life Is Good, Liselotte Syrup, Cozy Nook, Bee Pollen, Citrus Peel, Electric Green, Carpet Moss, Misty Moor, Bell Blue, Snorkel Blu Ridgecrest, Flaming Orange, Paris Daisy, Citrus Peel, Pickled Avocado, Infamous, Nancy, Algiers Blue, Old School, Fading Horizon, Flare, Calla Green, Citrus Peel, Bnei Brak Bay, Berry, Lake Water, Drama Violet, Network Grey, Petite Orchid, Pixel Cream, Hospita Indian Reed, Henna Shade, Kumquat, Citrus Peel, Violet Evening, Vivid Mulberry, Old Pink palette El Salva, Polliwog, Succulent Leaves, Citrus Peel, Secret Garden, UA Blue palette Citrus Peel, Candied Apple, Petroleum, Shadowdancer, Incremental Blue, Carnaby Tan, Briar Wood, Arona, Moth's Wing, Lady's Slipper Cranberry Red, Eyelash Viper, Flame Yellow, Yellow, Citrus Peel, Palmerin, Beach Blue, Bloodstone, Sliding, Antarctica, Metallic M Kiriume Red, Country Tweed, Citrus Peel, Cook's Bay, Sunlit Allium palette Enfield Brown, Fall in Season, Loose Leather, Precious Persimmon, Rivergrass, Citrus Peel, Mid Green, Waikawa Grey, God of Rain, A Noble Crown, Crown Gold, Crushed Cinnamon, Vivid Tangerine, The Fifth Sun, Watercolour Green, Citrus Peel, Mirage Lake, Honorable Getaway, Citrus Peel, Larchmere, Plum Power, Penthouse View, Prism, Chicago Blue palette Citrus Peel, Cold Green, Waiporoporo Purple, Rifle Green, Historic Shade, Pharaoh's Jade, Welcome Walkway, Baby Purple, Cautious G Persian Orange, Atomic Tangerine, Citrus Peel, Cardinal Red, Pion Purple, Crystal Ball, Sailor's Knot, Coffee Diva palette Vampire Bite, Energetic Orange, Connect Red, Naples Yellow, Sea Turtle, Citrus Peel, Patina, Verditer Blue, Mystic Blue, Dark Rum, Ginger Ale, Salmon Poké Bowl, Molten Bronze, Citrus Peel, Divine, Fresh Eggplant, Eminence, Singapore Orchid, Black Sabbath, Acadi Dotted Dove, Compass, Coyote Brown, Citrus Peel, Green Mana, Blue Bonnet, Spanish Roast, Gulf Blue, Pistachio Shortbread, Only Oli Salt Island Green, Silver Mink, Texas Hills, Construction Zone, Citrus Peel, Tomato Puree, Bear in Mind, Elder Creek palette Verdant, Citrus Peel, The Wild Apothecary, Coveted Blue palette Burnt Umber, Citrus Peel, Retro Pink, Existential Angst, Toadstool Dot, Grey Placidity palette Camo Clay, Citrus Peel, Purple Vanity, Vista, Hazy Taupe, Lunette palette Citrus Peel, Blanka Green, Pond Bath palette Evil Centipede, Qahvei Brown, Mikado Yellow, Citrus Peel, Aqua Rapids, Dolphin Dream palette Summer Glow, Gold Red, Citrus Peel, Light Green, Black Boudoir palette Crunch, Citrus Peel, Live Jazz, Sky Captain, Underground, Walkway palette Red Team Spirit, Raw Sunset, Citrus Peel, Memphis Green, Soldier Green, Nantucket Dune, Pale Lime Yellow, Fine Blue palette Citrus Peel, God’s Own Junkyard Pink, Stone Cairn palette Dorset Naga, Synthetic Pumpkin, Young Grass, Citrus Peel palette Anarchy, Citrus Peel, Kelp Forest, Red Gooseberry, Melanie palette Powdered Coffee, Citrus Peel, Deep Mint, Deepest Water, Sea Note, Sea Hunter, St. Patrick's Blue, Luna Moona palette
Contraste de Cor
Combinações de cores #b7bb6b com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.
#b7bb6b Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
Texto Grande: | ||
Texto pequeno: |
#b7bb6b Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
Texto Grande: | ||
Texto pequeno: |