Criado em 02/26/2023 12:10

#bce0df HEX Cor Mint Blue Informação

#bce0df RGB(188, 224, 223)

RGB os valores são RGB(188, 224, 223)
#bce0df cor contém Vermelho 73.73%, Verde 87.84% e Azul 87.45%.

Nomes de cores de #bce0df HEX código

Mint Blue Cor

Classificação da cor #bce0df

#bce0df é Luz e Legal Cor
Sombra de powderblue
A cor oposta para Mint Blue é #e0bdbe

#bce0df Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #bce0df Mint Blue

hsl(178, 37%, 81%)
hsla(178, 37%, 81%, 1)
RGB(188, 224, 223)
RGBA(188, 224, 223, 1)

Paletas para cores #bce0df Mint Blue:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #bce0df

a cor mais escura é #131616 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #f8fcfc dos tons

Paleta de tons de #bce0df:
Paleta de tons de #bce0df:
Paleta complementar de #bce0df:
Paleta triádica de #bce0df:
Paleta quadrada de #bce0df:
Paleta análoga de #bce0df:
Paleta complementar dividida de #bce0df:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #bce0df:

Cor Mint Blue #bce0df usado em paletas (50)

Web design daily 89226 colors palette Mint Blue Castlevania Heart, Majorelle Gardens, Garnet, Sweet Spiceberry, Mint Blue palette Velvet Cake, Hestia Red, Artisan Tan, Gold Foil, Thundelarra, Blazon Skies, Strawberry Spinach Red, Melbourne, Plant Green, Leafy, Japanese Rose Garden, Mint Blue, Moonmist, Deep Champagne palette Light Topaz Ochre, Gothic Gold, Loden Yellow, Mint Blue palette Warm Wassail, Mint Blue, Mixed Fruit palette Carnival Night, Classic Cherry, Cotton Muslin, Mint Blue, Harbour Mist, Waterslide palette Galaxy Slime Pollen Storm, Rackley, Indian Silk, Stormy Night, Blue Buzz, Mermaid Tears, Mint Blue, A Lot of Love palette Library Pewter, Portabella, Pink Earth, Tomato Slices, Smiley Face, Mint Blue, Spa Blue palette Verde Garrafa, Interior Green, Cumberland Grey, Old Bone, Mint Blue, Weak Blue, Violet Vapor palette Catfish, Nature's Masterpiece, Obsidian Shell, Runelord Brass, Seagrass, Mint Blue palette Carmen Miranda, Cliff Rock, Stetson, Parkwater, New Foliage, Chopped Dill, Mint Blue, Natural Radiance palette Chocolate Velvet, Cranberry Zing, Tristesse, Duskwood, Bagpiper, Hydrology, Regale Blue, Immortal, Celery Scepter palette Dynamite Red, Rationality, Bitter Chocolate, Great Fennel Flower, Reflecting Pond, Wine Gummy Red, Charcoal Briquette, Thorn Crown Nomadic, Husk, Ocean Boat Blue, Mantle, Venus Flower, Fizz palette Ironside Grey, Soho Red, Spandex Green, Real Teal, Fresh Soft Blue, Olive Brown, Alaitoc Blue palette Red Bay, Filtered Rays, Sunny Green, Wild Sage, Turtle Lake, Godzilla, Death by Chocolate, Bison, Boiling Mud, Sonoma Sky, Peach P Vermillion, Volcanic Rock, Applesauce Cake, Kumquat, Redbud, Sophisticated Plum, Rogue Cowboy, Yellow Jasmine, Mint Blue, Chardonn Matte Olive, Moroccan Blunt, Salted Capers, Sour Apple Rings, Blue Hepatica, Figue, Raspberry Magenta, Clear Purple, Charcoal Sket Autumn Robin, Prediction, Byzantine, Midnight Magic, Deep Royal, Wild Currant, Matte Blue, Baby Motive, Treasure Map palette Salt Island Green, First Colors of Spring, Green Cast, Synergy, Barn Red, Congressional Navy, Painted Bark, Toad King, Forest Moss Eagle's Meadow, Prairie Poppy, Alpine, Roasted Sienna, Great Grape, Bottled Sea, Rusty Chainmail, Celtic, Gameboy Shade, Pony, Gre Date Fruit Brown, Crop Circle, Laurel Tree, Yogi, Fertility Green, Iguana Green, Skydome, Blueberry Blush, Frenzied Red, Deep Blus Smoke Bush Rose, Soft Fawn, Annatto, Turtle Bay, Summer Air, Tidal Green, Airy Blue, Clay Slate Wacke, Mint Blue, Wayward Wind, Zi Cherry Tomato, Salmon, Batman's NES Cape, Soft Blue Lavender palette Armory, Sweet Desire, Arcane, Exotic Incense, Idyllic Pink, Candle Light, Seasonal Beige, Turnip Boy, Kawaii, Sunburst Yellow, Min Red-Handed, Amazonian, Artisans Gold, Flame Angelfish, Royal Palm, Berry Blue, CGA Pink, Energic Eggplant, Crab Nebula, Lemon Gras Bandicoot, Slightly Golden, Culpeo, Highlight Gold, Radium, Verdigris Roundhead, Dyer's Woad, Thousand Herb, Pitch Green, Preserve Rusty Coin, Laird, Jeans Indigo, Bright Navy Blue, Ahmar Red, Winter Bloom, Amphibian, Regatta Bay, Desert Sandstorm, Bamboo Beige Lollipop, Golden Period, Trans Tasman, Windsurf Blue, Baca Berry, Shadow Ridge, Sugar Rush Peach Pepper, Oyster Grey, Mauve Finery Ginger Scent, Pollination, Airline Green, India Green, Rich Electric Blue, Magic Dust, Garnet Rose, Lovebirds, Pico-8 Pink, Nightm Tallarn Flesh, Caramelized Orange, Fly the Green, Environmental Green, Mariana Trench, Peach Quartz, Mint Blue, Cameo Green palett Cloudy Cinnamon, Praline, Good Luck Charm, Candyman, Garrison Grey, Magento, Dusky Mood, Barely Bloomed, Tea Time, Mint Blue, Perf CubesInfotech Mexican Spirit, Double Dragon Skin, Green, Classic Blue, Quarterdeck, Thunderstorm Blue, Tornado Wind, Slate Brown, Diorite, Bryop Roanoke Taupe, Lemon Pie, Elysia Chlorotica, Majestic Purple, Cinnamon Roll, Vintage Indigo, Mint Blue palette Number #659 Kinsusutake Brown, Onion, Chicago, Mint Blue palette Hutchins Plaza, Pesto, German Mustard, Mint Blue palette Metallic Sunburst, Realm of the Underworld, Piano Brown, Angel Finger, Mint Blue, Star Map, Bái Sè White palette Mediterranean Charm, Miner's Dust, Perspective, Mint Blue, Veiled Rose, Dolomite Crystal palette Blue Grass, Mint Morning palette Swamp of Sorrows, Moss Vale, Vintage Plum, Mint Blue palette Taste of Summer, North Cape Grey palette Thrush, Prairie Poppy, Green Garlands, Oitake Green, Forest Sand, Mint Blue palette Boston Brick, Cricket Green, Garden Medley, Red Light Neon, Dark Sky, Mint Blue palette Thunderbird, Candy Apple Red, Torrey Pine, Alaskan Blue, Blue Velvet, Soft Tone, Beige palette Library Pewter, Acorn Nut, Blue Mirage, Capstan, Fabric of Space, Roycroft Mist Grey, Snowbell palette

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #bce0df com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Mint Blue #bce0df cor png