Criado em 03/01/2023 13:17
#ccbfc7 HEX Cor Silk Chiffon Informação
Cor | HEX | RGB |
#ccbfc7 | RGB(204, 191, 199) |
RGB os valores são RGB(204, 191, 199)
#ccbfc7 cor contém Vermelho 80%, Verde 74.9% e Azul 78.04%.
Nomes de cores de #ccbfc7 HEX código
Silk Chiffon Cor
Cores alternativas de Silk Chiffon #ccbfc7
A cor oposta para Silk Chiffon é #becbc3
#ccbfc7 Conversão de cores
Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #ccbfc7 Silk Chiffon
hsl(323, 11%, 77%)
hsla(323, 11%, 77%, 1)
RGB(204, 191, 199)
RGBA(204, 191, 199, 1)
Paletas para cores #ccbfc7 Silk Chiffon:
Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #ccbfc7
a cor mais escura é #141314 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #faf9f9 dos tons
Paleta de tons de #ccbfc7:
Paleta de tons de #ccbfc7:
Paleta complementar de #ccbfc7:
Paleta triádica de #ccbfc7:
Paleta quadrada de #ccbfc7:
Paleta análoga de #ccbfc7:
Paleta complementar dividida de #ccbfc7:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #ccbfc7:
Paletas de cores sugeridas para #ccbfc7 HEX:
Paleta de cores com cor #ccbfc7 #1:
Paleta de cores com cor #ccbfc7 #2:
Paleta de cores com cor #ccbfc7 #3:
Paleta de cores com cor #ccbfc7 #4:
Paleta de cores com cor #ccbfc7 #5:
Cor Silk Chiffon #ccbfc7 usado em paletas (50)
2 Cantankerous Hippo, Fertile Soil, Buffed Copper, Tangerine Dream, Bee Cluster, Bitter Lemon, Lime Jelly, Spores, Hippie Green, Cig Covered Bridge, Fluorite Blue, Periwinkle Blue, Silk Chiffon palette Tedious Red, Black Headed Gull, Steady Brown, Ashen Brown, Country Sleigh, Redtail, California, Acid Drop, Flamingo Diva, Rhine Ri Not My Fault, Arizona Clay, Amazonian, Carbide, Live Jazz, Deep Violet, Silk Chiffon, Minified Blue, Almendra Tostada, Silvery Str Mario, Rustic Ranch, Parachute, Weissbier, Energized, Off Yellow, Emerald Glitter, Tournament Field, Purplue, Office Neon Light, C Georgia Clay, Silk Chiffon, Mauve Organdie, Parachute Silk, Golden Mushroom palette Silk Chiffon, Pale Parsnip, Castle Ridge, Light Frosty Dawn palette Clippership Twill, Obtrusive Orange, Lime Jelly, Unakite, Faded Jade, Palm Springs Splash, Flickering Sea, Earth Brown, Alpine Gre Landmark Brown, Fall Harvest, Brittlebush, Blue Grey, Seagull Wail palette Dried Basil, Saffron Robe, Calabash Clash, Rushing River, Twilight Lavender, Mine Rock, Heirloom Lilac, Luminous Yellow, Silk Chif Suzani Gold, Burnt Copper, Snakebite Leather, Classic Green, Conker Brown, Fairway, Peanut Butter Crust, Cool Aloe, Aqua Fiesta, S Dark Wood, Orange you Happy?, Aladdin's Feather, Mani, Silk Chiffon palette Toffee Tart, Inca Yellow, Zatar Leaf, Cruel Ruby, Japanese Sable, Moorland Heather palette Barricade, Darling Clementine, Medium Vermilion, Heavy Orange, Safety Yellow, Ultra Green, Sojourn Blue, Poise, Fake Crush, Cetace Chocolate, Kiwi, Green Glimmer, Homburg Grey, Steel Light Blue, Stravinsky, Wet Aloeswood, Silk Chiffon, Natural Tan, Numero Uno p Fuzzy Duckling, Grape Grey, Aswad Black, Teal Dark Blue, Vermicelle palette Blue Arc, Milkwort Red, Calypso Coral, Blackberry Harvest, Grand Grape, Tibetan Stone, Silk Chiffon, Lips of Apricot palette Acapulco Dive, Harvest Night, Mama Racoon, Grapevine Canyon, Greengage, Silk Chiffon, Ice Yellow palette Pre-Raphaelite, Cobre, Showstopper, Mystifying Magenta, Lucidity, Pewter Blue, Orchid Bloom, Silk Chiffon, Frosted Hills palette Tiger's Eye, Bright Halo, Grasping Grass, Green Weed, Slate Grey, Thousand Herb, Hawaiian Surf, Earthy Khaki Green, Jewel Cave, Pu Ancient Red, Executive Course, Philippine Yellow, Creamed Avocado, Gibraltar, Artist Blue, Crow Black, Onyx Heart, Revival Rose, S Ruby Red, Brick Hearth, Deer, Pestering Pesto, Intense Jade, Monastery Mantle, Tree Bark Green, Lights Out, Idyllic Isle, Silk Chi Camel Spider, Choco Biscuit, Hot Pepper Green, Classic Berry, Pickled Pink, Méi Hēi Coal, Adana Kebabı, Soul Quenching, Mountain S Dropped Brick, Ivy Garden, Rosetta, Eminent Bronze, Evening Sunset, Physalis, Hipster Salmon, New Wave Green, Carmoisine, Black Fo Overcast Brick, Purplex, Stegadon Scale Green, Seared Grey, Praying Mantis, Flax Fiber, Silk Chiffon, Nice White palette International Orange, Solitary Slate, Nut Oil, Bugle Boy, Dull Yellow, Clairvoyant, Manhattan Blue, Corundum Blue, Morning Glory p Portsmouth Olive, Presidio Plaza, Riesling Grape, Mulberry Thorn, Salted Caramel Popcorn, Sunflower Valley, Capitalino Cactus, Blu Racing Red, Poised Taupe, French Bistre, Totally Toffee, Green Pear, Biscay Green, Woodland Moss, Oceanus, Raffia Cream, Rosettee, Sandal, Epidote Olvene Ore, Lizard Green, Dolphin Dream, Jade Jewel, Zoom, Red Jade, Chubby Kiss, Subterranean River, Dark Walnut, Gilded Glamour, Olivetone, Orange Tiger, Umbrella Green, Fervent Green, Indigo, Cummings Oak, Plum Truffle, Elm Green, Rich Reward Korma, Oregon, The Oregon Blue, Blueberry Blush, Soft Amber, Fragile palette Dull Brown, Poodle Skirt Peach, Blue Radiance, Blue Whale, Platoon Green, Indulgence, Yuma Gold, Classical Yellow, Silk Chiffon pa Grey Suit, Veranda Blue, Bright Cerulean, Jellybean Pink, Dulcet Violet, Tree Shade, Blue Charm palette Sweet Brown, Bosc Pear, Autumn Gourd, Galah, Violet Indigo, Wineberry, Camel Hide, Silk Chiffon, Curly Maple palette November Gold, Kings of Sea, Ghost Grey, Cotton Muslin, Silk Chiffon palette Golden Glove, Wet Suit, Wethersfield Moss, Tiamo, Cool Granite, Beetroot Rice, Silk Chiffon, Orenju Ogon Koi palette Peppered Moss, Fennel Flower, Navy Green, Honey Nougat, Silk Chiffon, Pink Dust, Horseradish Cream palette Cinnamon Diamonds, Foxy, Purple Plum, Arterial Blood Red, Aquaverde, Death Valley Beige, Sunkissed Beach palette Neutral Valley, Sea Ridge, Dark Shadows, Chive Flower palette Top Shelf, Silk Chiffon, Afghan Hound, Flip-Flop palette Peaches of Immortality, Asparagus Sprig, Dried Edamame, Soft Metal, Silk Chiffon, Cooled Cream, Macadamia palette Valentine Red, Colorado Trail, Sleep, Arctic Nights, Your Majesty, Silk Chiffon, Light Saffron Orange palette Alarm, Neutral Valley, Integrity, Beet Red, Old Amethyst palette Fire Chi, Raccoon Tail, Vibrant Amber, Night Rendezvous, Toy Mauve, Nocturne, Silk Chiffon palette Dragon's Breath, Light Mocha, Wasteland, Almandine, Bridal Rose, Silk Chiffon, Silent Delight palette South Kingston, Nomadic, Sea Pink, Ōtan Red, Submarine Grey, Sequin palette Licorice Stick, Vintage Orange, Composite Artefact Green, Greener Grass, Enticing Red, Silk Chiffon palette Incarnadine, Dark Blond, Screen Gem, Cranberry Sauce, Fair Green, Sail into the Horizon, Icy Morn, Silk Chiffon palette Veranda Iris, Pale Grape, Silk Chiffon palette
Contraste de Cor
Combinações de cores #ccbfc7 com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.
#ccbfc7 Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
Texto Grande: | ||
Texto pequeno: |
#ccbfc7 Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
Texto Grande: | ||
Texto pequeno: |