Criado em 02/24/2023 11:03

#e8d8da HEX Cor Diminished Red Informação

#e8d8da RGB(232, 216, 218)

RGB os valores são RGB(232, 216, 218)
#e8d8da cor contém Vermelho 90.98%, Verde 84.71% e Azul 85.49%.

Nomes de cores de #e8d8da HEX código

Diminished Red Cor

Classificação da cor #e8d8da

#e8d8da é Luz e Neutro Cor
A cor oposta para Diminished Red é Frozen Mint

#e8d8da Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #e8d8da Diminished Red

hsl(353, 26%, 88%)
hsla(353, 26%, 88%, 1)
RGB(232, 216, 218)
RGBA(232, 216, 218, 1)

Paletas para cores #e8d8da Diminished Red:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #e8d8da

a cor mais escura é #171616 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #fdfbfb dos tons

Paleta de tons de #e8d8da:
Paleta de tons de #e8d8da:
Paleta complementar de #e8d8da:
Paleta triádica de #e8d8da:
Paleta quadrada de #e8d8da:
Paleta análoga de #e8d8da:
Paleta complementar dividida de #e8d8da:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #e8d8da:

Cor Diminished Red #e8d8da usado em paletas (50)

Tulipan Violet Midwinter Fire, Reed Mace Brown, Bread Pudding, Brazilian Brown, Marshy Green, Carnival, Jīn Huáng Gold, New Shoot, Spectra Green, Gauntlet Grey, Jabłoński Grey, Cat's Purr, Private Tone, Green Goanna, Fynbos Leaf, Bubble Shell, Sonoma Sky, Rainforest Dew, Mabe Red Lust, Meatloaf, Crown of Thorns, Domino, Adobe Rose, Carnation Rose, Colonial Revival Grey, Golden Crested Wren, Diminished Re Luxe Blue, Shadow Warrior, French Moire, Diminished Red palette Archaeological Site, Orchilla, Icelandic Blue, Diminished Red, Delicate Seashell palette Stadium Grass, Captains Blue, Nostalgia Rose, Pink Tulip, Diminished Red palette Starship Trooper, Bluish, Lust Priestess, Witch Soup, Blue Sarong, Diminished Red palette Retro Nectarine, Lagoon, Raspberry Wine, Diminished Red palette Centra, Deep Daishin Yellow, Water Nymph, Aquarelle Sky, Diminished Red, Crescent Moon, Lime Glow palette Indian Red, Amberized, Ripe Pear, Drying Grass Green, Dangerously Elegant, Plum Savor, Bodacious, Midnight Navy, Evening Canyon, W Emperor's Gold, Woolly Mammoth, Aquamarine, Shirt Blue, Royal Night palette Plum Haze, Shepherd's Warning, Young Bud, Disappearing Purple, Green Moonstone, Pistachio Shortbread, Kamut, Dutch Jug, Fresh Thym Utaupeia, Vandyck Brown, Putty, Fire Lord, Matt Demon, Croquet Blue, Bauhaus Blue, Sharkskin, Chefchaouen Blue, Subtle Shadow pale Buffed Copper, Match Strike, Chinois Green, Sea Serpent, Formal Maroon, Gris Morado, Nutmeg Glow, Solé palette Prism Violet, Banafš Violet, Deep Pond, Cocoa Bean, Darlak, Undersea, Independent Gold, Aqua Splash, Seedling, Fragrant Snowbell, Outdoor Cafe, Outlawed Orange, Tiger of Mysore, Blade Green, Charoite Violet, Pink Garnet, The Art of Seduction, Royal Ash, Shaker Filthy Brown, Plant Green, Sacred Sapling, Mulch, Pango Black, Storms Mountain, Greenish Beige, A Pair of Brown Eyes, Desert Morni Unmatched Beauty, Cajun Spice, Star Fruit Yellow Green, Feldspar, Raw Linen, Brown Bag, Flying Fish, Mighty Midnight, Green Goanna Romesco, Ineffable Forest, Arctic Green, Mint Sprig, Hypnotic, Tulip Red, Treasured Love, Cupid's Arrow, Flirty Pink, Flax Straw, Proton Red, Qahvei Brown, Bitter Lemon, Mission Control, Flyway, Seance, Blue Purple, Purple Peril, Blue Plaza, Vintage Indigo, Pa Gosling, New Chestnut, Cuddlepot, Funchal Yellow, Culpeo, Borage Blue, Faded Red, Froly, Chilled Wine, Berry Mojito, Turnip Boy, W Raiden Blue, Lick and Kiss, Pink Explosion, Torrefacto Roast, Burnt Maroon, Dark Grey, Braintree, Wallflower, Kingfisher Turquoise Earth Rose, Puma, Cyber Yellow, Fairway Green, Night Tide, Stone Fence, Ashen Wind, Melancholy, Lady Guinevere, Silver Bullet, Fai Mecca Orange, Tree Poppy, Toy Tank Green, Folkstone Grey, Dusk Mauve, Minuet Lilac, Oliva Oscuro, Cocoa Froth, Covered in Platinum Rusty Red, Clay Marble, Fresh Olive, Expressionism Green, Bluish Green, Equinox, Screed Grey, Sheer Green, Polar Mist, Sea Frost p Glass Sapphire, Totally Black, French Mauve, Violet Kiss, Diminished Red palette Blood Kiss, NYC Taxi, Matcha Powder, Cricket Green, Natural Instinct Green, Sultry Smoke, Orchard Plum, Lightning Bug, Geyser, Pea Big Yellow Taxi, Magic Sage, Kelly's Flower, Hawaiian Cinder, Heavy Grey, Cabo, Light Pale Pearl, Misty Afternoon, Prim, Silvery S Curry Brown, Spectra Green, Sail On, Little Boy Blue, Toy Blue, Fat Smooch, Kashmir Pink, Jewellery White palette Count's Wardrobe, Desert Sandstorm, Elephant in the Room, Graceful Green, Belize Green, Aloha Sunset, Crystal Yellow, Lover's Hide Copper Moon, Clematis Green, Justice, Flax Flower Blue, Exquisite Eggplant, Lake Water, Pebblebrook, Journal White, Light Silverto Cranberry, Brown Eyes, Yolk Yellow, Dark Lime, Jeans Indigo, Blue Trust, Grey Dusk, Amethyst Purple, Cabaret, Coffee, Breezy Blue Thanksgiving, Lime Twist, So Sour, Northern Territory, Gunmetal Beige, Bubble Gum, Unmarked Trail, Pretty Pastry, Fairfax Grey, Di Bricktone, Glazed Pecan, Fischer Blue, Night Blue, Roanoke, Cold and Dark, Divine Purple, Fool's Gold, Classic Taupe, Whirlpool, P Elden Ring Orange, Plain Old Brown, Legal Ribbon, Steely Grey, Amethyst Paint, Quicksand palette Orange Tiger, Smitten, Sedia, Atoll Sand, Diminished Red palette Golden Rain Yellow, Light Olive, Cousteau, Star Anise, Flint Grey, Heather Plume, Diminished Red palette Echinoderm, Royalty palette Summer Weasel, Blunt Violet palette Natural, Hot Sauce, BioShock, Lead Cast, Mesa Red, Stamped Concrete palette Poppy Red, Medium Violet Red, Ultra Red, Aubergine, Majestic palette Wild Sage, Warm Blue, Choo Choo, Woodlawn Green, Little Blue Box palette Coral Pink, Pepperoni, Nightly Escapade, Bramble Bush, Log Cabin, Greenish Tan, Labyrinth Walk palette Yellow Maize, Orangish, Stay in Lime, Roof Tile Green, Auger Shell palette OU Crimson Red, Booger, Love Letter, Velvet Cupcake, Globe Thistle Grey Rose, Grey Dolphin palette Colusa Wetlands, Outdoor Land, Gorgeous Hydrangea, Bleached Spruce palette Lion of Menecrates, Overgrown, Ripe Malinka, Off-Road Green, Fulgrim Pink, Mellifluous Blue palette Cloudburst, Mellowed Gold, Adventure Orange, California Dreaming, Tank Yellow, Adeptus Battlegrey, Bay's Water, Shady Blue, Napa W Ancient Yellow, Nasake, Brilliant Carmine, Portsmouth Bay, Cerulean Tint, Shōji palette

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #e8d8da com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Diminished Red #e8d8da cor png