Criado em 02/17/2023 16:47

#e9d66b HEX Cor Arylide Yellow Informação

#e9d66b RGB(233, 214, 107)

RGB os valores são RGB(233, 214, 107)
#e9d66b cor contém Vermelho 91.37%, Verde 83.92% e Azul 41.96%.

Nomes de cores de #e9d66b HEX código

Arylide Yellow Cor

Classificação da cor #e9d66b

#e9d66b é Luz e Esquentar Cor
Matiz de Cáqui

Cores alternativas de Arylide Yellow #e9d66b

A cor oposta para Arylide Yellow é #6d7fe9

#e9d66b Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #e9d66b Arylide Yellow

hsl(51, 74%, 67%)
hsla(51, 74%, 67%, 1)
RGB(233, 214, 107)
RGBA(233, 214, 107, 1)

Paletas para cores #e9d66b Arylide Yellow:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #e9d66b

a cor mais escura é #17150b dos tons e a cor mais clara é #fdfbf0 dos tons

Paleta de tons de #e9d66b:
Paleta de tons de #e9d66b:
Paleta complementar de #e9d66b:
Paleta triádica de #e9d66b:
Paleta quadrada de #e9d66b:
Paleta análoga de #e9d66b:
Paleta complementar dividida de #e9d66b:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #e9d66b:

Cor Arylide Yellow #e9d66b usado em paletas (50)

Energy Red-brown colors palette room dashboard colors Alfa Leonice Colorants Arylide Yellow Mocha Mousse, Arylide Yellow, In the Tropics, Canadian Pine, Winter Shadow, Victorian Iris, Pretty Puce, Moroccan Blue, Insignia B Jaipur, Mahogany, Roasted Hazelnut, Rhubarb Leaf Green, Exotic Orange, Arylide Yellow, Silver Linden Grey, Kaltes Klares Wasser, C Chorizo, Cork Bark, Wave of Grain, Crimson Silk, Yellow Exhilaration, Arylide Yellow, Green Tea Mochi, Brownish Green, Copenhagen Ridgeback, Arylide Yellow, Marine Ink, Soulstone Blue, Sky Dancer, Ink Black palette Butterscotch Syrup, Autumn Landscape, Arylide Yellow, Velvet Grey, Eternal Winter palette Poppy Red, Carolina Reaper, Arylide Yellow, Wheel of Dharma, Razzmatazz Lips, Gunmetal palette Arylide Yellow, Lush Greenery, Advantageous, Pencil Point, Fashionable Grey, Shimmering Champagne, Minified Green palette Arylide Yellow, Hawk Turquoise, Team Spirit, Batu Cave, Airforce, Coliseum Marble palette Baked Clay, Arylide Yellow, Brilliant Carmine, Notable Hue, Slick Blue, Vinalhaven, Crocus Petal palette Nomad Grey, Redtail, Arylide Yellow, Fantasia, Royal Intrigue, Blue Luxury palette Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Key to the City, Paarl, Lizard Brown, Arylide Yellow, Sagebrush Green, Curious Blue, Fiesta Pink, Red Pa Arylide Yellow, Jadestone, Old Mahogany, Dark Truffle, Leek Green palette Orchestra of Red, Bannister Brown, Wood Chi, Campground, Ungor Flesh, University of California Gold, Arylide Yellow, Acanthus Leaf Mango Madness, Arylide Yellow, Puyo Blob Green, Swiss Lilac palette No More Drama, Nut Cracker, Venetian Gold, Gusto Gold, Aerospace Orange, Arylide Yellow, Billowing Smoke, Blue Mediterranean, Venu Pottery Red, Snobby Shore, Arylide Yellow, Green Belt, Figue, Purple Snail, Black Soap, Pure Midnight, Woad Purple, Delicate Viole Arylide Yellow, Billycart Blue, Mitchell Blue, Extra Fuchsia, Brooklyn, Springtime Bloom, Lantern Gold palette Golden Pumpkin, 24 Carrot, Arylide Yellow, Green Fiasco, Blue Android Base, Cadmium Blue, Her Velour, Single Origin, Restoration, Arylide Yellow, Medium Aquamarine, Royal Navy Blue, Eastern Blue palette Smashed Pumpkin, Arylide Yellow, French Silver, Eaves palette Webcap Brown, Arylide Yellow, Cakepop Sorbet, Lyceum (Was Lycra Strip), Catfish, Tangent Periwinkle, Starry Sky Blue, Sugar Creek, Mandarin Essence, Arylide Yellow, Liquorice Red, Classic, Medium Spring Bud, Courtyard palette Arylide Yellow, Green Goddess, Castaway Lagoon, Jackson Antique, Odyssey Plum palette Cocoloco, Charleston Chocolate, Camel Toe, Arylide Yellow, Her Velour, Briquette, Far Away Grey, Desert Sandstorm, Basswood, Crest Cigar, Arylide Yellow, Fiji Palm, Wageningen Green, Cobalt Stone, Purple Paradise, Lacustral palette Red Baron, Arylide Yellow, Isle of Sand, Gulf Waters, Prune Plum, Elephant Grey, Wooden Peg, Paving Stone, Natural Green, Shrimp B Scarlet Red, Forbidden Thrill, Arylide Yellow, Flash Gitz Yellow, Daybreak, Snappy Violet, Spray palette Aged Beech, Yuzukoshō, Arylide Yellow, Shindig, Cranach Blue, Violet Red, Spreadsheet Green, All Nighter, Darkshore, Goose Bill, I Grilled Tomato, Blood Red, Arylide Yellow, Ocean City, Liquorice palette Settlement, Golden Summer, Wet Pottery Clay, Arylide Yellow, Armory, Exotic Palm, Ragweed, Ocean Boat Blue, Mineral Red, Tête-à-Tê African Mud, Indian Paintbrush, Spiced Nectarine, Arylide Yellow, Brilliant Green, Delft palette Arylide Yellow, Green Turquoise, Gem, Red Trillium, Star Grass, Heavy Hammock, Silken Gold, Goose Down palette Aged Mustard Green, Arylide Yellow, Light Olive, Ontario Violet, Twilight Forest palette Tobacco Leaf, Arylide Yellow, Green Thumb, Rock Creek, Verdun Green, Brown Moelleux, Sailing Safari palette Arylide Yellow, Blade Green, Laguna Blue, Cloudy Sea, Blue Lobelia, Remembrance palette Jambalaya, Arylide Yellow, Fertility Green, Wishard, Magenta Stream, Roman Ruins palette Fingerpaint, Arylide Yellow, English Daisy, Bitter Lime, Bean, French Puce, Berry Blue Green, Greenish Tan palette Yellow Mandarin, Arylide Yellow, Skeletor's Cape, Green Tea Leaf, Oakwood, Femininity, Pink Lady, Aruba Aqua palette Arylide Yellow, Traffic Green, Peacock Feather, Purple Sultan, Undersea palette Arylide Yellow, Gameboy Screen, Armada, Espresso Martini, Pink Orthoclase, Scandalous Rose, Peaceful Night, Crown Point Cream pale Arylide Yellow, Hot Dog Relish, Aged Wine, Italiano Rose, Self-Love, Chinese Black, Lava Stone, Pale Leaf palette On the Avenue, Copper Rose, Pastry Shell, Cadmium Orange, Grapefruit, Arylide Yellow, Murky Green, Nile Stone, Winter Lakes, Vivid Butter Bronze, Arylide Yellow, Purple Daze, French Roast, Bananas Foster palette Arylide Yellow, Aspen Valley, Blue Persia, Sea of Tears, Loulou's Purple palette Viking Castle, Cranapple, Lemon Curry, Arylide Yellow, Banana Mash, Nuclear Throne, William, Spearmint, Greenish Cyan, Sheet Metal Coastline Trail, Retro Avocado, Tenné, Arylide Yellow, Portsmouth Blue, Blue Persia, Redcurrant, Pimm's, Moussaka, Winter Moss, Fa

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #e9d66b com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Arylide Yellow #e9d66b cor png