Criado em 02/25/2023 20:02
#f7e4df HEX Cor Cream Rose Informação
Cor | HEX | RGB |
#f7e4df | RGB(247, 228, 223) |
RGB os valores são RGB(247, 228, 223)
#f7e4df cor contém Vermelho 96.86%, Verde 89.41% e Azul 87.45%.
Nomes de cores de #f7e4df HEX código
Cream Rose Cor
Cores alternativas de Cream Rose #f7e4df
A cor oposta para Cream Rose é #def2f7
#f7e4df Conversão de cores
Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f7e4df Cream Rose
hsl(13, 60%, 92%)
hsla(13, 60%, 92%, 1)
RGB(247, 228, 223)
RGBA(247, 228, 223, 1)
Paletas para cores #f7e4df Cream Rose:
Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #f7e4df
a cor mais escura é #191716 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #fefcfc dos tons
Paleta de tons de #f7e4df:
Paleta de tons de #f7e4df:
Paleta complementar de #f7e4df:
Paleta triádica de #f7e4df:
Paleta quadrada de #f7e4df:
Paleta análoga de #f7e4df:
Paleta complementar dividida de #f7e4df:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #f7e4df:
Cor Cream Rose #f7e4df usado em paletas (50)
Star and Crescent Red, Brown Pepper, Midnight Sky, Chestnut Red, Cream Rose palette Kandinsky Turquoise, Merchant Marine Blue, Strawberry Yogurt, Snow Peak, Cream Rose palette Brass Mesh, Cold Spring, Orion Blue, Homestead Brown, Barista, Cream Rose palette Caffeine, African Mahogany, Ruby Ring, Figue Pulp, Oleander Pink, Carambar, Recycled Glass, Vintage Ephemera, White Lie, Cream Ros Sun Wukong's Crown, Dill Pickle, Poised Peach, Cream Rose palette Mocha Bean, Century's Last Sunset, Pohutukawa, Cellini Gold, Sea Lavender, Life at Sea, Barely White, Cream Rose palette Shortgrass Prairie, Rusted Nail, Be Daring, King Tide, Shades of Rhodonite, Hairy Heath, Shallow Water Ground, Calculus palette Jack and Coke, Matt Demon, Harlequin Green, Cadet, Mariner, Megaman, Permanent Green, Magos, California Lilac, Bleached Meadow, Pe Bronze Treasure, West Winds, Sage Blossom Blue, Cobalt Stone, Purple Rhapsody, Night Brown Black, Delta Waters, Aries Hot Pink, Pa Rustica, Stock Horse, Creamy Caramel, Witch Hazel, Sweet Potato Peel, Red Berry, Bangalore, Ashberry, Tracery, Pollen, Affinity, J Webcap Brown, Fool’s Gold, Barrier Reef, Liver, Groundcover, Watery, Retro, Light Red palette Harley Davidson Orange, Blood Red, Belgian Sweet, Amber Autumn, Rose of Sharon, Fading Torch, American Bronze, Cypress, Ensign Blu Ginger Flower, Sweet Florence, Lush Bamboo, Blessed Blue, KSU Purple, Ombre Blue, Ashen Wind, Meadow Phlox, Slight Mushroom palett Netherworld, Melon Twist, Phoenix Rising, Aqua Sea, Antigua, Violet Frog, Rich Purple, Outer Rim, Winter Oak, Deluxe Days, Antarct Café, Georgia Peach, Plain Old Brown, Poisonous Pistachio, Peahen, Ice Blue Grey, Dolphin Daze, Nuthatch Back, Cherry Berry, Pine Spruce Woods, Roland-Garros, Baragon Brown, Old School, Mount Etna, Winter Coat, Gustav, Audition, Soft Moss, Light Spring Burst p Variegated Frond, Kiwi Fruit, Kaitoke Green, Covered Bridge, Mermaid's Tail, Simpatico Blue, Toasted Almond, Ionic Ivory, Light Hi Schist, Hair Brown, Industrial Revolution, Tropical Skies, Blackbird, Formal Grey, Tropical Trail, Dancing Dolphin, Fresh Frappe, Subdued Sienna, Peach Bloom, Gomashio Yellow, Mango Tango, Glitter is not Gold, English Coral, Aluminum Sky, Bayshore, Desolace De Cayenne, McNuke, Pool Green, Nautical Blue, Purple Spot, Powder Red, Action Green, Emperor, Majestic Blue, Double Colonial White, Diablo Red, Hibernation, Zinnwaldite Brown, Wasabi Paste, Impetuous palette Warlock Red, Oceanic, Danube, Cabal, Kisses, Avocado Dark Green, Mountain Moss, Cappuccino Froth, Power Lunch, First Peach palette Ceylonese, Sunbathing Beauty, Gentleman's Whiskey, Hello Spring, Windows 95 Desktop, Paradise Pink, Nightly Woods, Tarzan Green, A Mung Bean, Farmer's Market, Mortar, Tamarind Fruit palette American Beauty, Shell Pink, Contrasting Yellow, Sassy Grass, Black Lacquer, Glittering Sun, Rodeo Dust palette Granite, Arousing Alligator, Pink Kitsch, Dirty Pink, Metal Chi, Mountain Stream, Mexicali Rose, Go Go Mango, Hollywood Golden Age Robot Grendizer Gold, Southern Blue, Revelry Blue, Dark Periwinkle, Black Forest Blue, Harold, Bright Mint, Water Lily White, Ice Hi Def Lime, Kanafeh, Peppy, Affair, Exotic Liras, Biro Blue, Tetsu Iron, Cloudy Desert, Yuma Gold, Starfish, Perennial Phlox, Alm Wishing Troll, Tapestry Red, USC Gold, Stone Mason, Boreal, Wine Not, Sonata Blue, Hazy Day, Pink Sentiment palette Dusty Green, Putting Green, Phosphorescent Green, Privet Hedge, Lifestyle Red, Black Glaze, Grain Brown, Cyrus Grass, Blair palett Once Bitten, Show Business, Golden Foil, Romp, Stanley, Willow Wind palette Lucky Green, Cobblestone, Sunbeam, Cream Rose palette Ginger, Japanese Fern, Last of Lettuce, Jellybean Pink, Rainmaker, Calming Space, Misty Isle, Cream Rose palette Brazilian Citrine, Golden Rule, Green Lapis, Clouded Blue, On Cloud Nine palette Thallium Flame, Galaxy Express, Mystery Oceans, Maroon Flush, Tamahagane, Cape Cod Blue, Paw Paw, Blue Gossamer palette Sycamore, Raspberry Ripple, Muted Blue, Fairway Green, Tornado Cloud palette Melon Red, Mangu Black, Metallic Copper, Fig Tree, Auger Shell, Placid Blue, White Chocolate palette Antique, Palm, Prancer, Phosphor Green, Last Light Blue, French Fuchsia, Night Dive, French Parsley palette Witch Hazel Leaf, Archivist, Creamy Caramel, Garden Club, Craftsman Blue, Toy Camouflage, Old Tudor, Dusky palette Architecture Grey, Cattail Red, Plastic Lips, Aeronautic, Colombo Red Mauve, Green Gold, Girl Talk palette The Cottage, American Gold, Going Rouge, Frozen Blue, New Moss, Origami palette Chifle Yellow, Poisonous Dart, Opalescent, Antique Turquoise, Whale's Mouth, Hog's Pudding, Cupid, Vodka palette Earthenware, Sweet Honey, Aqua Cyan, Minuet Lilac, Playful Plum, Breezy Touch palette Bonus Level, Lime Zest, Noble Tone, Magic Metal, Lilac Purple, Sienna Dust palette Nessie, Marrakech Brown, Skylight palette Spiced Nut, Isle of Capri, Lint, Peach Bud palette Paprika Kisses, Toxic Boyfriend, Finch, Into the Stratosphere, Saxophone Gold, Balance Green, Calm Water palette Amaranth Red, Ken Masters Red, It's My Party, Golden Rule, Bidwell Blue, Hampton, Wool Skein palette Bloodhound, Brown Moelleux, Leather Clutch, Oslo Blue, Wine Bottle, Windsong palette Gulab Brown, After Shock, Green Coconut, Harbor Blue, Dried Lavender Flowers, Friar's Brown, Lavender Dust, Stonewashed palette
Contraste de Cor
Combinações de cores #f7e4df com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.
#f7e4df Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
Texto Grande: | ||
Texto pequeno: |
#f7e4df Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
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Texto pequeno: |