Criado em 02/22/2023 03:24

#f7efcf HEX Cor Annabel Informação

#f7efcf RGB(247, 239, 207)

RGB os valores são RGB(247, 239, 207)
#f7efcf cor contém Vermelho 96.86%, Verde 93.73% e Azul 81.18%.

Nomes de cores de #f7efcf HEX código

Annabel Cor

Classificação da cor #f7efcf

#f7efcf é Luz e Neutro Cor
Matiz de cornsilk
A cor oposta para Annabel é #cfd7f7

#f7efcf Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f7efcf Annabel

hsl(48, 71%, 89%)
hsla(48, 71%, 89%, 1)
RGB(247, 239, 207)
RGBA(247, 239, 207, 1)

Paletas para cores #f7efcf Annabel:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #f7efcf

a cor mais escura é #191815 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #fefdfa dos tons

Paleta de tons de #f7efcf:
Paleta de tons de #f7efcf:
Paleta complementar de #f7efcf:
Paleta triádica de #f7efcf:
Paleta quadrada de #f7efcf:
Paleta análoga de #f7efcf:
Paleta complementar dividida de #f7efcf:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #f7efcf:

Cor Annabel #f7efcf usado em paletas (49)

Flame Scarlet, Tilted Red, Furious Red, Rock Spray, Holly Green, Plumage, Thor's Thunder, Space Station, Zeftron, Blue Marguerite, Barnwood Ash, Coralite, Usugaki Persimmon, Sludge, Sulphur Yellow, Thick Yellow, Old Bamboo, Classic Avocado, Green Seduction, Ove Hot Fever, Pale Brown, Arona, Birthday Suit, Annabel palette Spanish Red, Downtown Benny Brown, French Beige, Hot Tamale, Matt Demon, Spruce Tree Flower, Glazed Raspberry, Badab Black Wash, O Dragons Lair, Ecstasy, Samoan Sun, Electric Green, Early Spring Night, Blue Pencil, Hyssop, Old Lavender, British Mauve, Ancient P Brownish Purple Red, Alden Till, Capers, Sunny Summer, Succulent Green, Merchant Marine Blue, Is It Cold, Manually Pressed Grapes, Algen Gerne, Legal Eagle, Peach Flower, New Moss, Annabel palette Gilded Pear, Golden Banner, Cricket Green, Aquadulce, Sapphire Splendour, German Grey, Cup Noodles, Sandbank palette Bradford Brown, Peach Caramel, Garfield, Summer Orange, Garden of Eden, Azure Tide, Cotton Cardigan, Tomb Blue, Arrow Shaft, Diplo Jellybean Pink, Exotic Evening, Mercer Charcoal, Mirage Grey palette Orange Fire, Whale's Tale, Black Green, Logan, Finishing Touch, Annabel palette Cougar, Juicy Jackfruit, Cleopatra, Crushed Stone, Tiger Yellow, Brazilian Sand palette Cinnamon Diamonds, Cameo Brown, Masoho Red, Titanium Yellow, Green Dynasty, Winter Lakes, Whispering Willow, Slick Blue, Young Whe Guo Tie Dumpling, Shandy, Peeled Asparagus, Ornamental Turquoise, Thai Teak, San Felix, Angel Falls, White Jade, Silly Puddy, Mauv Coyote Tracks, Bloodhound, Spectra Yellow, Coastal Storm, Lignum Vitœ Foliage, Midnight Blue, Dried Chamomile, Icy Waterfall palet Noble Robe, Doe, Crushed Orange, Carlisle, Fine Purple, Cowhide, Merguez, Smokey Stone, Sweet Grass, Tropical Tale, Rose Mallow, M Seaweed Salad, Attar of Rose, Advertisement Green, April Hills, Nero's Green, Dusk, Celtic Blue, Violet Vixen, Mauve It, Song Thru Well Read, Alabama Crimson, Racing Red, Aged Jade, Cheers!, Mayan Treasure, Cabbage Patch, Dangerously Green, Stanford Green, Purp Oakmoss, Teen Queen, Chilled Wine, Belly Fire, Golden Rays, Eaves palette Red Savina Pepper, Slippery Shale, Hot Chili, Faience Green, Buzz-In, Islamic Green, Down Pour, Beauty Spot, Satin Black, Creamy S Butter Cream, Nisemurasaki Purple, Rhino, Desert Dune, Splash Of Grenadine, Heartfelt, Feather Fern palette Viric Green, San Marino, Buccaneer Blue, Sawgrass Cottage, Peace Yellow, Garlic Suede, Banded Tulip, Annabel palette Copper Roof Green, Rock Bottom, Yellow Endive, True Blonde, Spring Hill, Astilbe, Opal Waters, Candle Flame, Golden Straw palette Shadow, Cool Camel, Edgy Gold, Cabbage Patch, Liberal Lilac, Muted Berry, Zǐ Sè Purple, Siyâh Black, Greene & Greene, Buckeye, Aug Western Sunrise, Inca Gold, End of Summer, Intense Brown, Violet, Immortality, Yellow Beige, Sea Glass Teal, Thistle, Delicate Dai Organic, Tawny Birch, Antique Copper, Shire Green, Drunk-Tank Pink, Mechanicus Standard Grey, Smoke Pine, Pearl Bush palette Star of Life, Glamorous, Wild Watermelon, Dark Seagreen, Sandy Bluff, Old Salem, Rainwashed, Mild Blue palette New England Brick, Oasis, Red Bean, Abilene Lace, Flax Bloom, Annabel palette Crimson Sword, Bleached Olive, Pallasite Blue, Muted Mauve, Marsh Mist, Pearly Star, Annabel palette Sanguine, Moonstone, Nebulas Blue, Bluetiful, Dignified Purple, Pistachio Shell, Annabel palette Sagebrush, Luminous Apricot, Off-Road Green, Pineapple Delight, Willow Herb palette Red Rock Falls, Old Bamboo, Spanish Sky Blue, Blue Sail, Navy Trim, Tender Taupe, Bistro Pink, Rose Beige palette Bathing, Periwinkle Blue palette Bantam Egg, Vital Green, Clambake palette Pumpkin Butter, Blarney, Blue Lust, Coffee Brick, Weathered Bamboo, Steely Grey, Aloe Wash palette Raked Leaves, Catkin Yellow, Mochaccino, Mega Teal, Bratwurst, VIC 20 Sky, Lavender Wash palette Redbox, Tuscan Sunset, Vintage Coral, Dark Lemon Lime, Ice Climber, Chaotic Roses, Crushed Almond, Blue Blush palette Clay Brown, Flaming Orange, Felix, Terrace Teal, Wood Brown, Cos, Bowling Green, Light Pax palette Autumn Leaf Orange, Lime Lizard, Eames for Blue, Aqueous, Plush, French Silk, Toasted Almond, Light Silver Grass, Annabel palette Number #159 Breeze of Chilli, Jess, Ultra Violet, Goddess of Dawn, Broadleaf Forest, Blue Rice, Frosted Toffee, Star Map palette Rogue, Paradise Bird, Golden Rain Yellow, Allegiance, Forbidden Fruit palette Coppery Orange, Baroque, Bright Magenta, Caput Mortuum, Binrouji Black, Mauve Shadows, Flax Beige, Horseradish palette Bloodline, Honey Yellow, Congo Pink, Polished Pine, Granite Peak, German Grey, Windsong, On Cloud Nine palette Asian Pear, Gold Foil, Tennis Court, Off Green, Chocolate Melange, Old Botanical Garden, Rundlet Peach palette Milk Brownie Dough, Donegal Tweed, Serpentine Shadow, Tetsu Green, Ship Grey, Wheat Grass, Manhattan Mist, Mission White palette Shōjōhi Red, Brown Rust, Privet Hedge, Pebble Beach, Blue Trust, Plum Majesty, Grand Avenue, Pressed Blossoms palette Wicked Green, Pink Katydid, Raspberry Leaf Green, Ruins of Metal, Growing Season palette Wave of Grain, Seance, Dusky Rose, Creamy Coral, Sideshow palette

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #f7efcf com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Annabel #f7efcf cor png