Criado em 02/23/2023 02:21

#fcd2df HEX Cor Creamy Strawberry Informação

#fcd2df RGB(252, 210, 223)

RGB os valores são RGB(252, 210, 223)
#fcd2df cor contém Vermelho 98.82%, Verde 82.35% e Azul 87.45%.

Nomes de cores de #fcd2df HEX código

Creamy Strawberry Cor

Classificação da cor #fcd2df

#fcd2df é Luz e Neutro Cor
Sombra de Rosa
A cor oposta para Creamy Strawberry é #d4fcef

#fcd2df Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #fcd2df Creamy Strawberry

hsl(341, 88%, 91%)
hsla(341, 88%, 91%, 1)
RGB(252, 210, 223)
RGBA(252, 210, 223, 1)

Paletas para cores #fcd2df Creamy Strawberry:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #fcd2df

a cor mais escura é #191516 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #fffbfc dos tons

Paleta de tons de #fcd2df:
Paleta de tons de #fcd2df:
Paleta complementar de #fcd2df:
Paleta triádica de #fcd2df:
Paleta quadrada de #fcd2df:
Paleta análoga de #fcd2df:
Paleta complementar dividida de #fcd2df:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #fcd2df:

Cor Creamy Strawberry #fcd2df usado em paletas (50)

Desert Taupe, Agave Frond, Greenwich Village, Desireé, Caramel Finish, Creamy Strawberry palette Physalis, Bright Forest, Pale Green, Red Shrivel, Darkroom, Fjord, Bermuda Blue, Pink Chi, Stem Green, Arctic Ice, Peppermint Patt God of Rain, Space Explorer, Spreadsheet Green, Creamy Strawberry, Aimee palette Thick Red, Timber Beam, Rich Gold, Dawn Grey, Cottage Green, Madonna Lily, Creamy Strawberry palette Garuda Gold, Pita Bread, Creamy Strawberry, Lotion palette Cedar Grove, Portica, Paradise Island, Ionized-air Glow, Pimlico, Watermelon Milk, Vanilla Love, Creamy Strawberry palette Dark Wood, Blue Marble, Tandoori Red, Tōnatiuh Red, Rosewood, Pacific, Sealskin, Devlan Mud, Purple Empire, Chocolate Swirl, Angry Horizon Glow, Ayrshire, Parachute, Hearty Orange, Fired Up, La Terra, Citra, Sea Pea, Belly Flop, Heliotrope, Apple-A-Day, Mauve M Sweet Honey, Dorn Yellow, Longan's Kernel, Cloud Cover, Pale Wheat, Creamy Strawberry palette Sable Brown, Dry Highlighter Green, Warpstone Glow, Cherry Fizz, Mauve Stone, Creamy Strawberry palette Bern Red, Secret Path, Trinket Box, Rodeo Red, Loden Yellow, Mango Salsa, Wiggle, Golden Glitter Storm, Palm Springs Splash, Periw Lye Tinted, Viva Gold, Tetraammine, Triple Berry, Pure Woody, Creamy Strawberry palette Purple Hedonist, Creamy Strawberry palette Angel's Trumpet, Mozart, Blue Sparkle, Raspberry Parfait, Baltic Prince, Highlander, Pebbled Path, Heavenly Cocoa, Ice Age, Creamy Phaser Beam, Creamy Strawberry palette Mossy Rock, Tiger Cub, Moist Gold, Lime Twist, Blue Mirage, Hermosa Pink, Nisemurasaki Purple, Basil, Coffee Rose, Lilac Grey, Mon Mechrite Red, Dried Basil, Silt, High Chaparral, Purposeful, Mission Wildflower, Toasted Truffle, Azul Petróleo, Charon, Gaelic Ga Dynamite Red, Secluded Green, Charred Clay, Orange Essential, Treasures, Spicy Mustard, Potato Chip, Montreux Blue, Cairns, Clown Mulberry Silk, Wooly Thyme, Windy Meadow, Saffron, Garden of Eden, Fine Pine, Bleached Olive, Arrowhead Lake, Ocean View, Deep Dai Great Dane, Old Laser Lemon, Spring Sprout, Blue Stone, Bracing Blue, Imagine That, Apple Butter, Buckingham Palace, Fireside, Mac Men's Night, Hydro, Vaporwave, Blackberry Black, Ocean Abyss, Vietnamese Lantern, Ceil, Pool Side palette hb88proapp Scene Stealer, Sassy Green, Middle Green Yellow, True Purple, Rhinoceros Beetle, Wild Truffle, Deep Night, Caramelized Walnut, Ele Roulette, Taiwan Gold, Maximum Mocha, Mixed Berries, Livingston, Pelican Bay, Tropical Siesta, Casual Water, Dusty Yellow, Moonbea Rural Eyes, Lǜ Sè Green, Windows 95 Desktop, Royal Marquis, Mystical Purple, Electric Purple, Her Fierceness, Brown Pepper, Dynami Harvest Pumpkin, Glass Bottle, Emerald Glitter, Blue Mercury, Roan Rouge, Bright Lady, Partridge Grey, Castaway Beach, Fabulous Fo Tree Sap, London Road, Parma Mauve, Tart Apple, Atlantic Tulip, Bluff Stone, Greywacke, Aloha Sunset, Bright Lilac, Malt, Palladia Bloody Red, Tibetan Silk, Copper Mountain, June Bugs, Sugar Poppy, Nanohanacha Gold, Zhohltyi Yellow, Lucerne, Pewter Green, Deco, Tree Palm, Prairie Green, Trustee, Forget-Me-Not Blue, Align, Ninja, Old Eggplant, Norwich Green, Luminescent Pink, Scalloped Oak, Wheat Tortilla, Wholemeal Cookie, Japanese Koi, Margarine, Mown Grass, Bitter Dandelion, Flying Carpet, Chinese Purple, Moscow Mid Edgy Gold, Apple II Chocolate, Sorbet Yellow, Pettifers, Vallarta Blue, Song Bird, Graceland Grass, Cinema Screen, Hazel Gaze, Rai Natural Bridge, Warm Earth, Tan Plan, Scrofulous Brown, Coralette, Akhdhar Green, Bright Midnight, Luminous Pink, Heatstroke, Mixe Treasure Chamber, Banner Gold, Subdued Sienna, Sedona at Sunset, Hotter Butter, Limone, Wu-Tang Gold, Blue Azure, Royal Robe, SQL Baguette, Kohaku Amber, Gouda Gold, Cavendish, Badass Grass, Pink Perennial, Emerald Pool, Whiskey and Wine, Calming Space, Posy P Maple Brown Sugar, Banana Mash, Aqua, Stormy Mauve, Blackberry Jam, Waaagh! Flesh, Ruskin Bronze, Billowing Clouds palette Lizard Legs, Trans Tasman, Storm Front, Victorian Rouge, Warren Tavern, Irish Clover, Garden Flower, Butterbrot, Treasure Map, Cry Fresh Auburn, Rustic Adobe, Elden Ring Orange, Molten Core, Luscious Leek, Paradise Island, Capstan, Capricious Purple, Nelson's M Sandalwood Tan, Uniform Green Grey, Blue Mediterranean, Plum Passion, Mortar, Back Stage, Snug Yellow, Scandal, Love In A Mist, Sp Shiny Shamrock, Alpha Centauri, Shipmate, Splashy, Grand Poobah, Forest Green, Spanish Plum, Weathered Moss, Sunset Peach, Jet Str Roasted Pepper, Honey Pot, Dark Mahogany, Siliceous Red, Young Prince, Chervil Leaves, Twinkle Little Star palette Landmark Brown, Indica, Elm Green, Romanesque Gold, Biltmore Buff palette Sappanwood Perfume, Sunflower Mango, Granite Falls, Venetian Nights, Pine Cone Pass, Gargoyle, Creamy Strawberry palette Leather Work, Ocean Green, Ocean View, Rubylicious, Nightshadow Blue, June Berry, Creamy Strawberry palette Coral Pink, Ansel, Dark Green, Rhodonite Brown, Thunder, Blue Expanse, Fairbank Green, Light Featherbed palette Deep Reddish Orange, Middle Green Yellow, Yuè Guāng Lán Blue palette Dapper Greyhound, Fujinezumi, Huckleberry Brown, Usu Pink, Winter Morning Mist, Stargate palette Astroturf, Bright Yellow Green, Dark Ash, Fashionista, Mulled Wine, New Colonial Yellow palette Yellow Shout, Celuce, Indigo Child, Grandma's Pink Tiles, Olive Tint palette Kelley Green, Passion Flower, Blue Dusk, Chateau Rose palette Coquelicot, Flush Orange, Fennel Fiesta, Baby Tears, Voldemort palette

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #fcd2df com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Creamy Strawberry #fcd2df cor png