Criado em 02/25/2023 12:47

#ff99dd HEX Cor Pink Condition Informação

#ff99dd RGB(255, 153, 221)

RGB os valores são RGB(255, 153, 221)
#ff99dd cor contém Vermelho 100%, Verde 60% e Azul 86.67%.

Nomes de cores de #ff99dd HEX código

Pink Condition Cor

Classificação da cor #ff99dd

#ff99dd é Luz e Neutro Cor
Sombra de plum

Cores alternativas de Pink Condition #ff99dd

A cor oposta para Pink Condition é #99ffbb

#ff99dd Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #ff99dd Pink Condition

hsl(320, 100%, 80%)
hsla(320, 100%, 80%, 1)
RGB(255, 153, 221)
RGBA(255, 153, 221, 1)

Paletas para cores #ff99dd Pink Condition:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #ff99dd

a cor mais escura é #190f16 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #fff5fc dos tons

Paleta de tons de #ff99dd:
Paleta de tons de #ff99dd:
Paleta complementar de #ff99dd:
Paleta triádica de #ff99dd:
Paleta quadrada de #ff99dd:
Paleta análoga de #ff99dd:
Paleta complementar dividida de #ff99dd:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #ff99dd:

Cor Pink Condition #ff99dd usado em paletas (50)

Fluorescent Neon Hot Pink Jinx Misty Bead, Pink Condition, Delicate Dawn palette Yellow Rose, Sapphire Siren, Antique Wicker Basket, Pink Condition, Heartfelt palette Incision, Palm Lane, Camel's Hump, Red Stone, Agate Brown, Otter, Hiking Trail, Romanesque, Colonial Blue, Cool Air of Debonair, S Gold Canyon, Winter Hedge, Shebang, Briar Wood, Pink Condition, Reflecting Pool palette Rikyūshira Brown, Mossleaf, Samovar Silver, Pink Condition, Still Morning palette Orange Jewel, Old Coffee, Distant Star, Viridian Green, Pink Condition palette Muted Sage, Holiday Waffle, Café de Paris, Serene Blue, Dusty Purple, Purple Spire, Jazzy, Velvet Green, Ocean Weed, Montage, Prov Red October, Fruitful Orchard, Pink Condition palette Dead Blue Eyes, Pink Condition palette Oily Steel, Pink Condition palette Backcountry, New Penny, Pink Condition palette Aumbry, Eminent Bronze, Italian Olive, Cool Clay, Dirty Yellow, First Landing, Pizza Pie, Biking Red, Good Night!, Holly Fern, Rai Thick Red, Encarnado, Kincha Brown, Antique Moss, Cricket Green, Daemonette Hide, Beryl Black Green, Quail, Rich Taupe, Shanghai P Party Time, Autumn Russet, Honey Maple, Gold Tweed, Rat Brown, Southern Blue, Aquatic Cool, Fig Cluster, Thraka Green Wash, Somali Nugget Gold, Maximum Blue Green, Veritably Verdant, Pyjama Blue, Blue Dart, Timeless Ruby, Swallow Blue, Green Snow, Mint Twist, S Ethiopia, Ginger Rose, Lovable, Invigorate, Swamp Mosquito, Abbot, Tree Bark Brown, Macadamia Brown, Pale Wheat, Seacrest, Catch T Rock'n Oak, Brown Rabbit, Viva Las Vegas, Ferntastic, Fountain Blue, Purple Grapes, Parmentier, Coming up Roses, Chimney, Rejuvena Golgfag Brown, Sulphur, Warren Tavern, Toasted Wheat, Foresight, Forest Sand, Powder Dust, Posy Petal, Green Alabaster, Pollen, Pi Martian Ironearth, Nectarina, Traffic Yellow, Bamboo Grass Green, Tree Python, Dyer's Woad, Deep Brown, Excellence, Bella, Pink Co Chocolate Stain, Cognac Brown, Butterbeer, Kakadu Trail, Sea Blue, Lake Red, Burning Steppes, Chianti, Elemental Tan, Sonoma Chard Dairy Made, Holy Water, Peninsula, Sweet Escape, Oak Plank, Bubbly Barracuda, Surf, Purple Shine palette Warmth of Teamwork, Akabeni, Tiny Fawn, Silence is Golden, Green, San Marino, Watermelon Red, Infra Red, Inglenook Olive, Flesh Gr Purple Starburst, Raspberry Fool, Castro, Haunted Dreams, Phantom Mist, Drama Violet, Lively Laugh, Lavender Dream, Lady Fingers, Dazzling Red, Green Peridot, Moor Pond Green, Northgate Green palette Nutmeg, Mustard Oil, Rich Pewter, Quantum Blue, Overdue Blue, Charade, Dark Elf, Kimono Grey, Blackwood, Acier, Pink Condition pal Chimera Brown, Meteor, Celery, Palace Blue, Jazz Age Blues, Arctic Rose palette Mudslide, New Fawn, Burning Sand, Warm Olive, Golden Hamster, Purple Gumdrop, Hidden Passage, Evolution, Silver Lustre, Watchet, F Rudraksha Beads, Cherry Cola, Maximum Purple, Violet Magican, Plum Passion, Rubylicious, Peanut, Green Fatigue, Dolphin, Interacti Hawkesbury, Golf Green, Dark Iris, Magic Moment, Eyelash Camel, Petrol Slumber, Novel Lilac palette Dull Brown, Rich Texture, Quartzite, Cherry Picking, Native Flora, Old Salem, Silver Grey, Hawaiian Breeze, Candle Light, Wafting Splendor Gold, Submerged, Tree Green, Forest Frolic, Winter Hazel, Cassava Cake, Northern Pond, Pink Condition, Lahmian Medium, Co Hinomaru Red, Mauve Mole, Fresh Nectar, Camel Fur, Wild Honey, Hibiscus, Katy Berry, Hotter Than Hell, Green Parakeet, Slate Pebbl FC88 Green Tourmaline, Buoyant, Atlantic Blue, Aubergine Grey, Yellow Cream palette Fiddler, Salem, Gold Digger, Fresco Green, Pink Condition palette Chocolate Delight, Secrecy, Gutsy Grape, Verdant Forest, Sky City, Weathered Stone, Pink Condition palette Jute Brown, Electric Cyan, Black Panther, Opal Grey, Pink Condition palette Cool Charcoal, Cherry Hill, Blue Flag, Magnetic, Pink Condition, Polar Bear palette Daisy Bush, Melting Moment palette Méi Gūi Zǐ Purple, Radish, Deep Sea Diver palette Mexican Red, Decaying Leave, Heat of Summer, Gothic, Zelyony Green, Kenyan Copper, Evolution palette Night Rose, Pink Condition, Refrigerator Green, Ice Cream Parlour palette Rio Grande, Advertising Blue palette Settlement, Tanbark Trail, Gargoyle Gas, Midnight Garden, Good Night!, Hubbard Squash, Summer Solstice, Pink Condition palette Sunburn, Brass Balls, Fistfull of Green, Poplar Forest, Framboise, Brass Scorpion, Silverado Ranch, Wisteria Blue, Honey Bear, Won Warplock Bronze Metal, Imagine, Tropic Canary, Sparkling Blueberry Lemonade, Jet Black, Clear Concrete, Pink Condition, Pale Sand Mack Creek, Highland, Trapped Darkness, Azul Tequila, Pink Condition, Creamy Gelato palette Dusk Mauve, Our Little Secret, Poster Green, Chestnut Brown, Suede Indigo, Pink Condition palette

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #ff99dd com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Pink Condition #ff99dd cor png