Criado em 02/20/2023 23:29

#ffdf00 HEX Cor Golden Yellow Informação

#ffdf00 RGB(255, 223, 0)

RGB os valores são RGB(255, 223, 0)
#ffdf00 cor contém Vermelho 100%, Verde 87.45% e Azul 0%.

Nomes de cores de #ffdf00 HEX código

Golden Yellow Cor

Classificação da cor #ffdf00

#ffdf00 é Luz e Esquentar Cor
Sombra de gold
A cor oposta para Golden Yellow é Is It Cold

#ffdf00 Conversão de cores

Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #ffdf00 Golden Yellow

hsl(52, 100%, 50%)
hsla(52, 100%, 50%, 1)
RGB(255, 223, 0)
RGBA(255, 223, 0, 1)

Paletas para cores #ffdf00 Golden Yellow:

Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #ffdf00

a cor mais escura é #191600 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #fffce6 dos tons

Paleta de tons de #ffdf00:
Paleta de tons de #ffdf00:
Paleta complementar de #ffdf00:
Paleta triádica de #ffdf00:
Paleta quadrada de #ffdf00:
Paleta análoga de #ffdf00:
Paleta complementar dividida de #ffdf00:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #ffdf00:

Paletas de cores sugeridas para #ffdf00 HEX:

Cor Golden Yellow #ffdf00 usado em paletas (50)

Brazil flag colors China flag colors Shades of Golden Yellow color #FFDF00 hex Tints of Golden Yellow color #FFDF00 hex china flag color code anna 8 Rainbow Colors KITEKAT 2 vbnmnbv Kitekat a1q1qq1qa1a1a11a1sdfghjk hjnmk, Enterprise Content Management Jules colors palette #635147 30 Rainbow Colors Golden Yellow, Loch Blue, Clear Weather, Crushed Berries palette Cross My Heart, Cricket's Cross, Ochre Brown, Willpower Orange, Hansa Yellow, Golden Yellow, Twining Vine, Charter Blue, Blue Chip Golden Yellow, Dark Jade, Lively Lilac palette Golden Yellow, Shylock, Limonana, Sicilia Bougainvillea, Monastery Mantle, Dapper Dingo, Solaria palette Belgian Sweet, Mushroom Brown, Golden Yellow, Mykonos Blue, Caribbean Current, Royal, Daybreak, Fuchsia Nebula, Plum Crush, Velvet Restful Brown, Sweet Honey, Golden Yellow, Fluorescent Orange, Football Field, Safe Haven, Rainbow's Inner Rim, Poise, Japanese In Sulfur Pit, Golden Yellow, Emerald Cory, Ocean Tropic, Nature's Masterpiece, Sedona Pink, Oceanic Climate, First Tulip palette Golden Yellow, River Pebble, Lavender Bliss, Double Pearl Lusta, Chic Green palette Tory Red, Bloodhound, Royal Yellow, Golden Yellow, Sleepy Hollows, Light Birch Green, Spring Sprout, Link's Awakening, Winter Lake Golden Yellow, Purple Zergling, Cursed Black palette Orange Essential, Golden Hamster, Glowing Lantern, Golden Yellow, Twilight Stroll, Midnight Violet palette Golden Yellow, Wave Jumper, Rockman Blue, Teatime Mauve, Vast Sky, Opus palette Harissa Red, Tate Olive, Bright Delight, Golden Yellow, Rolling Sea, Azure, Otter Creek palette vb777baby Bow Tie, Particle Ioniser Red, Mossy Shade, Golden Hamster, Golden Yellow, Game Over, Plumage, Casandra, Flesh Grey, Country Weeke Lizard, Golden Yellow, Iron-ic, Green Gas, Barbie Pink, Green Brown, Kuro Brown, Berry Brown, Wild Cranberry, Woohringa, Innocent Fifth Olive-Nue, Bungalow Brown, Cognac, Golden Yellow, Luscious Lime, Miracle Bay, Hyacinth Dream, Beetroot, Sweet Spring, Mystic Olive Oil, Döner Kebab, Bengal Grass, Golden Koi, Soaked in Sun, Golden Yellow, Grape Haze, Bayshore palette Bloodthirsty Lips, Golden Yellow, Ship Steering Wheel, Heartwood, Upscale, Woven Reed, Subtle Shadow palette Link Grey, Koi, Golden Yellow, Master Chief, Deep into the Jungle, Grey Heather, Baby Talk Grey palette Virtual Boy, Empower, Melondrama, Fēi Hóng Scarlet, Clementine Earring, Golden Yellow, Nasty Green, Cherries Jubilee, Deep Sea Bas Crust, Golden Yellow, Pedestrian Lemon, Vibrant Purple, Deep Forestial Escapade, Vast Escape, Fresh Frappe, Stormhost Silver, Mont Golden Yellow, Stratford Blue, Festival Fuchsia, Velvet Black, Hippogriff Brown, Academy Purple, Mauve Orchid palette Left on Red, Auric, Golden Yellow, Orange Delight, Dark Citron, Putting Green, In the Vines, Baby Bok Choy, Dancing Wand, Lavender Piercing Red, Donkey Brown, Milk Brownie Dough, Tuscan Sun, Golden Yellow, Lettuce Mound, Adamite Green, Kickstart Purple, Shady G Hamtaro Brown, Marsh Marigold, Golden Yellow, Conceptual, Green Blue Slate, Safe Harbour, Enamel Blue, Victoria Red, Timberline, G Golden Yellow, Vintage Vibe, Sabiasagi Blue, Clean Pool, Momo Peach, Borderline Pink, Daniel Boone, Bird Blue Grey, Nature's Delig Apricot Brandy, Golden Yellow, Hopscotch, Royal Consort, Congress Blue, Blue, Hokkaido Lavender, Chocolate Kiss, Duffel Bag, Banya Golden Yellow, Dry Hemlock, Woad Indigo, Rainforest, Picnic Day Sky, Capri Breeze, Cranberry Sauce, Yacht Club, Glacier palette Candy Apple Red, Burnt Terra, Sweet Mandarin, Golden Yellow, Yucca, Teal Bayou, Thundercloud, Catalan, Jugendstil Pink palette Therapeutic Toucan, Master Nacho, Golden Yellow, Alley Cat, Strawberry Frosting, Primal Red, Hornblende Green, Copper Pyrite Green Pizazz, Golden Yellow, Medieval Forest, Horizon, Snap-Shot, Nightshade, Beaten Copper, Iron Fixture, Overcast Day, Butterfly Garde Green Ochre, Maple View, Nasturtium Flower, Golden Yellow, Pesto di Rucola, Nightly, Forgotten Purple, Pink Red, Black Rock, Pirat Dusky Haze, Honey Maple, Hot Curry, Golden Yellow, Bunting Blue, Charcoal Tint, Prehistoric Stone, Fine Greige, Runelord Brass, Sm Evil Centipede, Spiced Honey, Topaz Mountain, Raw Linen, Sugar Honey Cashew, Golden Yellow, Egg Yolk Sunrise, Clouded Sky, Dark Si

Contraste de Cor

Combinações de cores #ffdf00 com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.

Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:
Taxa de contraste
TamanhoNível AANível AAA
Texto Grande:
Texto pequeno:

Imagem Golden Yellow #ffdf00 cor png

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