Criado em 02/24/2023 20:20
#ffedef HEX Cor Translucent Unicorn Informação
Cor | HEX | RGB |
#ffedef | RGB(255, 237, 239) |
RGB os valores são RGB(255, 237, 239)
#ffedef cor contém Vermelho 100%, Verde 92.94% e Azul 93.73%.
Nomes de cores de #ffedef HEX código
Translucent Unicorn Cor
Cores alternativas de Translucent Unicorn #ffedef
A cor oposta para Translucent Unicorn é #ebfffd
#ffedef Conversão de cores
Informações de códigos e valores sobre o decimal de cor HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #ffedef Translucent Unicorn
hsl(353, 100%, 96%)
hsla(353, 100%, 96%, 1)
RGB(255, 237, 239)
RGBA(255, 237, 239, 1)
Paletas para cores #ffedef Translucent Unicorn:
Abaixo exemplos de paletas de cores para cores HEX #ffedef
a cor mais escura é #191818 dos tons e a cor mais clara é #fffdfd dos tons
Paleta de tons de #ffedef:
Paleta de tons de #ffedef:
Paleta complementar de #ffedef:
Paleta triádica de #ffedef:
Paleta quadrada de #ffedef:
Paleta análoga de #ffedef:
Paleta complementar dividida de #ffedef:
Paleta retangular (tetrádica) de #ffedef:
Paletas de cores sugeridas para #ffedef HEX:
Cor Translucent Unicorn #ffedef usado em paletas (50)
Fluorescent Peach Lip Shimmer Translucent Unicorn Watermelon Sunrise Medieval Sulfur, Tarmac Green, Biel-Tan Green, Basilica Blue, Thousand Herb, Krishna Blue, Roller Coaster Chariot, Blue Magenta Vi Fluorescent Devil Nautical Blue, Pinyon Pine, Mayfly, Translucent Unicorn palette Conch Shell Strawberelicious Cascadia 04 Pale Brown, Sepia Yellow, Canary, Elven Olympics, Green Cape, Chlorella Green, Blue Racer, Eigengrau, Silver Clouds, Pale Sunshine Velvet Sky, Translucent Unicorn palette Dill Pickle, Spring Garden, Academy Purple, Beach White, Translucent Unicorn palette Metro, Horse Liver, Puppy Love, New Violet, Translucent Unicorn palette Trinket Box, Incandescence, Missouri Mud, Hisoku Blue, Silver Dust, Cloudy Grey, Birth of a Star, Translucent Unicorn palette Traditional, Shadow Dance, Black Elegance, Sled, Lava Rock, Purple Surf, Aqua Vitale, Vacation Island, Gentle Sea, Dangerous Robot Rio Rust, Raw Copper, Spruced Up, Salsify Grass, Pass Time Blue, Princess Blue, Beets, Felicia, Smoky Pink, Spruce Stone, Elizabet Motto, Fire Island, Lamiaceae, Blue Catch, Breaking Wave, Cockscomb Red, Realm of the Underworld, Ice Cube, Magic Scent, Silver Se Vermicelles, Moist Gold, Limousine Leather, Goat, Antiquity, Ocean Eyes, Midday, Mystic River palette Deadsy, Amazon Moss, Tropic Tide, Lobelia, Rose Violet, Emerald Spring, Peppery, Reseda, Vision Quest, Pink Swan, Pretty Purple, D Civic Bubblegum Zircon Grey, Auburn, Little Blue Heron, Limousine Grey Blue, Pale Grape, Lavish Lavender palette Sea Elephant, Even Evan, Roebuck, Dandelion, Birōdo Green, Gnome Green, Perfect Pink palette Unexpected Unicorn Virtual Golf, Sunshine Yellow, Special Ops, Calmness, Blueberry Twist, Naval Adventures, Underground Civilization, Hazel Woods, Bl Sports Day Pink Pepper & Spice, Limeade, Grim Purple, Allyson, Black Pearl, Strawberry Dreams, Elemental, Honey Yogurt Popsicles palette Martian Ironearth, Sohi Orange, Grasshopper, Sci-fi Petrol, Supreme Grey, Tan Oak, June Berry, Priceless Coral, Bad Hair Day, Salm Marilyn MonRouge, Mulling Spice, Mesa Sunrise, Ridgeback, Velvet Umber, Elven Flesh, Oak Tone, Centre Stage, Horchata palette Green Serpent Scepter, Sci-fi Petrol, Martinique, Medici Blue, Twill, Old Bone, Pacific Panorama, Poppy's Whiskers, Whisper Yellow Creed, Bile, Techno Turquoise, English Violet, Mocha Foam palette Clove, Leaf Tea, Rainbow Bright, Evening Slipper, Polar Mist, Cool Beige, Light Rattan, Sweet Surrender palette Usukō, Ultra Indigo, Satsuma Imo Red, Root Brew, Private Jet, Bougainvillea, Moorland, Sweet Perfume, Bauhaus Tan, Blustery Wind p Xiān Hóng Red, Watermelon Punch, Vivid Amber, Ripe Pear, Batik Pink, Karaka, Portobello, DaVanzo Beige, Birdseye Maple, Chilly Spi Gypsy Red, Common Jasper, Raw Umber, Matisse, Beryl Black Green, Deep Jungle, Natural Silk Grey, Butter Up palette Splendor Gold, Forest Maid, Marine Tinge, Pastel Grey Green, Lucent Yellow, Pale Chestnut palette 100 Mph, Fortune Red, Tiki Torch, Prime Pink, Dynamite, Leaf Green, Shindig, Kuwazome Red, Mediterranea, Independence, Stuffed Oli Golden Blond, Citrus Peel, Ginkgo Green, Unmarked Trail, Rice Grain, Golden Syrup, Alright Then I Became a Princess, Vanity Pink, Chocoholic, Indian Maize, Blue Radiance, Deep Sea Dolphin, Black Jasmine Rice, Sunlight palette Zircon Grey, Antique Iron, Sierra Foothills, Gecko, Ube, Deep Daitoku Purple, Acai Juice, Night Flight, Quiet Time, Egg Liqueur, C Coquelicot, Muted Sage, Pumpkin Toast, Yellow Polka Dot, Bright Olive, Magic Whale, Portage, Nut Milk, Ash Plum palette Butter Cream, Nisemurasaki Purple, Rhino, Desert Dune, Splash Of Grenadine, Heartfelt, Feather Fern palette Metroid Red, Polliwog, Loden Frost, Illicit Green, Scenic Blue, Blue Kelp, Tàn Hēi Soot, Detective Thriller, Van Cleef, Classic Bo Rust Coloured, Brown Bag, Asparagus Cream, Frontier Shadow palette Spanish Chestnut, Ginger Rose, Freedom Found palette Beeswax Candle, Arcadia, Purple Climax, Turtle Skin, Indigo Ink Brown, Cipollino, Cotton Boll, Translucent Unicorn palette Wisteria Yellow, Leafy Canopy, Napier Green, Juicy Details, Salmon Sand, Coconut Agony palette Cool Black, Gratifying Green, Spring Slumber Green palette Roycroft Brass, Wet Crow's Wing, Club Cruise, March Yellow, Melón Meloso palette Raging Bull, Electric Sheep, Stormy Sunrise, Snow Quartz palette
Contraste de Cor
Combinações de cores #ffedef com preto e branco para texto pequeno, texto grande e gráficos com base na proporção de contraste de acessibilidade do WCAG.
#ffedef Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
Texto Grande: | ||
Texto pequeno: |
#ffedef Taxa de contraste
Tamanho | Nível AA | Nível AAA |
Texto Grande: | ||
Texto pequeno: |