Top 50 colors of 2021 year

Most popular colors on the Web of 2021 year. Top 50 HEX color codes used in palettes
Web Colors rating based on colors used times in palette
Also, visit the page Colors Wall to get more information about colors

5 most popular colors are #3c3c3c; #444444; #0c0c14; #0c0c04; #bcbcbc

# Color HEX Used Times
1 #3c3c3c 1032
2 #444444 984
3 #0c0c14 762
4 #0c0c04 591
5 #bcbcbc 565
6 #ffffff 541
7 #140c0c 491
8 #848484 430
9 #7c7c7c 429
10 #000000 369
11 #0c0c0c 358
12 #34343c 272
13 #ff0000 252
14 #3c3434 248
15 #3c3c34 218
16 #44444c 217
17 #44443c 216
18 #7f7f7f 215
19 #3c444c 212
20 #343434 208
21 #424242 208
22 #3c3c44 202
23 #04140c 193
24 #140c0b 181
25 #2c2c2c 170
26 #4c342c 167
27 #343c3c 166
28 #3c4444 165
29 #443c44 164
30 #444c4c 163
31 #4c3c34 156
32 #0c1404 153
33 #bfbf3f 152
34 #34444c 147
35 #0000ff 146
36 #b4b4b4 143
37 #7c7c84 136
38 #ffff00 131
39 #4c3c2c 130
40 #4c2c24 129
41 #8c8c8c 128
42 #3c342c 126
43 #443c3c 125
44 #040c0c 125
45 #3f3fbf 123
46 #3c343c 123
47 #fc0404 121
48 #c4c4c4 121
49 #673ab7 116
50 #343c34 115