創建於 02/23/2023 10:37

#415e9c 十六進位 顏色 Blue Dahlia 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#415e9c RGB(65, 94, 156)

RGB 值是 RGB(65, 94, 156)
#415e9c 顏色包含 紅色的 25.49%, 綠色的 36.86% 和 藍色的 61.18%.

顏色名稱 #415e9c 十六進位 程式碼

Blue Dahlia 顏色


#415e9c 是 半暗 和 涼爽的 顏色
Blue Dahlia 相反的顏色是 #9b7e41

#415e9c 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #415e9c Blue Dahlia

hsl(221, 41%, 43%)
hsla(221, 41%, 43%, 1)
RGB(65, 94, 156)
RGBA(65, 94, 156, 1)

#415e9c 顏色的調色板 Blue Dahlia:

以下是 #415e9c 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #060910,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #eceff5

#415e9c 的色調調色板:
#415e9c 的色調調色板:
#415e9c 的補充調色板:
#415e9c 的三元調色板:
#415e9c 的方形調色板:
#415e9c 的類似調色板:
#415e9c 的拆分互補調色板:
#415e9c 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Blue Dahlia #415e9c 用於調色板 (50)

Fluorescent Fire, Pizazz, Broccoli Paradise, Blue Dahlia, Antigua, Bruise, Club Navy, Showcase Blue, Shetland Lace, Breakwater, So Ghost Ship, Roycroft Rose, Blue Dahlia, Charred Brown, Calcite Blue palette Slate Blue, Blue Dahlia, Royal Coronation, Hidden Sapphire, Angel Blue, Coral Atoll, Brite Gold, Chilled Lemonade palette Redwing, Austere, Prairie Clay, Wreath, Galactic Emerald, Hooker's Green, Moonlit Forest, Macau, Blue Dove, Blue Dahlia, Rosy Pink Gristmill, Golden Grass, Harā Green, Blue Dahlia, Crockery, Peachy Breezes, Baby Powder palette Living Coral, Fire Yellow, Blue Ribbon Beauty, Blue Dahlia, Inside Passage palette Lamplit, Blue Dahlia, Shell Walk palette Blue Dahlia, Dewy palette Wine & Roses, Distant Land, Blue Dahlia palette Storm Grey, Blue Dahlia, Sea Glass, Wind Chill palette Sauteed Mushroom, Luscious Lemon, Old Green, Blue Dahlia, Eastern Blue, Madder Brown, Green Tea, Soft Celery, Whisper of Rose pale Stoplight, Country Sleigh, Ginger Dy, Silithus Brown, Magnetic Magic, Provocative, Blue Dahlia, Huelveño Horizon, Submarine, Pecul Unmatched Beauty, Equestrienne, Lucky Orange, Jericho Jade, Blue Dahlia, Xavier Blue, Machine Gun Metal, 1975 Earth Red, Warm Gran Earthly Pleasures, Dirt Track, Lemon Tart, Blue Dahlia, Trumpeter, Mauve Taupe, Iroko, Wood Brown, Star Grass, Pharaoh's Jade, Pow Giant Cactus Green, Drying Grass Green, Blue Dahlia, Claret, Crown of Thorns, Rainy Sidewalk palette Cumin, Tiffany Amber, Sunny Mood, Zesty Apple, West Winds, Blue Dahlia, Overcast, Jungle Jam, Neptune's Wrath, Red Onion, Blackber Blue Dahlia, Loulou, Shell Brown, Abbey, Cucumber Green, Moonwort, Summer Hill, Purple Rose, Bananas Foster, Beautiful Dream, Powd Dairy Made, Effervescent Lime, Peppy, Blue Dahlia, Pilot Blue, Rose Turkish Delight, Cherry Velvet, Vampire Love Story, Cool Dive, Kilauea Lava, Persimmon Juice, Angel Food Cake, Guava Jam, Pumpkin Soup, Croquet Blue, Blue Dahlia, Future, Octagon Ocean, Bright Red Pentacle, Bitter, Pêra Rocha, Shrinking Violet, Blue Dahlia, Shinbashi, Aubergine Perl, Slate Pink, Amphibian, Reddish Brown, Bogart, Tonicha, Fluorescent Red, Pepper Green, Athena Blue, Aleutian Isle, Blue Dahlia, Underhive Ash, River Shark palette Cherry, Sahara Splendor, Pumpkin Bread, Four Leaf Clover, Beanstalk, Blue Dahlia, Maui, Berry Burst, Monsoon, Roof Tile Green, Sof Bayou, Blue Dahlia, Striking, Full Swing Indigo, Rennie's Rose, Havana, Evolution palette Dusky Haze, Adamite Green, Blue Dahlia, Speaking of the Devil, Sea Moss, Coastal Fringe, Parakeet Blue palette Shadow Blue, Pacific Coast, Blue Dahlia, Bosporus, Shiner, Darth Vader, Royal Decree, Blue Mosque, Volcanic Glass palette Teri-Gaki Persimmon, Canadian Pine, Blue Dahlia, Blue Party Parrot, Garden Green, Salmon Grey palette Cadillac Coupe, Rose Hip, Soya Bean, Apricot Mix, Lei Flower, Reddish Orange, Ukon Saffron, Yíng Guāng Sè Green, Blue Dahlia, Stun Vivaldi Red, Dusty Chestnut, Empower, Happy Camper, Verde, Formal Garden, Van Gogh Green, Blue Dahlia, Red Crayon, Violet Indigo, Titian Red, Edward, Tropic Tide, Blue Dahlia, Aotake Bamboo, Zeus Palace, Codium Fragile, Braintree, Necron Compound palette Squirrel, Garden Weed, Lurid Red, Blue Dahlia, Megadrive Screen, Dark Serpent, Mecca Red, Proper Purple, Violeta Silvestre, Ginger Metallic Sunburst, Cake Spice, Saffron Yellow, Sea Turtle, Kermit Green, Dragon Bay, Blue Dahlia, Caribbean Splash, Gemstone Blue, Jean Jacket Blue, Blue Dahlia, Peacock Blue, Milky Lavender palette Green Fig, Christmas Orange, Blue Dahlia, Perfect Dark, Nereus, Browse Brown, Ozone, Pomtini, Ashen, Pistachio Mousse, Pacific Mis Plum Haze, Revival Red, Blue Dahlia, Worn Denim, Violet Frog, Eccentric Magenta palette Bone Brown, Hot Brown, Fried Egg, Alarming Slime, Blue Dahlia, Woodburn, Red Onion, Jade Mussel Green, Purple Sphinx, Mirror Lake, Luxor Gold, Hamtaro Brown, Here Comes the Sun, Blue Dahlia, Orchid Lei, Celtic Clover, Stone Creek, Sinister Mood, Florida Grey, R British Phone Booth, Caps, Classic Gold, Play School, Orange Brown, Fresh Granny Smith, Honky Tonk Blue, Blue Dahlia, Blue Hepatic Saddle Soap, Ffiery Topaz, Sanskrit, Christmas Gold, Chlorite, Blue Dahlia, Amnesia Blue, Blue Heath Butterfly, Blue Accolade, Par Topaz Mountain, Jaffa, Paved Path, Flinders Green, Mana Tree, Athonian Camoshade, Underseas, Pyjama Blue, Blue Dahlia, Maximum Red Sun Wukong's Crown, Salty Thyme, Blue Dahlia, Yankee Doodle, Butter Cookie palette Poisonous Pistachio, Ruskin Blue, Blue Dahlia, Powdered Cocoa, Rosewater, Stucco Tan palette Hawk Turquoise, Captains Blue, Blue Dahlia, Nectar Red, Desolace Dew palette Graceful Gazelle, Straw Hut, Delaunay Green, Cyprus Green, Blue Dahlia, Ethereal Blue, Liquorice Red palette Honey Crisp, Bluey, Blue Dahlia, Pewter Tankard, Quench Blue palette Candlelight, Hollandaise, Blue Dahlia, Orb of Discord, Raspberry Glaze, Uniform Brown, Cyrus Grass, Almond Latte palette Poppy Pods, Elwynn Forest Olive, Silk Crepe Mauve, Blue Dahlia, Montego Bay, Tempo Teal, Inglenook Olive palette Chocolate Pudding, Trim, Blue Dahlia, Altar of Heaven, Nightly Woods palette Chocolate Bells, Coral Quartz, Blue Dahlia, Tamahagane, Base Camp, Blue Bottle, Wood Acres, Tortilla palette Canyon Iris, Blue Dahlia, Jazz Blue, Jungle Cloak, Blushing Tulip, Across the Bay palette Blue Dahlia, English Holly, French Pastry palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#415e9c 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Blue Dahlia #415e9c 顏色 PNG