創建於 02/24/2023 06:47

#484b5a 十六進位 顏色 Black Flame 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#484b5a RGB(72, 75, 90)

RGB 值是 RGB(72, 75, 90)
#484b5a 顏色包含 紅色的 28.24%, 綠色的 29.41% 和 藍色的 35.29%.

顏色名稱 #484b5a 十六進位 程式碼

Black Flame 顏色


#484b5a 是 光 和 涼爽的 顏色
色調 dimgrey
Black Flame 相反的顏色是 #5b5849

#484b5a 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #484b5a Black Flame

hsl(230, 11%, 32%)
hsla(230, 11%, 32%, 1)
RGB(72, 75, 90)
RGBA(72, 75, 90, 1)

#484b5a 顏色的調色板 Black Flame:

以下是 #484b5a 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #070709,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #ededef

#484b5a 的色調調色板:
#484b5a 的色調調色板:
#484b5a 的補充調色板:
#484b5a 的三元調色板:
#484b5a 的方形調色板:
#484b5a 的類似調色板:
#484b5a 的拆分互補調色板:
#484b5a 的矩形(四元)調色板:

建議的調色板 #484b5a 十六進位:

顏色 Black Flame #484b5a 用於調色板 (50)

Laurel Oak, Fossil, Cornucopia, Mid Green, Aquamarine Blue, Thousand Sons Blue, Space Station, Quiet Night, Kings of Sea, Lake Thu Rust, Film Noir, Black Flame, Down Home, Melting Icicles palette Skydome, Black Flame, Ash Cherry Blossom palette Auburn Glaze, Fire Yellow, The Oregon Blue, Zuni, Fěn Hóng Pink, Black Flame, Grubenwald, Oasis Sand, Matt White palette Sea Lion, Lilac Violet, Black Flame, Blue Bubble palette Black Flame, Grey Grain, Exquisite palette Vin Cuit, Black Flame, Cosmetic Peach, Turkish Tower, Shy Green palette Frond, Lattice Green, Irradiated Green, Lily Pad, Placid Sea, Baton Rouge, Somber Green, Sycamore Tree, Black Flame, Folklore, Par Old Willow Leaf, Potter's Clay, Nasturtium Flower, Black Flame palette Witch Wood, Alligator, Golden Fizz, Banana Yellow, Camping Trip, Kākāriki Green, Aqua Cyan, Forest Biome, Black Flame, Purple Pass Burnt Umber, Rufous, Namakabe Brown, Hornet Yellow, Tree Python, Vermeer Blue, Dark Lavender, Black Flame, Portico, Greystone pale Carnelian, Pepper Spice, Chasm, Seaweed Tea, Perennial Garden, Ephren Blue, Tulipwood, Shade-Grown, Black Flame, Cape Cod, Cloudy Antilles Garden, Par Four, Tiny Bubbles, Heather Sachet, Mission Wildflower, True Love, Jelly Berry, Sambucus, Submersible, Prehis Ferra, New Limerick, Juniper Green, Lavender Blue Shadow, Deco Rose, Rubber Band, Greenblack, Manchester Brown, Tawny Port, Gravey Suede Vest, Trout Caviar, Black Flame, Northern Beach palette Parlour Blue, Feasty Fuchsia, Black Flame, Balsam Green, Irish Clover, Turnip Boy palette Red Bell Pepper, Pyrite Gold, Bright Bubble, Pickled Plum, Raspberry Radiance, Brown Beauty, Black Flame, Shade of Bone Marrow, Ta Green Neon, Shu Red, Accent Orange, Jīn Huáng Gold, Salal Leaves, Fuchsite Green, Acapulco Dive, Persian Rose, Highlands Moss, Gre Red Team Spirit, Spicy, Paseo Verde, Georgian Yellow, Squid Hat, Black Flame, Cast Iron, Bermuda Grass, Hibernate, Bird's Nest, Fo Fire Orange, Royal Banner, Raspberry Shortcake, Black Flame, Brocade palette Cool Cream Spirit, Hot Pepper Green, Green Cape, Shovel Knight, Galactic Highway, Grape Hyacinth, Pheromone Purple, Black Flame, S Green Grapple, Legendary Lavender, Black Flame, Madder, Hazy Rose, Afternoon, Fortress Stone, Pale Lime Yellow, Chlorophyll Cream Ancho Pepper, Hickory Tint, Grassy Meadow, Obsidian Shell, Navy Peony, Black Flame, Labyrinth Walk, Lilac Fluff palette Thai Ice Tea, Carpaccio, Gunsmoke, Dry Hemlock, Green Elisabeth Ⅱ, Sugar Beet, Black Flame, Heliotropic Mauve, Elfin Games, Dull A Ruddy, Farmhouse Red, Day At The Zoo, Sidewalk Grey, Half Baked, Japanese Indigo, Brussels Sprout Green, Flat Brown, Black Flame, Guava, Dry Seedlings, Green Revolution, Mauvewood, Warm Balaclavas Are Forever, Bordeaux, Black Flame, Fresh Sod, Heather Grey, Be Amphora, Arava, Greek Olive, Sulphur Spring, Black Flame, Grain Brown, Vintage Beige, Peach Dust palette Fallen Leaves, Maple Syrup Brown, Gold Gleam, Range Land, Mid Cypress, Blue Fin, Secret Passage, Black Flame, Cordite, Meridian St Spruce Yellow, Westfall Yellow, Frond, Aventurine, Celestial Horizon, Rugged Brown, Black Flame, Mauve Day, Seven Veils, Tip of th Boston University Red, Giant's Club, Gold Gleam, Tiger Cub, Sea Radish, Black Flame, Black Walnut, Auger Shell, Silver Fern palett Blue Promise, Strawberry Milkshake, Black Flame, Ocean Boulevard, Metal, Bleached Bare palette Rebel Red, Leather Tan, Las Palmas, Lapis Lazuli Blue, Blue Hour, Waiouru, Black Flame, Dill Seed, Pinkish Tan, Little Boy Blu, Ex Vesuvius, Banana Boat, Sightful, Dance Studio, Purpureus, Black Flame, Aged Teak, Meek Moss Green, Kathleen's Garden, Nut Milk pal Mother Lode, Mangrove Leaf, Methyl Blue, Black Flame, Greywood, Herbal Wash, Purple Surf, Winter Hazel, Sandwashed, Tumbling Tumbl Farmyard, Bollywood, Smoke Blue, Sumire Violet, Lotus Red, Royal Battle palette Black Headed Gull, Mesa, Rookwood Amber, Prometheus Orange, Sizzling Sunrise, Ionian, Mexican Pink, Black Flame, Stone Guardians, Architecture Grey, Angry Hornet, Jubilation, Indigo Mouse, Regalia, Magenta Affair, Black Flame, Blue Linen palette East Aurora, Green Fingers, Draw Your Sword, Space Shuttle, Black Flame, Deep Pine palette Regatta, Black Flame palette Sandal, Wide Sky, Bagpiper, Black Flame palette Rockwall Vine, Garden Medley, Navajo Turquoise, Valentino Nero, Black Flame, Whale Grey, Caper, Creamy Nougat palette Golden Mary, Peeps, Yellowish Green, Sagebrush Green, Royal Robe, Black Flame, Pavlova, Ambitious Amber palette Newsprint, Iced Coffee, Lemon Surprise, Munsell Yellow, Bay Isle Pointe, Black Flame, Washed Olive, Eggwhite palette Campánula, Black Flame, Sea Haze Grey palette Cinnamon Brandy, Brown Tumbleweed, Lady Luck, Black Flame palette Citronne, Crushed Orange, Swamp Moss, Black Flame, Autumn Leaves palette Boxcar, Old Porch, Serbian Green, Black Flame, Burgundy Wine, Soft Amber, Hello Yellow, Spring Kiss palette Potter Green, Orange Drop, Treasure Map Waters, Ticino Blue, Black Flame palette Brickhouse, Snake River, Gold Black, Dawn of the Fairies, Black Flame, Laced Green, Gypsy Caravan, Babyccino palette Real Red, Raspberry Whip, Exotic Incense, Phlox Pink, Pacific Line, Black Forest Green, Black Flame, Lacey palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#484b5a 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Black Flame #484b5a 顏色 PNG

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