創建於 02/24/2023 21:31

#635940 十六進位 顏色 Puff Dragon 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#635940 RGB(99, 89, 64)

RGB 值是 RGB(99, 89, 64)
#635940 顏色包含 紅色的 38.82%, 綠色的 34.9% 和 藍色的 25.1%.

顏色名稱 #635940 十六進位 程式碼

Puff Dragon 顏色


#635940 是 半暗 和 溫暖的 顏色
色調 dimgrey
Puff Dragon 相反的顏色是 #404a63

#635940 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #635940 Puff Dragon

hsl(43, 21%, 32%)
hsla(43, 21%, 32%, 1)
RGB(99, 89, 64)
RGBA(99, 89, 64, 1)

#635940 顏色的調色板 Puff Dragon:

以下是 #635940 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #0a0906,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #efeeec

#635940 的色調調色板:
#635940 的色調調色板:
#635940 的補充調色板:
#635940 的三元調色板:
#635940 的方形調色板:
#635940 的類似調色板:
#635940 的拆分互補調色板:
#635940 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Puff Dragon #635940 用於調色板 (50)

Beige Red, French Raspberry, Dartmouth Green, Puff Dragon, Ice Green, Garden Leek, French Heirloom palette Dormer Brown, Puff Dragon, Bidwell Brown, Wool-Milk Pig, Iced Cherry, Igloo Blue, Thousand Needles Sand palette Brass Mesh, Cucuzza Verde, Hushed Lilac, Puff Dragon palette Kimchi, Highland Green, Puff Dragon, Adriatic Mist, Wispy Pink palette Dover Straits, Puff Dragon, Cute Little Pink palette Dried Basil, Arts and Crafts, Whetstone Brown, Vin Cuit, Citrus Notes, Flaming June, Camo Clay, Fallout Green, Lime, Lochinvar, Br Pheasant, Globe Thistle, Puff Dragon, Sweet Angel palette Mayan Ruins, Amazon Moss, Vivid Imagination, Pickled Pink, Cola Bubble, Puff Dragon, Iwaicha Brown, Warm Grey, Peaceful Blue, Bung Alien Abduction, Industrial Revolution, Puff Dragon, Soft Blue Lavender, Peanut Butter Crust, Adobe Beige, Weekend Retreat palette Prehistoric Meteor, Mined Coal, Woven Gold, Rich Electric Blue, Port Wine Stain, Pinky Pickle, Apple Herb Black, Finnegan, Puff Dr Monk's Cloth, Gingko Leaf, Highlight Gold, Alverda, Honky Tonk Blue, Bighorn Sheep, Heavy Metal, Puff Dragon, Kokiake Brown, Gunme Greyish Yellow, Cameo Brown, Fiji Green, Fallout Green, Whale's Tale, Acai Juice, Puff Dragon, Celery Sprig, Light Capri Green, Wi Orange Poppy, Celery, Munchkin, Cold Light of Day, Possessed Plum, Dark Crypt, Puff Dragon, Vintage Indigo, Cochineal Red, Cinnamo Bombay Pink, Aurora, Dingley, Dull Green, Choo Choo, Uniform Green, Blueberry Tart, Puff Dragon, Heather Plume, Mega Greige, Sculp Timber Trail, Lamiaceae, Velvet Cape, Puff Dragon, Exotic Violet palette Pigeon Pink, Braun, Arnica, Quince Jelly, Yuzukoshō, Conceptual, Signal Green, Blue Iris, Enchanting Sapphire, Barney, Akuma's Fur Wine & Roses, Namibia, Harvest Blessing, Peace of Mind, Caduceus Staff, Yuè Guāng Lán Moonlight, Lightish Red, Black Powder, Nile Iris Orchid, Strawberry Rhubarb, Goblin, Puff Dragon, Hidden Trail, Hockham Green, Kiln Dried, Cashmere Clay, Dead Sea, Limpid Lig Fudge Bar, Terra Cotta Clay, Top Shelf, Monaco Blue, Puff Dragon, Seven Seas, Maculata Bark, Softer Tan, Wingsuit Wind, Peppermint Sea, Carnaby Tan, Polka Dot Plum, Puff Dragon palette Ken Masters Red, Australium Gold, Bright Sky Blue, Blue Overdose, Relic, Winter Moss, Puff Dragon, Heirloom Rose, Saber Tooth, Flo Caravel Brown, Streusel Cake, Poisonous Ice Cream, Reservoir, Sicilia Bougainvillea, Laurel Woods, Puff Dragon, Pencil Point, Savo Treasured, Cheers!, Pink Fire, Sinsemilla, Pikkoro Green, Malevolent Mauve, Puff Dragon, Lifeboat Blue, Kohlrabi Green palette Cheeky Chestnut, Gold Tweed, Desert Spice, Shutter Grey, Dioptase Green, Lago Blue, Mountbatten Pink, Tetsu Black, Puff Dragon, Ni Cameo Brown, Classic Gold, Gondolier, Navagio Bay, Hawaiian Raspberry, Turkish Coffee, Puff Dragon, Eldar Flesh, Baked Bread, Curi Light Topaz Ochre, Bright Gold, New York Pink, Scarabœus Nobilis, Ticino Blue, Octagon Ocean, Palatinate Purple, Puff Dragon, Char W88 Red Door, Red Stop, Handmade, Red Curry, Applesauce Cake, Sedge Green, Hoki palette Rookwood Terra Cotta, Tomato Concassé, Orange Outburst, Siskin Sprout, Evening Hush, Wildflower, Cherries Jubilee, Dark Midnight B Granite Green, Green Woodpecker Olive, Lovable, Windy Seas, Blueprint, Purple Honeycreeper, Cod Grey, Bamboo Charcoal, Puff Dragon Somnambulist, Ocean View, Ashton Blue, Pickled Purple, Bella Vista, Puff Dragon, Valiant Violet, Bayberry Wax, Scandinavian Sky, F Westminster, Rookwood Terra Cotta, Rosemarried, Curaçao Blue, Yearning, Puff Dragon, Mayan Chocolate, Loganberry, Ryegrass, Brookv Silken Ruby, Tangle, Invitation Gold, Philippine Green, Avocado Stone, Crypt, Natural Pumice, Rhododendron, Puff Dragon, Lemon Gra Burst of Gold, Ornery Tangerine, Anthracite, Puff Dragon, Storm Red, Interesting Aqua, Lilac Smoke, Saturn Grey, Perrywinkle, Hybr Halloween Orange, Elden Ring Orange, Navajo Turquoise, Teal Waters, Lavender Indigo, Mysterious Depths, Puff Dragon, Fibre Moss, H Caramelized, Oil Green, Christmas Blue, Duskwood, Velvet Plum, Puff Dragon, Continental Waters, Spring Storm, Tinted Iris palette Tomato, Dry Hemlock, Boring Green, Ceramic Green, Bristol Blue, Berry Conserve, Graphite, Puff Dragon, Vintage Violet, Lively Ligh Animal Blood, Simple Silhouette, Stamp Pad Green, Dodger Blue, Puff Dragon palette Spruce Woods, Wink, Druid Green, Puff Dragon, Beetroot Rice, Pallid Blue, Spring Fever, Pale Narcissus palette Chai Spice, Yellow Coneflower, Aromatic Herbs, Puff Dragon, Mousy Indigo, Persian Pink, Bellini, Sassy Pink palette Bauhaus Blue, Puff Dragon, Lavender Spectacle, Charismatic Sky, Niebla Azul, Greyish White palette Bloody Salmon, Blue With A Hint Of Purple, Puff Dragon, Lavender Elan, Legacy Blue palette Puff Dragon, Inuit White palette Scarpetta, Yawl, Pretty in Plum palette Ibis Rose, Puff Dragon, Orestes, Aster Flower Blue palette Merlin, Puff Dragon palette Swamp Moss, Fluorescent Turquoise, Teal Drama, Puff Dragon, Warm and Toasty, Saxon, Oyster Pink, Winter Willow Green palette Cloudburst, Joshua Tree, Sagebrush Green, Puff Dragon, Earthly Pleasure, Tibetan Cloak palette Blueberry Patch, Urban Green, Puff Dragon, Vizcaya Palm, November Leaf, Mothy, Blue Ballerina, Cookie palette Green Grey, Larkspur Bouquet, Wine Country, Puff Dragon, Pink Chintz palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#635940 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Puff Dragon #635940 顏色 PNG