創建於 02/21/2023 19:20

#6c5d97 十六進位 顏色 Just a Fairytale 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#6c5d97 RGB(108, 93, 151)

RGB 值是 RGB(108, 93, 151)
#6c5d97 顏色包含 紅色的 42.35%, 綠色的 36.47% 和 藍色的 59.22%.

顏色名稱 #6c5d97 十六進位 程式碼

Just a Fairytale 顏色


#6c5d97 是 光 和 涼爽的 顏色
Just a Fairytale 相反的顏色是 #88985d

#6c5d97 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #6c5d97 Just a Fairytale

hsl(256, 24%, 48%)
hsla(256, 24%, 48%, 1)
RGB(108, 93, 151)
RGBA(108, 93, 151, 1)

#6c5d97 顏色的調色板 Just a Fairytale:

以下是 #6c5d97 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #0b090f,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f0eff5

#6c5d97 的色調調色板:
#6c5d97 的色調調色板:
#6c5d97 的補充調色板:
#6c5d97 的三元調色板:
#6c5d97 的方形調色板:
#6c5d97 的類似調色板:
#6c5d97 的拆分互補調色板:
#6c5d97 的矩形(四元)調色板:

建議的調色板 #6c5d97 十六進位:

帶有顏色的調色板 #6c5d97 #1:
帶有顏色的調色板 #6c5d97 #2:
帶有顏色的調色板 #6c5d97 #3:
帶有顏色的調色板 #6c5d97 #4:
帶有顏色的調色板 #6c5d97 #5:

顏色 Just a Fairytale #6c5d97 用於調色板 (50)

Just a Fairytale Super Rose Red, French Truffle, Kaolin, Super Gold, Gamboge Brown, Lush Garden, Just a Fairytale, Super Hero, Old Mahogany, Autumn Orangish Red, Viking Castle, Granite Boulder, Chocolate Chiffon, Remington Rust, Carmel Woods, Comfrey, Newburyport, Bracing Blue, Salsa Picante, Dusty Canyon, Chocolate Ripple, Warm Cognac, Misted Yellow, Red Panda, Orange you Happy?, Barcelona Orange, Pale Al Antique Ruby, Bannister Brown, Sandy Ridge, Cherokee Red, Egyptian Nile, Stone Cypress Green, Green Dragon, Cossack Dancer, Cabbag Just a Fairytale, Noir Fiction, Granulated Sugar palette Just a Fairytale, Indigo Black, Petal Pink palette Lizard Breath, Canary, Arrowhead Lake, Just a Fairytale, Hinterland, Pale Beige, Lots of Bubbles, Mint Gloss, Minted, Arabian Veil Outback Brown, Golden Glam, Tandayapa Cloud Forest, Wink, Just a Fairytale, Plum Highness, Swiss Chard, Reddish Black, American Ma Ancient Red, Hot Jazz, Brussels, Free Green, Emerald Reflection, Sail Cover, Purple Haze, Just a Fairytale, Pion Purple, Italian P Red Reign, Harvard Crimson, Suede, Dandy Lion, Just a Fairytale, Blueberry Glaze, Green Mesh, Tonic palette Warlock Red, Chocolate Stain, Pumpkin Toast, Hawkbit, Just a Fairytale, Rust Magenta, Gold Thread palette Copper Lake, Potato Chip, Moonstone, Just a Fairytale, Cape Cod, Pleasant Hill, New Love, Pink Marble, Shy Blunt, Whitened Sage, T Mecha Grey, Zōng Hóng Red, Just a Fairytale, Fake Crush, Lime Pink palette Bleached Bark, Spiced Berry, Lion Mane, Barrel, Bold Avocado, Van Gogh Green, Naval Passage, Just a Fairytale, Amphibian, Bull Sho Bitter Lime, Just a Fairytale, Teldrassil Purple, Hyper Pink, Erebus Blue, Cloud Over London, Beach Glass palette Falafel, Monarch Wing, Trendy Green, Honest Blue, Just a Fairytale, Excelsior, Court Green, Exclusive Violet, Tender Greens palett Kowloon, Silver Willow Green, Tile Blue, Just a Fairytale, Hamilton Blue, Classic Silver, Mystic Mauve, Mecha Kitty, Flattering Pe Emergency Zone, Natrolite, Just a Fairytale, Cinnamon Satin, Dark Green, Blackthorn Blue palette Valley Vineyards, Azure Blue, Bohemian Blue, Just a Fairytale, Delicate Prunus, Sagey, Pale Cerulean, Bleached Spruce palette Fantan, Pastel Strawberry, Magnetic Magic, Bondi, Just a Fairytale, Lead, Bordeaux Red, Wine Brown, Blue Surf, Atom Blue, Desert C Romeo O Romeo, Sable Brown, Nutria, Five Star, Thyme Green, Shale Green, Bowman Blue, Just a Fairytale, Plum Preserve, Dark Charco Tegreen, Autumn Yellow, Jade, Just a Fairytale, Cranberry Splash, Blushing Apricot palette Scarlet Red, Coral Rose, Guava, Just a Fairytale, Shoe Wax, Napa Grape palette Jinza Safflower, Kowloon, Night Pearl, Pretentious Peacock, Just a Fairytale, Liaison, Crab Nebula, Venetian Wall, Warm Taupe, Kri Rich Brown, Ginger Rose, Orange Soda, Irish Jig, Warm Blue, Just a Fairytale, Strawberry Mix, Community, Pink Pampas palette Just a Fairytale, Watermelon Sugar, Crushed Stone, Attica, Sand Trail, Soft Apricot, Orange Chalk, Hush White palette Vivid Auburn, Nurude Brown, Olive Sapling, Green Pigment, Mica Creek, Crushed Velvet, Just a Fairytale, Vision Quest, Tidal Foam, Utah Crimson, Herbery Honey, Puerto Princesa, Just a Fairytale, Tequila palette Roman Coffee, Chivalrous Walrus, Coyote Brown, Chocolate Bells, Rare Find, Victorian Crown, Honey Garlic Beef, Just a Fairytale, U Carpe Diem, Decreasing Brown, Solar Flare, Green Blob, Kinetic Teal, Just a Fairytale, Audrey's Blush, Anger, Shady Glade palette Sunny Disposition, Enterprise, Just a Fairytale, Chimney palette Midwinter Fire, Brownish Grey, Barite, Orlean's Tune, Sun God, Fresh Gingerbread, Zucchini Flower, Swamp Green, Distance, Just a F Cedar Chest, Just a Fairytale, Pure Mauve, Midnight Blue, Beige Green palette Golden Rain Yellow, Just a Fairytale, Brandy Snaps, Highway, Rosebay, Blue Lips, Anise Flower, Silicone Serena palette Honey Grove, After Burn, Majorelle Gardens, Lunar Outpost, Smoky Studio, Fist of the North Star, Just a Fairytale, Longboat, Rhine Yardbird, Indian Sunset, Jungle Trail, Paradise Island, Midnight Pearl, Echo One, Just a Fairytale, Dark Rift, China Green Blue, G cxzczx Fall in Season, Sunflower, Avocado Cream, Seasoned Apple Green, Brilliant Blue, Just a Fairytale, Nocturnal Rose, Sumi Ink, Dusk B Peachy Scene, Radiant Sunrise, Gold Red, Carriage Yellow, Bracken Green, Blue Blood, Just a Fairytale, Mountain Sage, Scribe, Vess Chivalrous Walrus, Karacha Red, Tiger Cub, Just a Fairytale, Fuchsia Tint, Mesclun Green, Stellar Mist palette Just a Fairytale, Americano, Lilac Mist palette Stock Horse, Artisan Tan, Just a Fairytale, Sea Serpent's Tears, Old Army Helmet, Silicate Light Turquoise palette 18th Century Green, Just a Fairytale, Eternal Cherry, First Shade of Blue, Hot Desert palette Childhood Crush, Just a Fairytale, Cola, Sir Edmund, Linear, Boiling Mud, Warming Peach, Rock Candy palette Alfalfa Bug, Just a Fairytale, Spectra palette Flood Out, Just a Fairytale, Arabella, Desert Suede, Light Washed Blue palette Phenomenon, Lvivian Rain, Just a Fairytale, Crushed Berry, Burma Jade, Santo palette Red Clown, Pink Orange, Mermaid Treasure, Just a Fairytale, Ancient Magenta, Rhinoceros Beetle palette Langoustine, Just a Fairytale, Greenwich, Foxglove, Almost Apricot palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#6c5d97 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Just a Fairytale #6c5d97 顏色 PNG

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