創建於 02/21/2023 21:28

#9370db 十六進位 顏色 Matt Purple 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#9370db RGB(147, 112, 219)

RGB 值是 RGB(147, 112, 219)
#9370db 顏色包含 紅色的 57.65%, 綠色的 43.92% 和 藍色的 85.88%.

顏色名稱 #9370db 十六進位 程式碼

Matt Purple, mediumpurple, Medium purple, Parsley Green 顏色


#9370db 是 光 和 涼爽的 顏色

替代顏色 Matt Purple #9370db

Matt Purple 相反的顏色是 #b8db70

#9370db 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #9370db Matt Purple

hsl(260, 60%, 65%)
hsla(260, 60%, 65%, 1)
RGB(147, 112, 219)
RGBA(147, 112, 219, 1)

#9370db 顏色的調色板 Matt Purple:

以下是 #9370db 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #0f0b16,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f4f1fb

#9370db 的色調調色板:
#9370db 的色調調色板:
#9370db 的補充調色板:
#9370db 的三元調色板:
#9370db 的方形調色板:
#9370db 的類似調色板:
#9370db 的拆分互補調色板:
#9370db 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Matt Purple #9370db 用於調色板 (49)

Random Palette (10 colors) Shades of Medium Purple #9370DB hex color Tints of Medium Purple #9370DB hex color Random Palette (14 colors) X11 colors palette chunk #17 Random Palette (15 colors) T blank3 Blank2 Web Colors Codes palette chunk #10 blank this Branding Rosso corsa colors palette Potential OC Colors css 8 LRT_ChatGPT vibelytics auras Morning Forest, Fennel Fiesta, Raging Tide, Matt Purple, Chicory Root, Grandis, Stonewashed Brown, Bisque palette Noble Cause, Matt Purple, Blizzard Blue palette Matt Purple, Illicit Darkness, Patio Green, Suffragette Yellow, Icy Bay palette Red Bay, Rationality, Tobiko Orange, Tiny Seedling, Bayside, Pyjama Blue, Medium Persian Blue, Matt Purple, Passionate Purple, Mun Matt Purple, Lake Placid, Silver Moon palette Kogane Gold, Jitterbug Jade, Hyacinth Dream, Matt Purple, Noir Fiction, Borg Queen, Art Deco Red, Rooted, Succinct Violet, Green M Dark Orange, Strong Iris, Matt Purple, Rich Taupe palette Golden Honey Suckle, Matt Purple, Canal Street, Walkway palette Rage of Quel'Danas, Cowboy Trails, Matt Purple, Cannon Ball, Raw Amethyst, Weathered Wood, Reform, Eon palette Highway to Hell, Red Hook, Smalt, Matt Purple, Monastir, Horned Frog, Agapanthus, Coffee Bag palette lvl 3 p:2 Medium Purple Dead Flesh, Matt Purple, Blue Syzygy, Delicious, Cool Ashes, Wizard's Brew, Light Bright Spark palette Khardic Flesh, Coral Quartz, Lake Green, Matt Purple, Reddy Brown, Deep Claret, Shadow Green palette Jurassic Gold, Clementine Earring, Be Daring, Sea Green, Matt Purple, Berries and Cream, Dried Plum, Cimarron, Makara, Classic Bou Bristle Grass, Clementine, Jocose Jade, Matt Purple, Aster Flower Blue, Riviera Retreat, Buff It, Pearl Yellow, Cotton Floss palet English Saddle, By Gum, Sun, Snakebite Leather, Sea Turtle, CGA Blue, Matt Purple, Mexican Pink, Avocado Dark Green, Deep Claret, Cherry Sangria, Red City of Morocco, New Cork, Mud Ball, Tomato Concassé, Cucuzza Verde, Matt Purple, Wild Geranium, Never Forget, Wishing Troll, Lemon Whisper, Malachite, Fiji, Matt Purple, Myself, Cool Current, Spring Lilac, Quartz Pink, Willow Herb, Gentle G Cliff Rock, Arizona Clay, Cognac Brown, Lanyard, Charred Clay, Pesto, Fuegan Orange, Macaw, Matt Purple, Dark Charcoal, Bella Sera Bellflower, Blue Odyssey, Matt Purple, Hihada Brown, Perle Noir, Ripening Grape, Tundora, Pink Bliss, Ghostly Green, Gazebo Grey, Ruby Slippers, Wolf Pack, Earthnut, Moroccan Ruby, Hay Yellow, Paolo Veronese Green, Matt Purple, Rose Branch, Blueberry Lemonade, Rose Hip, Old Four Leaf Clover, Gumdrop Green, Berry Blackmail, Matt Purple, Pewter Mug, Raffia Cream, Silverpine Cyan, Thin Cloud Northeast Trail, Striking Orange, Yellowish Brown, Presley Purple, Matt Purple, Carbon Blue, Deep Seagrass, Noble Lilac, Pine Crus Tantanmen Brown, Riesling Grape, Le Corbusier Crush, Solarium, French Tarragon, Teeny Bikini, Blueberry Twist, Matt Purple, Cetace 9PH Country Club, Tassel, Whiskey, Stream, Matt Purple, Cranberry Splash, Blue Lobelia, Siren, Cool, Rosettee, Celadon palette Compass, Red Clover, Straw, Sage Leaves, Matt Purple, Dark Pink, Blue Period, Toffee Tan, Dalmatian Sage, Lacey, Immortal, Montezu Garden Sprout, Mikado Green, American Yellow, Golden Kingdom, Deep Fried Sun Rays, Thyme and Salt, Caulerpa Lentillifera, Genoa, S Vibrant Yellow, Dowager, Dark Jade, Como, Bleached Olive, Mississippi River, Peaceful River, Matt Purple, Little Bow Pink, Pink Sh Clay Bath, Shakker Red, Larkspur Blue, Matt Purple, Dried Leaf palette Carmen Miranda, Southern Blue, Matt Purple, Warm Granite, Mint-o-licious, Transparent White palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#9370db 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Matt Purple #9370db 顏色 PNG