創建於 02/28/2023 11:46

#948b76 十六進位 顏色 Sage Advice 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#948b76 RGB(148, 139, 118)

RGB 值是 RGB(148, 139, 118)
#948b76 顏色包含 紅色的 58.04%, 綠色的 54.51% 和 藍色的 46.27%.

顏色名稱 #948b76 十六進位 程式碼

Sage Advice 顏色


#948b76 是 光 和 溫暖的 顏色
Sage Advice 相反的顏色是 #767f93

#948b76 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #948b76 Sage Advice

hsl(42, 12%, 52%)
hsla(42, 12%, 52%, 1)
RGB(148, 139, 118)
RGBA(148, 139, 118, 1)

#948b76 顏色的調色板 Sage Advice:

以下是 #948b76 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #0f0e0c,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f4f3f1

#948b76 的色調調色板:
#948b76 的色調調色板:
#948b76 的補充調色板:
#948b76 的三元調色板:
#948b76 的方形調色板:
#948b76 的類似調色板:
#948b76 的拆分互補調色板:
#948b76 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Sage Advice #948b76 用於調色板 (44)

Conservation Illustration dolphin kids fish colors DODGEBALL! Sage Advice Blood Kiss, Sage Advice, Azuki Bean, Your Shadow, Rose Vale, Jet Black, Dryad Bark, Gale of the Wind, Black Jasmine Rice, Stone Ha Shinshu, Sage Advice, Guinea Pig, Dresden Blue palette Sage Advice, Blue Syzygy, Almost Plum, Perk Up, Reduced Pink palette Salt Island Green, Trailhead, Sage Advice, Spruce Tree Flower palette Sage Advice, Summer Memory, Larkspur Blue, Siniy Blue, Sugar Beet palette Sage Advice, Bitter Orange, The Vast of Night, Forest Ridge, Beryl Pearl, Bōsōzoku Pink palette Picante, Sage Advice, Withered Rose, Wonton Dumpling, Lemon Pearl, Fresh Cream palette Sage Advice, String Deep, Ebony Lips, Wet Adobe, Sea Nettle, Pickled Pineapple, Airline Green, Dried Lavender Flowers, Black Emera Sage Advice, Reddish Orange, Malachite, Wax Flower, Caramel Ice, Airflow palette Sage Advice, Fresh Cantaloupe, Beach Bag, Old Nan Yarn, Irrigo Purple, Ancient Magenta, Axe Handle, Primal, Forgive Quickly, Cooki Sage Advice, Shaded Glen, Hearty Orange, Syrah Soil, Mate Tea, Molly Robins, Sail Cover, Mallard, Blue Suede Shoes, Rikyūnezumi Br Sage Advice, Spanish Viridian, Lapis Lazuli, Mystic Magenta, Metal Construction Green, Ochre Yellow, Ashen, Porch Swing Beige, Gal Sage Advice, Olde World Gold, Rip Cord, Waikawa Grey, Dragonfly Blue, Barn Swallow, Pink Eraser, Humid Cave palette Sage Advice, Buff Leather, Toxic Orange, Lurid Lettuce, Middle Safflower, Inkblot, Saxon Blue, Palo Verde, Weathered Moss, Jardin Sage Advice, April Green, Lively Lavender, Sundried Tomato, Topiary Tint palette Sage Advice, Suede Leather, Bronze Green, Gamboge Brown, Sunflower, Moss Covered, Opal Violet, Indigo Batik, Berry Crush, Metal Co Sage Advice, Grandiose, Magnesia Bay, Purple Zergling, Earth Red, Palace Arms, Regale Blue, Alpine Air, Castaway Beach, Estate Vio Sage Advice, Prancer, Rusty Coin, Orange Peel, Hanging Moss, Sidewalk Grey, Buccaneer Blue, Pizza Pie, Darkness Green, Purple Velv Sage Advice, Balthasar Gold, Snobby Shore, Bird Flower, Tahitian Tide, Arabian Silk, Red Cabbage, Azalea, Worn Wooden, Toile Blue Sage Advice, Tilted Pinball, Market Melon, Swamp Green, Sea Drifter, Frenzied Red, Hollyhock Bloom palette Red Contrast, Threatening Red, Sage Advice, Creed, Jinza Safflower, Royal Star, Fluorescence, Blue Ice, Brilliant Blue, Megadrive Sage Advice, Orient Yellow, Gerbera Red, Country Blue, Mammoth Mountain, Volcanic Island, Jasper Stone, Hurricane Haze, Natural Ye Blood Orange, Sage Advice, Metallic Gold, Green Sky, Drably Olive, Torrid Turquoise, Wild Thistle palette Sage Advice, Pixie Powder, Moonlit Pool, Cricket Field, Bona Fide Beige, Amarillo Yellow palette Sage Advice, Shell Brown, Ripe Wheat palette Highway to Hell, Sage Advice, Sugar Grape, Standish Blue, Spiced Beige palette Tamed Beast, Sage Advice, Grapple, Wisteria Purple, Café Noir, Zephyr, Guesthouse palette Sage Advice, Wind Cave palette Sage Advice, Historic Town, Wild Thyme, Blue Bird Day, Sang de Boeuf, Nocturne palette Crooked River, Sage Advice, Rolling Sea, Squid Ink Powder, Teal Dark Blue palette Sage Advice, Fading Torch, Night Fog palette Sage Advice, Dune Drift, Autumn Ridge, Mint Leaves, Scorpy Green, Quarry palette Racing Red, Sage Advice, Redend Point, Tibetan Yellow, Jungle Trail, Fistfull of Green, Soulstone Blue, Ballerina Tutu, Plum Perfe Sage Advice, Lentil Sprout, Online Lime, French Fuchsia, Heavy Violet, Purple Pool palette Sage Advice, Caramel Sauce, Passionate Pink palette Sage Advice, Energy Yellow, Twisted Time, Wild Thistle palette Sage Advice, Burning Flame, Beaming Blue, Congo Brown, Carnation Rose palette Sage Advice, Ukon Saffron, Bean Counter, Baroness Mauve, Howdy Partner palette Sage Advice, Rickrack, Bonfire Night, My Sin, Sludge, Warm Balaclavas Are Forever, Bay Brown, Kingfisher Grey, Rosebay, Light Cont Hot Jazz, Haute Red, Sage Advice, Eclectic Plum, Cream Can, Imperial Green, Purple Balloon, Deep Sea Blue, Majestic Blue, Purple B


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#948b76 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Sage Advice #948b76 顏色 PNG