創建於 02/18/2023 03:47

#9b9fb5 十六進位 顏色 Minnesota April 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#9b9fb5 RGB(155, 159, 181)

RGB 值是 RGB(155, 159, 181)
#9b9fb5 顏色包含 紅色的 60.78%, 綠色的 62.35% 和 藍色的 70.98%.

顏色名稱 #9b9fb5 十六進位 程式碼

Minnesota April 顏色


#9b9fb5 是 光 和 涼爽的 顏色
色調 darkgrey
Minnesota April 相反的顏色是 #b5b19b

#9b9fb5 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #9b9fb5 Minnesota April

hsl(231, 15%, 66%)
hsla(231, 15%, 66%, 1)
RGB(155, 159, 181)
RGBA(155, 159, 181, 1)

#9b9fb5 顏色的調色板 Minnesota April:

以下是 #9b9fb5 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #0f1012,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f5f5f8

#9b9fb5 的色調調色板:
#9b9fb5 的色調調色板:
#9b9fb5 的補充調色板:
#9b9fb5 的三元調色板:
#9b9fb5 的方形調色板:
#9b9fb5 的類似調色板:
#9b9fb5 的拆分互補調色板:
#9b9fb5 的矩形(四元)調色板:

建議的調色板 #9b9fb5 十六進位:

帶有顏色的調色板 #9b9fb5 #1:
帶有顏色的調色板 #9b9fb5 #2:
帶有顏色的調色板 #9b9fb5 #3:
帶有顏色的調色板 #9b9fb5 #4:
帶有顏色的調色板 #9b9fb5 #5:

顏色 Minnesota April #9b9fb5 用於調色板 (50)

Prova 4 Marron Canela, Spicy Purple, Minnesota April, White Swan, China Silk palette Carmim, Carnage Red, Leather Loafers, Historic Town, Mandalay, Pagoda Blue, Poise, Mazzy Star, Blush d'Amour, PCB Green, Brown Bea Buckingham Palace, Minnesota April, Loch Modan Moss, Banshee palette Coal Mine, Minnesota April, Funki Porcini, Banana Mania, Light Water Wings, Curd, Ajo Lily, Herbal Tea palette Fresh Cantaloupe, Fatal Fields, Minnesota April, Charming Pink palette Streusel Cake, Enamel Antique Green, Greenish Tan, Minnesota April, Aries Hot Pink palette Red Tone Ink, Broccoflower, Sultan's Silk, Minnesota April, Pink Beauty palette Nessie, Mourning Violet, Minnesota April, Eon palette Smoky Forest, Minnesota April, Half Colonial White, Aircraft White palette St. Patrick, Flax-Flower Blue, Benimidori Purple, Prestige Blue, Black Bamboo palette Industrial Strength, Cold Brew Coffee, Mogwa-Cheong Yellow, Velvet Wine, Rustic Red, Minnesota April, Wild Thistle, Dusty Trail Ri Highland Ridge, Wiener Schnitzel, Rialto, Hihada Brown, Minnesota April, Maculata Bark palette Left on Red, Magic Malt, Braun, Highlighter Orange, Blazing Yellow, Forest Bound, Green Moblin, Pink Hibiscus, Taxite, Smoked Purp Suede Grey, Vintage Copper, Bronze Brown, Solar Power, Ghost Grey, Minnesota April palette Shiraz, Hot Spice, Palm Lane, Cerignola Olive, Tool Blue, Brown, Mexican Moonlight, Minnesota April, Bright Bluebell, Wild Porcini Flaming Torch, Olivine, Grassy Green, Indigo Mouse, Mission Wildflower, Oblivion, Inner Space, Midnight Sun, Dusty Heather, Minnes Clove Brown, Bonfire Night, Gunsmoke, Purple Sphinx, Seal Grey palette Sparkling Red, Fire Opal, Cheers!, Coral Burst, Cyan Blue, Royal, Foxy Fuchsia, Cummings Oak, Coffee Rose, Minnesota April, Deep A Charcoal Light, Melondrama, Poppy Surprise, Haddock's Sweater, Copper Pink, Pink Hibiscus, Blackish Brown, Fun Green, Emperor, Min Chocolate Ripple, Steppe Green, Witch Wood, Alpine, Cedar Forest, Khaki Green, Starbur, Blue Dude, Vibrant Vine, Grape, Bed of Ros Electric Laser Lime, Semi-Precious, Poseidon's Territory, Philippine Brown, Dying Light, Catskill Brown, Slate Violet, Wrought Iro Wilderness, Dirt Brown, Cathay Spice, Holland Tulip, Torrid Turquoise, Best Bronze, Rocky Mountain Red, Terminatus Stone, Minnesot Soft Impala, Cobre, King Nacho, Voldemort, Blue Lobelia, Delta Green, Elephant Ear, Metamorphosis, River Valley, Minnesota April, Tribal, Larkspur, Dry Rose, Purpurite Violet, Minnesota April, Spring Sprig, Relish palette Lime Fizz, Coffee Liqueur, Ruby Wine, Casket, Minnesota April, Robo Master, Garden Twilight, Blanched Driftwood, Vanilla Quake, Tu Sattle, Surati Pink, Blood, Cracked Pepper, Cabin in the Woods, Slick Green, Winning Ticket, Vintage Vessel, Minnesota April, Pink French Bistre, Rusty Nail, Dynamite, Chlorite, SQL Injection Purple, Frost Grey, Lisbon Brown, Duck Green, Skipper Blue, Minnesota Lima Bean Green, Thai Teal, Screen Gem, Academic Blue, Wild Cranberry, Ashen Wind palette Golden Sand, Sunny Festival, Dancing Sea, Blue Chaos, Raspberry Radiance, Minnesota April palette Corn Maze, Chinese Orange, Gone Giddy, Radishical, Tree Lined, Minnesota April, Mink Haze, Frail Fuchsia, Partytime palette Salsa, Cheek Red, Karacha Red, Medusa Green, Tropical Elements, Laurel Nut Brown, Olive Court, Polished Metal, Minnesota April, Af Gǎn Lǎn Lǜ Green, Hulk, Pink Parade, Roanoke, Alpine Green, Fair Green, Revival Rose, Minnesota April, Soft Sienna, Balboa, Misty Cruel Jewel, Craft Brown palette Chocolate Covered, Brandy Bear, Granite Brown, Old Botanical Garden, Minnesota April palette Leviathan Purple, Minnesota April palette Smokin Hot, Corralize, Montana Sky, High Dive, Navy Cosmos, Daylight Lilac, Minnesota April, Safflower Wisteria palette Reed Green, Turquoise Blue, Blue Clay, Pansy Garden, Dingy Dungeon, Spell Caster, Nocturnal Flight, Minnesota April palette Pharlap, Delaware Blue Hen, Yíng Guāng Sè Purple, Smoked Mulberry, Purple Void, Trekking Green, Wild Grapes, Minnesota April palet Prickly Pear, Slate Rock palette Fame Orange, Silk Sari, Grape Wine palette Outrageous, Battery Charged Blue, Blueberry Blush, Stratus, Minnesota April, Blue Stream, Young Salmon palette Holland Tulip, Blistering Mars, Deep Commitment to Purple, Scoop of Dark Matter, Antigua Sand, Minnesota April, Grey Lilac palette Paseo Verde, Celine, Stream Bed, Flora Green, Periwinkle Dusk, Minnesota April, Grey Spell, High Point palette Sedona at Sunset, Fall Leaves, Rosé, Fish Finger, Appleton, Townhall Tan, Minnesota April, Fresco Green palette Dynamite Red, Locomotion, Harrison Rust, Young Green Onion, D. Darx Blue, Warm Onyx, Petal Purple, Santas Grey, Minnesota April, S Natural Bridge, Slightly Golden, Bright Yarrow, Twilight Chimes, Mountain Pass, Minnesota April, Cloud Blue palette Clay Bath, Tawny Owl, Vagabond, Escalante, Dirt Brown, Five Star, Bright Cyan palette Coral Tree, Ironstone, Grog Yellow, Madeira Brown, Coastal Fjord, Maxi Teal, Sultry Smoke, Àn Zǐ Purple, Beetroot, Calligraphy, Fo Sharp Lime, Flash of Orange, Star, Thor's Thunder, Shirt Blue, Merchant Marine Blue, Country Squire, Sunday Niqab, Italian Grape,


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#9b9fb5 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Minnesota April #9b9fb5 顏色 PNG

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