創建於 02/21/2023 15:47
#9c2542 十六進位 顏色 Big Dip O’Ruby 資訊
顏色 | 十六進位 | RGB |
#9c2542 | RGB(156, 37, 66) |
RGB 值是 RGB(156, 37, 66)
#9c2542 顏色包含 紅色的 61.18%, 綠色的 14.51% 和 藍色的 25.88%.
顏色名稱 #9c2542 十六進位 程式碼
Big Dip O’Ruby, Big dip o’ruby 顏色
替代顏色 Big Dip O’Ruby #9c2542
Big Dip O’Ruby 相反的顏色是 #259d7f
#9c2542 顏色轉換
有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #9c2542 Big Dip O’Ruby
hsl(345, 62%, 38%)
hsla(345, 62%, 38%, 1)
RGB(156, 37, 66)
RGBA(156, 37, 66, 1)
#9c2542 顏色的調色板 Big Dip O’Ruby:
以下是 #9c2542 十六進位顏色的調色板範例
最深的顏色是色調中的 #100407,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f5e9ec
#9c2542 的色調調色板:
#9c2542 的色調調色板:
#9c2542 的補充調色板:
#9c2542 的三元調色板:
#9c2542 的方形調色板:
#9c2542 的類似調色板:
#9c2542 的拆分互補調色板:
#9c2542 的矩形(四元)調色板:
顏色 Big Dip O’Ruby #9c2542 用於調色板 (50)
creative Diagram colors Enterprise VR American rose colors palette New Chestnut, Silk Jewel, Bracing Blue, Big Dip O’Ruby, Plush, Graphic Charcoal, Soft Blush, Sea Cap, Combed Cotton palette La Rioja, Hyacinth Mauve, Big Dip O’Ruby, Royal Mile, Windsor Way, Footie Pajamas, Rose Reminder palette Neon Romance, Antique Pink, Vivid Orange, Paradise of Greenery, Rackley, Mauvey Pink, Topinambur Root, Big Dip O’Ruby, Indigo Ink Wood Violet, Big Dip O’Ruby, Moose Trail, Alpaca Blanket palette Honey Glow, Big Dip O’Ruby, Heirloom Lilac, Illusive Dream palette Elephant, Apricot Jam, Tilted Pinball, Gem, Big Dip O’Ruby, Pinot Noir, Bright Lavender palette Cornstalk, Titian Red, Equatorial Forest, Moss Point Green, Big Dip O’Ruby, Shani Purple, Suitable Brown, Gadabout palette Lemongrass, Parfait d'Amour, Big Dip O’Ruby, Burnt Coffee, Pegeen Peony, Cinnamon Tea, Balance, Yellow Shimmer palette Aspen Gold, Big Dip O’Ruby palette Banana Mash, Big Dip O’Ruby, Celestial Glow palette Forest Floor Khaki, Thai Ice Tea, CGA Pink, Big Dip O’Ruby, Sovereignty, Castor Grey, Triamble, New Khaki palette Dangerously Elegant, Big Dip O’Ruby palette Inuit, Imaginary Mauve, Charleston Cherry, Big Dip O’Ruby, Grimace, Pinch Me, Gentle Sea, Sea Lavender palette Coffee Bean Brown, Tangerine Flake, Flashman, Big Dip O’Ruby palette Dried Herb, Glowing Firelight, Solar Fusion, Tangerine Bliss, Big Dip O’Ruby, Aircraft Green, Freshly Roasted Coffee palette Moss Green, Bold Irish, Maximum Blue Green, Big Dip O’Ruby, Bay Isle Pointe, Peacock Purple palette Big Dip O’Ruby, Purple, Tiny Ribbons palette Gingko Leaf, Raspberry Ripple, Big Dip O’Ruby, Rowan, Blue Slate palette Velddrif, Lager, Big Dip O’Ruby, Sensitive Scorpion, French Puce, Fresh Mint, Apple Herb Black, Anthracite Blue palette Copper-Metal Red, Bella Pink, Big Dip O’Ruby, Avagddu Green palette Moroccan Blunt, Deco Red, Cajun Spice, Lemon Essence, Camel Red, Environmental Study, Emerald Lake, Unreal Teal, Banafš Violet pal Heavy Skintone, Brassy Brass, Smoke Tree, Hidden Valley, Airline Green, Zeus Purple palette Kirsch, Red Alert, Mossy, Maximum Blue, Evil Eye, Milkwort Red, Big Dip O’Ruby, Blue Hill, Caterpillar Green, Jacqueline, Bagel, G Ketchup Later, Clear Red, Foxfire Brown, Roux, Green Cyan, Hanaasagi Blue, Intergalactic Highway, Big Dip O’Ruby, Mountain Trail, Ruby Shard, La Grange, Gingko Tree, Young Fern, Swagger, Mauve Glow, Claret Red, Big Dip O’Ruby, Lodgepole Pines, Stratosphere, Lo Cave of the Winds, Sunflower Dandelion, Cyber Yellow, Rainy Lake, Ultramarine, Big Dip O’Ruby, Melancholia, Burnham, Cardinal Mauv Limetta, Luxurious Lime, Dried Lavender Flowers, Big Dip O’Ruby, Zany Pink, Gluon Grey, Pirate Black, Back to Nature palette Big Dip O’Ruby, Berry Blue Green, Blue Accolade, Purple Feather, Lavender Lake, Peach A La Mode, Cave Pearl, Pink Elephant palette Brownstone, Furry Lion, Usugaki Persimmon, Putting Green, Ranger Green, Florentine Lapis, Razzmic Berry, Big Dip O’Ruby, Void, Pet Lionfish Red, Mango Orange, Big Dip O’Ruby, Liberty Blue, Sommelier, Lavender Perceptions palette Khemri Brown, Acid, Big Dip O’Ruby, Ultramarine Green, Futaai Indigo, French Market palette Gold Plated, Tōō Gold, Midsummer Field, Forest Fern, Big Dip O’Ruby, Rain, Leadbelcher, Desert Storm palette Kashmir, Grape Kiss, Big Dip O’Ruby palette Leather Loafers, Big Dip O’Ruby, Overbaked palette Lucent Lime, Big Dip O’Ruby, Acadia palette Mexican Red, Ermine, Liberal Lilac, Big Dip O’Ruby, Treasured Love, Melodramatic Magenta, Cobalt Night, Semi Sweet palette Bossa Nova Blue, Tibetan Turquoise, Perpetual Purple, Barn Red, Big Dip O’Ruby, Rosy Pink, Dark Side palette Green Gamora, Cold North, Daybreak, Red Cedar, Big Dip O’Ruby, Emerson, Dusty Attic, Versatile Taupe palette Klaxosaur Blue, UV Light, Feminism, Big Dip O’Ruby, Opulent Green, Moonlit Pool, Lively Lilac, Juzcar Blue palette Silver Hill, Clary palette Moist Gold, Canyon Blue, Big Dip O’Ruby, Tempting Pink, Baby Bunting, Rhapsody Lilac palette Golden Nugget, God of Rain, Big Dip O’Ruby, Canal Street, Rubidium, Casino Lights, Irresistible Beige palette Winning Red, Big Dip O’Ruby, Basalt Black, Mixed Berry Jam, Summertown palette Warm Olive, Ice Blue, Big Dip O’Ruby, Tuk Tuk, Gamin palette Whiskey Sour, Sanskrit, Yellow Groove, Clear Turquoise, Big Dip O’Ruby, Forbidden Forest, Wine Red palette Turmeric, Stairway to Heaven, Mystique Violet palette White Oak, Thyme and Salt, Shady Blue, Big Dip O’Ruby, Christalle, Cool Granite, Vast Sky palette Bronzed Brass, Bianchi Green, Neon Blue, Sapphire Blue, Big Dip O’Ruby, Iron palette
基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#9c2542 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。
#9c2542 對比
尺寸 | AA級 | AAA級 |
大文字: | ||
小文字: |
#9c2542 對比
尺寸 | AA級 | AAA級 |
大文字: | ||
小文字: |