創建於 04/02/2023 13:16

#a18d80 十六進位 顏色 Oak Brown 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#a18d80 RGB(161, 141, 128)

RGB 值是 RGB(161, 141, 128)
#a18d80 顏色包含 紅色的 63.14%, 綠色的 55.29% 和 藍色的 50.2%.

顏色名稱 #a18d80 十六進位 程式碼

Oak Brown 顏色


#a18d80 是 光 和 溫暖的 顏色
Oak Brown 相反的顏色是 #8195a2

#a18d80 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #a18d80 Oak Brown

hsl(24, 15%, 57%)
hsla(24, 15%, 57%, 1)
RGB(161, 141, 128)
RGBA(161, 141, 128, 1)

#a18d80 顏色的調色板:

以下是 #a18d80 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #100e0d,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f6f4f2

#a18d80 的色調調色板:
#a18d80 的色調調色板:
#a18d80 的補充調色板:
#a18d80 的三元調色板:
#a18d80 的方形調色板:
#a18d80 的類似調色板:
#a18d80 的拆分互補調色板:
#a18d80 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Oak Brown #a18d80 用於調色板 (38)

Chinese Red, Tsar, Oak Brown, Nomadic, Artisan Crafts, Ninjin Orange, Chanterelle, Hot Butter, Limone, Straightforward Green, Teal Ghost Pepper, Oak Brown, Amazon Green, Ovoid Fruit, Antique Gold, Burnished Copper, Emberglow, Winter Could Grey, Bay Wharf, Larim Oak Brown, Mulberry Silk palette Oak Brown, Aniseed Leaf Green, Aluminium Snow, Conch Shell, Icery palette Oak Brown, Brown Mustard, Hawaiian Sunset, Aromango, Philips Green, Grey Cloud, Oasis Spring, Purple Starburst, Baby Berries, Ship Oak Brown, House Martin Eggs palette Oak Brown, Fresh Clay palette Oak Brown, Soft Fawn, Sun, Naval Passage, Storm Green, Lovage Green, Sheer Lilac, Innuendo palette Oak Brown, Golden Beryl Yellow, Paradise Bird, Renkon Beige, Downing Slate, Cherry Cobbler, Fashion Mauve, Rice Fibre, Comfort, Mo Rust Brown, Oak Brown, Melon Red, Tart Orange, Dandelion Yellow, Ocean Shadow palette Oak Brown, Outdoor Land, Bluish Grey, Cyan Cobalt Blue, Caddies Silk, Grapewood palette Oak Brown, Guacamole, Tuscana Blue, Double Duty, Green Wash palette Oak Brown, Sandy Taupe, Scallion, Morel, Pewter Grey, Blue Limewash, Meadow Phlox, Sonoran Desert palette Oak Brown, Cliffside Park, Liseran Purple, Hills of Ireland palette Crimson, Fire Hydrant, Lost Canyon, Oak Brown, Latin Charm, Green Glutton, Christobel palette Tsar, Oak Brown, Fool’s Gold, Shining Gold, Barbara, Velvet Slipper, Heliotrope Grey, Mustard Field palette Oak Brown, Philippine Gold, Reseda Green, Granite Falls, Thousand Herb, Space Battle Blue, Cool Balaclavas Are Forever, Caterpilla Plumburn, Oak Brown, Roycroft Adobe, Curry Sauce, Ritzy, Vermilion Bird, Starship Trooper, Cactus Green, Charcoal Briquette, Cafe Oak Brown, Bottled Ship, Credo, Dandelion, Dry Hemlock, Razzle Dazzle Rose, Precision, Mortar, Davy's Grey, Mysterious Mauve, Opal Oak Brown, Living Large, Raichu Orange, Dark Ivy, The Wild Apothecary, Tatarian Aster, Kaitoke Green, Crown Blue, Townhouse Taupe, Oak Brown, Ridgecrest, Solar Storm, Dark Red Brown, Matsuba Green, Celestial Blue, Baby Bear, Lavender Pink, Diverse Beige, Organz Sweet Cherry Red, Oak Brown, Queen Blue, Astro Purple, Light Shōtoku Purple, Irresistible, New Hunter, Sheepskin Gloves, Ajwain Gr Shiraz, Oak Brown palette Mermaid, Oak Brown, Shiny Gold, Pelorus, Pueblo, Bauhaus Tan, Daffodil Yellow palette Hóng Sè Red, Ironside Grey, Oak Brown, Shore Water, Navy Teal, Lake Water, Pout Pink palette Oak Brown, Cyber Yellow, Acai Berry, Evening Cityscape, Grand Grape, Flint Rock, Bohemianism palette Oak Brown, Poppy Prose, Atlantic Shoreline, Barney Purple, Purple Void, Windgate Hill, Garden Statue, Wheaten White palette Oak Brown, Kinky Pinky palette Crimson Sunset, Oak Brown, Fuchsia Tint, Watermelon Juice, Nero, Shabby Chic, Calabrese palette Oak Brown, Florentine Brown, Ruby Wine palette Salami, Oak Brown, Shiny Shamrock, Provincial Blue palette Oak Brown, Toast, Flame Angelfish, Tree Frog Green, Letter Grey, Venetian Glass, Madder Blue palette Heidelberg Red, Oak Brown, Sunrise Heat, Beauty Queen, Berry Cream, Nirvana, Pearl Grey palette Oak Brown, Tawny Owl, Dusky Haze, Steel Teal, Crowning, Gothic Purple palette Oak Brown, Usukō, Unloaded Texture Purple, Tuna Sashimi, Port Gore palette Oak Brown, New Green, Confetti, Kinetic Teal, Pink Peppercorn, Sea Mariner, Mecca Red, Nougat palette Ruby Star, Oak Brown, Fossil Green, Gonzo Violet, Orca White palette Oak Brown, Bitter Lemon, Magic Blade, Aurichalcite, So-Sari, Frosted Sugar, Panache palette

影像 Oak Brown #a18d80 顏色 PNG