創建於 02/28/2023 21:18

#a6d1eb 十六進位 顏色 Little Pond 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#a6d1eb RGB(166, 209, 235)

RGB 值是 RGB(166, 209, 235)
#a6d1eb 顏色包含 紅色的 65.1%, 綠色的 81.96% 和 藍色的 92.16%.

顏色名稱 #a6d1eb 十六進位 程式碼

Little Pond 顏色


#a6d1eb 是 光 和 涼爽的 顏色
Little Pond 相反的顏色是 #ebc2a8

#a6d1eb 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #a6d1eb Little Pond

hsl(203, 63%, 79%)
hsla(203, 63%, 79%, 1)
RGB(166, 209, 235)
RGBA(166, 209, 235, 1)

#a6d1eb 顏色的調色板 Little Pond:

以下是 #a6d1eb 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #111517,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f6fafd

#a6d1eb 的色調調色板:
#a6d1eb 的色調調色板:
#a6d1eb 的補充調色板:
#a6d1eb 的三元調色板:
#a6d1eb 的方形調色板:
#a6d1eb 的類似調色板:
#a6d1eb 的拆分互補調色板:
#a6d1eb 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Little Pond #a6d1eb 用於調色板 (48)

Valley of Glaciers palette (pastel) Arcala Green, Taupe Night, Little Pond palette Simple Silhouette, Snip of Parsley, Florence, Russet Green, Little Pond palette Amazonian, Rustic Adobe, Regalia, Persian Plum, Little Pond palette Pumpkin Bread, Herbal Scent, Dark Crypt, Fruitful Orchard, Antique Windmill, Tamboon, Buckwheat Groats, Light Jellyfish Blue, Avoc Crooked River, Giraffe, Coelia Greenshade, Fuchsia Purple, Little Pond, Ghosted, Cream Filling, Mint Hint palette Whiskey Barrel, Virtual Forest, Huelveño Horizon, Aluminium, Milky Skies, Golden Talisman, Little Pond, Canadian Pancake palette Golden Thistle Yellow, Monorail Silver, Little Pond palette Paseo Verde, Russian Olive, Summer Heat, EGA Green, Azurean, Elegant Midnight, Dynamic Magenta, Microwave Blue, Covent Garden, Bra Flannel, Luminous Apricot, Green Fluorite, Coffee, Birdie Num Num, Bourbon Spice, Solstice, Axis, Wisp, Little Pond palette Junkrat, Starship Trooper, Top Shelf, Brittany Blue, Honey Chili, Deep Bottlebrush, Aqua Splash, Del Sol Maize, Templar's Gold, Li Leather, Chimera Brown, Techno Blue, Iris Orchid, Holly Bush, Row House, Swiss Coffee, Flourish, Little Pond, Malted Mint, Iced An Breen, Good Life, Orange Creamsicle, Bright Greek, Granite Black, Beauport Aubergine palette Copper Penny, Ginger Rose, Prairie Clay, Boat House, Catnip Wood, Chin-Chin Cherry, African Queen, Goody Gumdrop, Blue Chalk, Tree Bright Bronze, Hive, Snot Green, Brunswick Green, Apple Herb Black, Ripe Berry, Pink Power, Little Pond, Lunar Dust, Capri Cream p Spanish Style, Beni Shoga, Clay Terrace, Citrus Sugar, Mesa Verde, Chateau Green, Witch's Cottage, Wagon Wheel, Anew Grey, Tropica Soft Impala, Yuzukoshō, Goldvreneli 1882, Illuminati Green, Sea Kale, Waikiki, Maire, Melanzane, Greenwich, Beauty Secret, Little Fire Chi, Büchel Cherry, Red Orange, Golden Relic, Calla Green, Death by Chocolate, Broomstick, Afternoon Sky, Cinque Foil, Quack Red Bell Pepper, Less Brown, Sandalwood Tan, Mexican Sand, Pistachio Shortbread, Floral Arrangement, Greenland Ice, Little Pond, I Amberglow, Harvest Haze, Scattered Showers, Goshawk Grey, Water Ouzel, Mud, Herbalist, Chic Taupe, Desert Lights, Cargo Green, Bri Golden Mary, Bronze, Sundance, Flirtatious, Sparkling Green, Exquisite Emerald, Hobgoblin, Bakos Blue, Cocobolo, Tarnished Trumpet Smokehouse, Brown Orange, Saffron Crocus, Royal Lilac, Brown-Bag-It, Little Pond palette Fluorescence, Dioptase Green, Sugar Beet, English Breakfast, Atlantic Deep, Wood-Black Red, Dark as Night, Aqua Eden, Little Pond, Triforce Yellow, Cameroon Green, Spectral Green, Byron Place, Arctic Dusk, Notes of Plum, Santana Soul, Grey By Me, Sugar Pie, Bea Permanent Geranium Lake, Tea Leaf, Old Willow Leaf, Japanese Wax Tree, Pirate's Hook, Fire Ant, Intoxication, Farrago, Blue Team S Booty Bay, Garden Country, Little Pond, Pussyfoot palette Blood Orange, Kvass, Sesame Street Green, British Shorthair, Overtake, Oriental Ruby, Secret Passage, Blood Brother, American Maho Macharius Solar Orange, Stella, Radiant Hulk, Scuba Blue, Cotton Candy Explosions, Kirby, Miranda's Spike, Eastern Spice, Dancing Golden Handshake, Norse Blue, Pinyon Pine, Elite Pink, Spinach Dip palette Little Pond, Creamy Mauve palette Starbur, Grey Heather, Little Pond, Front Porch, Silvery Streak, Reduced Spearmint, Violet Vogue palette Messenger Bag, Candle Light, Little Pond, White Radish palette Rock'n Oak, Interlude, Vert Pierre, Dove Tail, Heifer, Smoke, Madang, Little Pond palette Artillery, Landmark Brown, Dash of Oregano, Cookie Crust, Wattle palette Bitter Briar, By Gum, Bloodletter, Pearly Purple, Kali Blue, Antique Coin, Little Pond palette Candelabra, Swamp Shrub, Antique Silver, Blushed Bombshell, Little Pond palette Scorched Brown, Monaco Blue, Crushed Oregano palette Argyle Rose, Come Sail Away, Violet Verbena, Sparkling Metal palette Lava, Chocolate Caliente, Ancient Yellow, Slate Tint, Blue Danube, Nouveau Rose, Wild Truffle, War God, Ebi Brown, Less Traveled, Apple II Chocolate, Muted Blue, Weathered Bamboo, Mood Indigo, Sailor's Coat palette Venus Flytrap, Atlantic Charter palette Luxor Gold, Green Lizard, Phosphorescent Blue, Honorable Blue, Clematis Blue, Little Pond, Peach A La Mode, Possibly Pink palette Toxic Boyfriend, Scarabœus Nobilis, Sepia Black, Little Pond palette Vanilla Pudding, Delightful Camouflage, Dusty Red, Quetzal Green, Shimmering Blush, Embroidered Silk, Little Pond, Mint Parfait pa Afghan Carpet, Turquoise Sea, Lost in Sadness, Atlantic Charter, Wild Horse, Flirty Pink, Ponder, Little Pond palette Dusky Yellow, Silent Night, Bourgeois, Terra Pin, Nighthawk palette Republican, Blue Boater, Insignia, Waiouru, Manor House, Pale Jade, Humus, Tranquil Teal palette Courtyard Green, Simpsons Yellow, True Lavender, Boat Orchid, Satin Soil palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#a6d1eb 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Little Pond #a6d1eb 顏色 PNG