創建於 02/24/2023 03:27

#b1c6d6 十六進位 顏色 Cloudy Valley 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#b1c6d6 RGB(177, 198, 214)

RGB 值是 RGB(177, 198, 214)
#b1c6d6 顏色包含 紅色的 69.41%, 綠色的 77.65% 和 藍色的 83.92%.

顏色名稱 #b1c6d6 十六進位 程式碼

Cloudy Valley 顏色


#b1c6d6 是 光 和 涼爽的 顏色
Cloudy Valley 相反的顏色是 #d7c2b2

#b1c6d6 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #b1c6d6 Cloudy Valley

hsl(206, 31%, 77%)
hsla(206, 31%, 77%, 1)
RGB(177, 198, 214)
RGBA(177, 198, 214, 1)

#b1c6d6 顏色的調色板 Cloudy Valley:

以下是 #b1c6d6 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #121415,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f7f9fb

#b1c6d6 的色調調色板:
#b1c6d6 的色調調色板:
#b1c6d6 的補充調色板:
#b1c6d6 的三元調色板:
#b1c6d6 的方形調色板:
#b1c6d6 的類似調色板:
#b1c6d6 的拆分互補調色板:
#b1c6d6 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Cloudy Valley #b1c6d6 用於調色板 (45)

Orange dribbble figma app hex colors Ginger Spice, Boulder, Boysenberry, Black Rooster, Wet Latex, Midnight Navy, Deep Garnet, Black Spruce, Slick Green, Riverbed, Taw Medusa's Snakes, Graphic Grape, Endless Galaxy, Windfall, Frost Gum, Birthday King, Cloudy Valley palette Cloudy Valley, Dreamy Pink, Stormy Pink, Millstream palette Cloudy Valley, Amish Bread, Azure Sky, Christmas Silver, Pearl Violet palette American Rose, Oregano Green, Ocean Green, Blue Clay, New Bulgarian Rose, Mediterranea, Softened Green, Cloudy Valley palette Petrified Purple, Cactus Spike, Cloudy Valley, Canterbury Bells, Citrine White palette Yukon Gold, Yogi, Frog Prince, Sussie, Ripening Grape, Lavender Bonnet, Balance Green, Coco, Elegant Ice, Cloudy Valley, Pink Quar Farmhouse Red, Jurassic Gold, Bruschetta Tomato, Lush Plains, Mighty Midnight, Demitasse, Base Camp, Thundercat, Cloudy Valley, Ta Grange Hall, Neutral Valley, Pink Fire, Electric Yellow, Belfast, Cheerly Kiwi, Bay Wharf, Mondrian Blue, Undercool, Dusty Attic, Bindi Red, Wild Ginseng, Golden Field, Wide Sky, Kings of Sea, Seared Grey, Cosmo Purple, Winter Chill palette Spicy Mix, Pesto Paste, Algen Gerne, Vibrant Vine, Caput Mortuum Grey Red, Lily, Cloudy Valley, Cookies And Cream, Orenju Ogon Koi Hot Hazel, Banana King, Lǜ Sè Green, Blue Calypso, Sparkling Cove, Riverbed, Cloudy Valley palette Manticore Wing, Miami Marmalade, Bavarian Sweet Mustard, Spring Lobster, Moss Glen, Dressy Rose, Pan Tostado, Cloudy Valley palett Flower Wood, Coyote Tracks, Hammered Copper, Warm Woolen, Jacaranda Jazz, Formal Affair, Crown Blue palette Forest Floor Khaki, Deep Marsh, Goldbrown, Forest Blues, Terror from the Deep, Pale Moss, Cloudy Valley palette Packing Paper, Transparent Orange, Dazzling Blue, Berry Blackmail, Fiery Rose, Tides of Darkness, Shadowdancer, Brandy Brown, Must Sage Advice, Prancer, Rusty Coin, Orange Peel, Hanging Moss, Sidewalk Grey, Buccaneer Blue, Pizza Pie, Darkness Green, Purple Velv Electric Sheep, Rich Blue, Heavy Charcoal, Sultry Castle, Bittersweet Stem, Sky Grey, Cloudy Valley, Sharp Grey, Satin White palet Durian Yellow, Brass Balls, Main Mast Gold, Flirtatious Flamingo, Regal Rose, Kokushoku Black, Realm of the Underworld, Brown Beau Spinach Souffle, Payne's Grey, Titanium Blue, Magic Blue, Windows Blue, Velveteen Crush, Winning Red, Eastlake Olive, Big Band, So Mexican Red Papaya, Ghee Yellow, Mustard Flower, Creamy Sweet Corn, Aquarius Reef Base, Deep Sea Blue, Pickled Bean, Lemon Drop, C Red Tomato, Dusky Green, Reddened Earth, Ilvaite Black, Blue Suede Shoes, Noble Knight, Grass Root, Cloudy Valley, Geyser palette Pomodoro, Teakwood, Rich Sorrel, Bush, Parsley Sprig, Haggis, Cloudy Valley palette Limón Fresco, Penzance, Deep Diving, Jet, Man Friday, Mithril Silver, Cloudy Valley, Silver Grass, Infinitesimal Blue, Fresh Air, Gazpacho, Canyon Stone, Show Business, Amber Yellow, Garlic Pesto, Mountain Lake Green, Sassafras, Brown Pepper, Windrift Beige, C Orange Delight, Armory, Aircraft Green palette Shikon, Cloudy Valley palette Crystalsong Blue, Moscow Mule, Crewel Tan, Cloudy Valley, Luxor Blue palette Xanthous, Yuzukoshō, Toxic Green, Dana, Sensuous Grey, Cloudy Valley, Crystalline Pink palette Brindle, Red Coral, Species, Instigate, Cloudy Valley, Calla palette Lager, Blue Torus, Surya Red, Opaline Green, Dockside, Sprouted palette Medium Wood, Hacienda Tile, Country Weekend, Dockside Blue, Rosy Skin, Kahili, Cloudy Valley, Light Continental Waters palette multi colors Marsala, Blissful Orange, Droëwors, Oily Steel, Bok Choy, Cloudy Valley, Shattered Sky palette Poisonous Apple, Superstar, Bright Spark, Solar Energy palette Howling Coyote, Tōmorokoshi Corn, Identity, Timid Sea, Blood Rose, Cloudy Valley palette High Risk Red, Rosso Corsa, Nut Cracker, Karak Stone, Clown Green, Basil Pesto, North Sea palette Traditional Rose, Sky Dive, Gloomy Purple, Lima Green palette Sacro Bosco, Cadmium Green, Latin Charm, Holly Leaf palette Boxcar, Fresh Granny Smith, Apnea Dive, Mermaid Dreams, Victoria, Mat Dazzle Rose, Mysteria, Black Raspberry, Lush Meadow, Tempe S Roanoke Taupe, Russet Leather, Sea Swimmer, Lavender Elegance, Heather Rose, Cartwheel, Grayve-Yard, Cashmere Rose, Plum Mouse pal Danger, Arrowtown, Protein High, Old Vine, Chinese Lacquer, Tropical Waters, Phlox, Silent Sea, Screed Grey, Lucea, Fairy Wand, Kr Salsa, Rookwood Clay, Brickhouse, Marshy Green, Ruby Lips, Mesa Ridge, Medallion, New Foliage, Pale Petticoat, Quaking Grass, Pale Carmine Red, Paris Creek, Wild Mushroom, Autumn Apple Yellow, Weapon Bronze, Kakadu Trail, Caribbean Current, Purposeful, Oyster L


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#b1c6d6 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Cloudy Valley #b1c6d6 顏色 PNG