創建於 02/25/2023 20:00

#bdc3ac 十六進位 顏色 Jungle Moss 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#bdc3ac RGB(189, 195, 172)

RGB 值是 RGB(189, 195, 172)
#bdc3ac 顏色包含 紅色的 74.12%, 綠色的 76.47% 和 藍色的 67.45%.

顏色名稱 #bdc3ac 十六進位 程式碼

Jungle Moss 顏色


#bdc3ac 是 光 和 中性的 顏色
Jungle Moss 相反的顏色是 #b2acc3

#bdc3ac 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #bdc3ac Jungle Moss

hsl(76, 16%, 72%)
hsla(76, 16%, 72%, 1)
RGB(189, 195, 172)
RGBA(189, 195, 172, 1)

#bdc3ac 顏色的調色板:

以下是 #bdc3ac 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #131311,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f8f9f7

#bdc3ac 的色調調色板:
#bdc3ac 的色調調色板:
#bdc3ac 的補充調色板:
#bdc3ac 的三元調色板:
#bdc3ac 的方形調色板:
#bdc3ac 的類似調色板:
#bdc3ac 的拆分互補調色板:
#bdc3ac 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Jungle Moss #bdc3ac 用於調色板 (43)

Safforn Shipwreck, Prickly Pear, Neon Carrot, Chic Shade, Green Suede, Livery Green, Aquadulce, Aragonite Blue, Flood Out, Pandora, Byzant Mechrite Red, Tea Bag, Westminster, Golden Age Gilt, Mango Loco, Tea Leaf Mouse, Adamite Green, Midnight Pearl, Carol, Bohemian Bl Red Stop, Upstream Salmon, Cornwall Slate, Jungle Moss, Spring Storm, Light Red palette Bunglehouse Beige, Nut, Paddle Wheel, S'mores, Kiss Candy, Tool Green, Goldenrod Field, Hot Orange, Mindaro, Banana Ball, Cypress Red Bell Pepper, Matte Blue, Jungle Moss palette Library Oak, Cumquat Cream, Buddha's Love Handles, Golden Handshake, Botanical Garden, Phosphor Green, Christmas Ivy, Green Mana, Koala Bear, Jungle Moss, Wallis, Minty Frosting palette Rose Taupe, Jungle Moss palette Choco Biscuit, Himalaya Sky, Thunderstorm Blue, Petrichor Brown, Jungle Moss, Minified Lime, White Lily palette Ruddy, Army Canvas, Polished Leather, Mazarine Blue, Midnight in the Tropics, Cosmic Energy, Jungle Moss, Solstice palette Conker, Streusel Cake, Quiet Cove, Deep Current, Purple Cort, Jungle Moss palette Sorrel Leaf, Ammonite Fossil, Marine Tinge, Chatelle palette Gold Coast, Rubber Ducky, Veranda Green, Hadfield Blue, Classic Berry, Purplish Red, Scorched Earth, Corsican, Heirloom Orchid, Ho Magenta Red, Black Rose, Mistletoe Kiss, Monarchy, Jungle Moss palette Lioness, Meetinghouse Blue, Steel Blue Eyes, Slice of Watermelon palette Lush Garden, Mountain Blueberry, Treasure Map, Jungle Moss palette Dusky Orchid, Grey Olive, Cashmere Clay, Paloma Tan palette Vintage Violet, Pacific Bluffs, Jungle Moss, Soft Matte, Sashay Sand, Azure Sky palette Sabo Garden, Key to the City, Osprey palette Spiced Nutmeg, Morro Bay, Woodburn, Jungle King, Jungle Moss, Stylish, Vis Vis, Cheddar Corn, Angelico palette Rave Red, Taffy, Yellow Gold, Mega Teal, Crowberry, Unplugged, Midnight Clover, Court-Bouillon, Jungle Moss palette Salmon Buff, Endless, Royal Palm, Timid Sea, Sea Challenge, Verdant Forest, Ritual Experience, Voltage, Dark Pewter, Grey Clouds, Barberry, Mud Ball, Ground Nutmeg, Amberglow, Acapulco Sun, Field Blue, Precious Blue, Deep Lake, Salty Dog, Magic Carpet, Springt Gould Gold, Danish Pine, Slippery Salmon, Superior Blue, Faded Jeans, Erebus Blue, Jazlyn, Cartwheel, Mountain Pass, Antique Silve Shiny Gold, Eastern Blue, Pixie Powder, Fully Purple, Darkest Forest, Jungle Moss, Sidekick, Bright Lilac, Right as Rain, Just A T Whiskey Barrel, Damascene, Evening Glory, Olive Tree, Sienna Ochre, Jungle Moss palette Brainstorm Bronze, Smoldering Copper, Safflower Kite, Challah Bread, Woodland Brown, Jungle Moss, Almond Cream palette Necrophilic Brown, Flinders Green, Ticino Blue, Valentino Nero palette Green Cyan, Exotic Lilac palette Habitat, Lurid Lettuce, Shrinking Violet, Lemon Verbena, Illicit Purple palette Pink Piano, Shallot Leaf, Raindrop, Jungle Moss, Marker Pink, Mary Poppins, Light Sea-Foam palette Strawberry, Swamp Mausoleum, Heavy Siena, Opal Grey, Audition, Jungle Moss, Snowbell palette Assassin's Red, Gold Earth, Beechwood, Sephiroth Grey, Embellished Blue, Jungle Moss, Sideshow palette Gretna Green, Jungle Moss, Pale Lychee, Cool Concrete palette Ginger Flower, Ocean Blue, Thundercat, Garden Vista palette Paradise Landscape, Adirondack Blue, Spinnaker Blue, Cure All, Bella Pink, Raven’s Wing, Tumbling Tumbleweed palette Silver Willow Green, Coach Green, Frontier, Wolfram, Jungle Moss, Ultramint, Humble Blush, Light Carrot Flower palette Boston University Red, Carrot Cake, Queen of Gardens, Midnight Grey, Trapper Green, Brown, Jungle Moss palette Magic Malt, Gilded Leaves, Great Coat Grey, Saga Blue, Bashful Blue, Sapphire Lace, Meadow Violet palette Carmine Pink, Citron, Confederate palette Tuscan Red, Tatami Tan, Toffee Tart, There Is Light, Umbra, Jungle Moss, Stolen Kiss palette Banana Puree, Hammock, Queen of the Night, Dusty Rose, Dry Sea Grass, Jungle Moss, Chinook, Silver Springs palette

影像 Jungle Moss #bdc3ac 顏色 PNG