創建於 02/21/2023 19:45

#c58f94 十六進位 顏色 Dogwood Bloom 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#c58f94 RGB(197, 143, 148)

RGB 值是 RGB(197, 143, 148)
#c58f94 顏色包含 紅色的 77.25%, 綠色的 56.08% 和 藍色的 58.04%.

顏色名稱 #c58f94 十六進位 程式碼

Dogwood Bloom 顏色


#c58f94 是 光 和 溫暖的 顏色
Dogwood Bloom 相反的顏色是 #90c6c0

#c58f94 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #c58f94 Dogwood Bloom

hsl(354, 32%, 67%)
hsla(354, 32%, 67%, 1)
RGB(197, 143, 148)
RGBA(197, 143, 148, 1)

#c58f94 顏色的調色板:

以下是 #c58f94 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #140e0f,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f9f4f4

#c58f94 的色調調色板:
#c58f94 的色調調色板:
#c58f94 的補充調色板:
#c58f94 的三元調色板:
#c58f94 的方形調色板:
#c58f94 的類似調色板:
#c58f94 的拆分互補調色板:
#c58f94 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Dogwood Bloom #c58f94 用於調色板 (32)

Soft Difference Dogwood Bloom Scarlet Sage, Colonial Revival Stone, Brick-A-Brack, Turquoise Blue, Silver Blueberry, Primal Red, Walrus, Wall Green, Dogwood Blo Boat Anchor, Sable Brown, Cockatrice Brown, McNuke, April Fool's Red, Slate Blue, Xīpe Totēc Red, Dogwood Bloom, Just Rosey, Palis Futaai Indigo, Dogwood Bloom, Montezuma, Corinthian Pillar, Full Moon palette Woolen Mittens, Space Shuttle, Dogwood Bloom, Antique Petal palette Homeworld, Fuchsia Flourish, Dogwood Bloom, Tumbling Tumbleweed, Cherish the Moment, Nouvelle White palette Rufous, Fleshtone Shade Wash, Clover Patch, Dogwood Bloom, Bubbly Barracuda, Sky Splash palette Vagabond, Wet Coral, Lepton Gold, Alien Purple, Jimbaran Bay, Dogwood Bloom palette Cocoa Whip, Misted Yellow, Invigorate, Handsome Hue, Victorian Plum, Blue Tapestry, Bargeboard Brown palette Radioactive Eggplant, Nightshadow Blue, Dogwood Bloom, Pewter Tray palette Pesto, Red Endive, Lotti Red, Dogwood Bloom, Boxwood Yellow, Sultan Sand, Ashlin Grey palette King Crimson, Angel's Trumpet, Pine Garland, Dancing Jewel, Cyan, Paint the Sky, Medici Blue, Nettle palette Artisan Tile, Sweet Escape, Deep Lagoon, Drip Coffee, Dogwood Bloom, Canadian Voodoo Grey palette Vetiver, Pale Oyster, Bean Pot, Cellar Door, Mud House, Glazed Carrot, Lobster Butter Sauce, Sunshine Mellow, Stanford Green, Luna Orange Wood, Overjoy, Tibetan Yellow, Castaway Lagoon, Cerulean Frost, Sakura Night, Pageantry Purple, Pumpernickel Brown, Dogwood Decorous Amber, Water Park, Waterline Blue, Kuroi Black, Fly by Night, Flowing River, Dogwood Bloom, Filtered Forest, Campfire Ash Rio Red, Braid, Maturity, Night Thistle, Sixteen Million Pink, Blissful Berry, Russian Red, Major Brown, Lynx, Homestead Brown, Mi Alabama Crimson, Bat Wing, Alden Till, Angry Hornet, Succulent Leaves, Acid Lime, Green Venom, Lingonberry, Bavarian, Mink Brown p Mudbrick, Spirit Warrior, Imperial Blue, Baca Berry, Magic Metal, Moselle Green, Tol Barad Green, Hydrargyrum, Seeress, Dogwood Bl Rich Walnut, Rookwood Terra Cotta, Borderline, Blue Exult, Dogwood Bloom, Tender Waves, Twilight Grey palette Red Candle, Red Chalk, Mistletoe, Sea Lettuce, Van Gogh Green, Kemp Kelly, 3am Latte, Dogwood Bloom palette Verse Green, Celestial Alien, Royal Vessel, Fuchsia Felicity, Scarab, Tree of Life, Dogwood Bloom palette Leather Bound, Sweet Tea, Pool Tide, Macquarie, Raspberry Pink, Charcoal palette Blood Kiss, Doe, Buff Leather, Bronzed Orange, Ginger Flower, Blazing Autumn, Green Dynasty, Rampant Rhubarb palette Pickled, Trumpet, Red Mull, Bell Heather, Tokiwa Green, Lounge Leather, Italian Grape, Dromedary Camel palette Thai Ice Tea, Sunny Morning, Greenery, Sea Bed, Pacific Storm, Magenta Ink, Mud Pack, Dogwood Bloom palette Nugget, Golden Period, Clean Slate, Pineapple palette Sparkling Red, Plastic Carrot, Smoked Salmon, Shamrock Field, Stormy Strait Green, Pristine Seas, Delicioso palette Alden Till, Dancing Sea, Old Prune, Epink, Grey Heron, Mow the Lawn palette Vermilion, Brunswick Green, Pacific Queen, Cherrywood, Dogwood Bloom, Heifer, Constellation, Shell Ginger palette Mesmerize, Great Grape, Aqua Fresco, Old Rose, New Brick Red, Bunchberry, Beau Monde, Dogwood Bloom palette

影像 Dogwood Bloom #c58f94 顏色 PNG